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China may continue to reduce its holdings of United States debt, in a move to diversify its foreign reserve assets and ensure foreign exchange market stability amid the rising de-dollarization trend in international trade, experts said on Wednesday.8月16日,专家们表示,中国可能继续减持美债,以实现外汇储备资产的多元化,并在国际贸易去美元化趋势不断升温的情况下确保外汇市场的稳定。 Their comments came as the latest data from the US Treasury Department showed that as the second-biggest foreign holder of US Treasury securities, China cut its holdings for three consecutive months to $835.4 billion, as of the end of June, down $11.3 billion from May.美国财政部的最新数据显示,作为美国国债的第二大外国持有者,中国已连续三个月减持美国国债,截至6月底,中国持有的美国国债总额为8354亿美元,比5月份减少了113亿美元。 On the contrary, Japan and the United Kingdom—the largest and third-largest foreign holders of US debt, respectively—have both increased their holdings, Japan by $8.8 billion to more than $1.1 trillion and the UK by $11.9 billion to $672.3 billion.相反,分别是美债最大和第三大外国持有者的日本和英国都增持了美债,日本增持88亿美元,达到1.1万亿美元以上,英国增持119亿美元,达到6723亿美元。 "The proportion of US debt in China's foreign exchange reserves is expected to continue decreasing," said Tang Yao, an associate professor of applied economics at Peking University's Guanghua School of Management.北京大学光华管理学院应用经济系副教授唐遥说:“预计美债在中国外汇储备中的比重将继续下降。”This is because China needs to advance diversification in foreign reserves as it pursues diversification in foreign trade, Tang said, adding that Japan and the UK increased their US debt holdings due to the prospect of profits.唐遥认为,这是因为中国在追求对外贸易多元化的同时,需要推进外汇储备的多元化,日本和英国增持美债也是出于获利的考虑。 According to Yang Haiping, a researcher at the Central University of Finance and Economics' Institute of Securities and Futures, de-dollarization is expected to help safeguard international trade and investment if the US continues to abuse the dollar's hegemony status.中央财经大学证券期货研究所研究员杨海平认为,如果美国继续滥用美元霸权地位,去美元化将有助于维护国际贸易和投资。 Ye Yindan, a researcher at the Bank of China Research Institute, attributed China's reduction in US debt holdings partly to faltering global trust in the greenback amid geopolitical tensions including the Russia-Ukraine conflict.中国银行研究院研究员叶银丹认为,中国减持美债的部分原因是,在包括俄乌冲突在内的地缘政治紧张局势下,全球对美元的信任度下降。 "Many countries have been diversifying international portfolios, and it is difficult to determine if Japan and the UK will continue to increase their holdings later," Ye said.叶银丹表示:“许多国家一直在分散国际投资组合,现在还很难判断日本和英国以后是否会继续增持。” However, some experts said that economic conditions are the only reason behind China reducing its US debt holdings. They denied that China's move involved any geopolitical considerations.然而,一些专家表示,经济状况是中国减持美债的唯一原因。他们否认中国此举涉及任何地缘政治考虑。 Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said that China's export slowdown in recent months has already influenced its trade surplus, which will likely prompt foreign exchange authorities to take countermeasures.中国国际经济交流中心首席研究员张燕生说,中国最近几个月的出口放缓已经影响到其贸易顺差,这很可能促使外汇管理部门采取反制措施。 Jiang Xianling, executive president of the UIBE & CAITEC International Business Strategy Institute, said that China has been reducing its US debt holdings since the second half of last year as part of broader efforts to maintain stability of the foreign exchange reserve market.UIBE & CAITEC国际商业战略研究所执行所长蒋先玲说,中国自去年下半年以来一直在减持美债,这是为维护外汇储备市场稳定所做的更广泛努力的一部分。 Citing a sluggish external demand and supply challenges due to shutting down of many small businesses and export enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jiang said that tepid exports will narrow trade surplus this year.蒋先玲以外部需求不振和COVID-19疫情期间许多小企业和出口企业停产造成的供应挑战为由,表示出口不振将缩小今年的贸易顺差。That as well as the expanding US-China interest rate differential and the depreciation of the renminbi are major reasons that China needs to reduce its holdings of US assets, said Jiang, who is also a researcher at the Academy of China Open Economy Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.蒋先玲也是对外经贸大学国际经济贸易学院的研究员,她认为,中美利差扩大和人民币贬值是中国需要减持美国资产的主要原因。  Ye, the researcher with the BOC institute, said that China accounts for one-fourth of global foreign exchange reserves, and to well manage such a large-scale reserve, ensuring security, liquidity and appreciation of the reserve assets is the country's key goal as it seeks to advance its financial market opening-up amid external turmoil.中国银行研究院研究员叶银丹表示,中国外汇储备占全球外汇储备的四分之一,要管理好如此大规模的外汇储备,确保储备资产的安全性、流动性和增值性,是中国在外部动荡中推进金融市场对外开放的重要目标。 China is expected to proactively advance diversification in its reserves and make innovations in the management of the reserves, and continue to be a responsible long-term investor, Ye said.她表示,希望中国积极推进外汇储备多元化,创新外汇储备管理方式,继续做负责任的长期投资者。Holding英/ˈhəʊldɪŋ/美/ˈhoʊldɪŋ/n.股份;私有财产Hegemony英/hɪˈdʒeməni;ˈhedʒɪməni/ 美/hɪˈdʒeməniˌˈhedʒɪmoʊni/n.(尤指国家的)霸权