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英语新闻|一系列措施保障安全考研Exam authorities and universities are making the final epidemic control preparations for the upcoming national postgraduate entrance exam, to ensure that all entrants can participate safely.考管部门和高校正在为即将到来的全国考研做最后的防疫准备,确保所有考生都能安全参加。The Ministry of Education, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Public Security and the National Administration of Disease Prevention and Control said on Wednesday that the utmost efforts will be required to make sure that the exam, which takes place from Saturday to Monday, runs smoothly.教育部、中央网信办、公安部和国家疾病预防控制总局周三(12月21日)表示,将尽最大努力确保从周六到周一的研究生考试运行顺利。Local authorities should prioritize offering nucleic acid tests to entrants and provide the results to entrants and test centers in a timely manner, according to a release from the Ministry of Education.根据教育部发布的消息,地方有关部门应优先为考生提供核酸检测,并及时将结果提供给考生和考点。The ministry said in an earlier notice that local authorities should set up separate exam centers for participants who have tested positive for COVID-19.该部在早些时候的通知中表示,地方当局应为新冠检测呈阳性的考生设立单独的考点。Entrants should wear masks before entering test centers and are advised to keep them on during the exam. Each test center will be equipped with masks, hand sanitizer and at least one medical worker, it said.考生在进入考点前应戴上口罩,并建议在考试期间佩戴口罩。每个测试中心都将配备口罩、洗手液和至少一名医务人员。Proper ventilation and disinfection steps should be taken before and after each exam, and local authorities can take extra precautions to minimize the risk of infection, it added.并且,每次考试前后都应采取适当的通风和消毒措施,地方当局可以采取额外的预防措施,以尽量减少感染的风险。Participants from a province or region other than where the test center is located and who would have difficulty returning can apply to take the exam in the region where they are now, the ministry said.考点所在地以外省份或地区考生返回困难的,可申请在所在地区参加考试。The Jiangsu province education examination authority had required that all test takers have a nucleic acid test on Tuesday and report their results to an online system before Wednesday.江苏省教育考试院要求所有考生在周二进行核酸检测,并在周三之前将结果报告给在线系统。Entrants who have tested positive for COVID and those who have a high temperature will take the test in separate centers, while test takers who had negative COVID test results but showed symptoms including fever, cough or fatigue should report to monitors immediately, the Jiangsu authority said.江苏省有关部门表示,新冠病毒检测呈阳性的考生和体温过高的考生将在不同的考点进行考试,而新冠病毒检测结果为阴性但出现发烧、咳嗽或疲劳等症状的考生应立即向监测员报告。Beijing Jiaotong University had asked test takers to monitor their health condition beginning on Monday and report nucleic acid test results or antigen test results before Tuesday.北京交通大学已要求考生从周一开始监测自己的健康状况,并在周二之前报告核酸检测结果或抗原检测结果。Entrants who tested positive or have COVID symptoms should wear N95 or KN95 masks during the exam, while others are also encouraged to wear masks, the university said.该大学表示,测试呈阳性或有新冠症状的考生应在考试期间佩戴N95或KN95口罩,同时也鼓励其他人佩戴口罩。The university has also arranged a separate canteen and places for test takers to take a nap during the exam.学校还专门安排了食堂和考生在考试期间小憩的地方。Zhou Xia, executive deputy dean of postgraduate studies at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, said 2,152 entrants are expected to take the exam at the university this year, which would be a record.北京建筑大学研究生院常务副院长周霞表示,今年预计将有2152名考生参加该大学的考试,这将是一个新记录。The university has set aside 11 test centers for 291 entrants who have tested positive for COVID-19, and it will ensure they remain separate from other test takers, she said.她说,该大学已经为291名新冠检测呈阳性的考生预留了11个考点,这将确保他们与其他考生分开考试。The university has also arranged for extra monitors for the exam and reminded them to take extra epidemic control precautions, Zhou said.周说,学校还为考试安排了额外的监考人员,并提醒他们采取额外的防疫措施。The university is equipped with enough epidemic control equipment. Each test center will be disinfected thoroughly twice a day, and the canteen will be disinfected once a day, she added.大学配备了足够的防疫设备。她补充说,每个考点将每天彻底消毒两次,食堂每天消毒一次。Jiang Fanxuan, 21, a senior student at Peking University, will take the exam at the university.21岁的北京大学大四学生姜凡轩将在本学校参加考试。All of the epidemic control measures will ensure the health and safety of test takers while also making sure that those who test positive for COVID can still take the exam, she said.她说,所有的流行病控制措施都将确保考生的健康和安全,同时确保新冠检测呈阳性的人仍然可以参加考试。She tested positive for COVID about 10 days ago but only had mild symptoms, so it has not affected her studies much, she said.她说,大约10天前,她的新冠检测呈阳性,但只有轻微症状,因此对她的学习影响不大。"Although nobody wants to get infected, getting it early can make sure I am healthy during the exam," she added.“虽然没有人想被感染,但早点感染可以确保我在考试期间保持健康,”她补充道。Jiang said the pressure of the exam is very high, and she stopped studying whenever she felt depressed. "I have cried secretly sometimes, and you can just get over the pressure by yourself."姜说,考试压力很大,心情低落的时候,她就停止学习了。“我有时候偷偷哭过,压力你自己熬过去就好了。”A total of 4.57 million people signed up for the exam this year, and experts believe the number will increase again next year.今年共有457万人报名参加考试,专家认为明年人数还会增加。Utmost英[ˈʌtməʊst];美[ˈʌtmoʊst]Adj. 最大的;极度的Ventilation 英[ˌventɪˈleɪʃn];美[ˌventɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n]n. 通风,换气Disinfection 英[ˌdɪsɪnˈfekʃn];美[ˌdɪsɪnˈfekʃn]n. 消毒