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China and Honduras will deepen their pragmatic cooperation in economy, trade, industrial capacity and infrastructure by fully harnessing each other's competitive advantages as part of their efforts to pursue common development and achieve win-win results, officials said on Sunday.6月11日,中国和洪都拉斯方面表示,中洪将充分利用双方的竞争优势,深化两国在经贸、产能和基础设施方面的务实合作,以谋求共同发展,实现双赢。They made the remarks in Beijing during the first China-Honduras high-level business meeting, which was held amid Honduran President Iris Xiomara Castro Sarmiento's first state visit to China after the two countries established diplomatic relations in March. Castro arrived on Friday and is scheduled to continue her state visit through Wednesday.洪都拉斯总统伊丽丝·希奥玛拉·卡斯特罗·萨缅托于6月9日抵达中国,计划9日至14日对中国进行国事访问。本次交流会是3月26日中国和洪都拉斯正式建交以来的首届高级别企业家交流会,恰逢洪都拉斯总统首次访华期间。来自中国和洪都拉斯的代表齐聚北京,出席中国—洪都拉斯高级别企业家交流会并发表讲话。Zhang Shaogang, vice-chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that given the two countries' diversity in resources and high economic complementarity, there is broad room for cooperation.中国贸促会副会长张少刚表示,两国资源禀赋不同,经济互补性强,双边合作前景广阔。According to Zhang, nearly 120 Chinese entrepreneurs from various fields such as foreign trade, engineering, finance, telecommunication and tourism were present at the meeting because they have a strong desire to expand cooperation with Honduran companies.张少刚介绍,本次会议吸引了来自外贸、工程、金融、电信、旅游等领域近120名中国企业家参加,企业家们表达了扩大与洪都拉斯企业合作的强烈愿望。Enterprises in the two countries should work together to promote entry of more high-quality Honduran products into the Chinese market, in order to foster more growth drivers and further boost two-way trade, he said.张少刚表示,两国企业共同努力,推动洪都拉斯更多优质产品进入中国市场,培育更多的增长动力,进一步促进双边贸易。Chinese enterprises should fully leverage their competitive advantages, such as capital, technology and management experiences, to scale up investment and cooperation in Honduras and facilitate local economic and social development, he said. Honduran enterprises are welcome to invest in China, he added.中国企业要充分发挥资金、技术、管理经验等竞争优势,扩大对洪投资合作,促进当地经济社会发展。同时中方也欢迎洪都拉斯企业来华投资。Infrastructure connectivity between the two countries will be enhanced, according to Zhang. Eligible Chinese firms will be encouraged to participate in the construction of infrastructure projects in Honduras, in order to enhance local employment opportunities, increase public welfare and advance sustainable growth, he said.中洪两国将加强基础设施的互联互通,中方将鼓励符合条件的中国企业参与洪都拉斯基础设施建设,带动当地就业,增加百姓福祉,促进可持续发展。Fredis Cerrato, minister of economic development of Honduras, said that with a population of 1.4 billion, China has a huge market potential and the size of its market is still rapidly growing. This will provide Honduran enterprises ample opportunities to bring their quality products to the Chinese market.洪都拉斯经济发展部部长弗雷迪斯·塞拉托表示,中国是一个有着14亿多人口的广阔市场,并且在不断快速发展。这为洪都拉斯企业将优质产品推向中国市场提供了充足的机会。Departments concerned will spare no efforts in facilitating more Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Honduras, especially in technology, communication and infrastructure, to help the country make fast progress, Cerrato said.塞拉托表示,洪都拉斯的有关部门将不遗余力地推动更多中国企业家赴洪都拉斯投资,特别是在科技、通讯、基础设施领域的投资,帮助洪方实现快速发展。The Honduran government will explore every possible means to create favorable conditions for enhancing the well-being of the two peoples and for promoting the development of both economies, he added.洪都拉斯政府将尽全力为增进两国人民福祉、促进双方经济发展创造有利条件。Experts said on Sunday that China and Honduras are at different stages of development, but with broad complementarity in their industrial structures, which bodes well for extensive economic cooperation and mutual benefits.专家表示,虽然中国和洪都拉斯处于不同的发展阶段,但两国产业结构互补性强,这预示两国将实现广泛的经济合作和互利共赢。Zhang Jianping, head of the Center for Regional Economic Cooperation at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said the economic growth of Honduras is primarily driven by its agricultural sector, highlighted by exports of farm produce such as coffee, banana, palm oil, cultivated shrimp, sugar and tobacco.中国国际贸易经济合作研究院区域经济合作中心主任张建平表示,农业是洪都拉斯经济增长的主要支柱,突出体现于咖啡、香蕉、棕榈油、养殖虾、糖和烟草等农产品的出口上。Bo Wenxi, chief economist at marketing firm Interpublic Group, said that for China, closer ties with Honduras will bring more diverse and quality agricultural products, and extend its economic exchanges with Latin American and Caribbean countries.埃培智集团中国首席经济学家柏文喜表示,对中国而言,深化与洪都拉斯的合作将为中国带来更多的种类丰富和优质的农产品,并扩大与拉美和加勒比国家的经济交流。For Honduras, the ties will mean tapping into the huge market potential of the world's second-largest economy, which will further boost its foreign trade and attract more investment from Chinese enterprises, Bo said.柏文喜说,对洪都拉斯而言,中洪关系的深化意味着洪都拉斯利用世界第二大经济体的巨大市场潜力,进一步促进对外贸易,吸引更多中国企业到洪投资。Honduras英 /hɔn'djuərəs/美 /hɔn'djuərəs/n. 洪都拉斯(拉丁美洲国家)Prospect英 /ˈprɒspekt/美 /ˈprɑːspekt/n. 前景Ties英 /taiz/美 /taiz/n. 关系,联系