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英语新闻|冷空气带来大风降温沙尘雨雪A cold front is forecastto bring down temperatures in eastern and central China, leading to early snowand heavy rain.据预测,冷锋将降低中国东部和中部的气温,带来早雪和大雨。Temperatures are expected to drop by between 6 C to 10 C, and in someparts by 12 C, by Monday, according to the National  Meteorological  Center.中央气象台数据显示,10月10日气温预计将下降6摄氏度至10摄氏度,部分地区将下降12摄氏度。It will drop to 0 C in Shanxi, Hebei and Liaoning provinces. The InnerMongolia autonomous region is forecast to have snow and sandy weather fromSaturday on, the center said.在山西、河北和辽宁,气温将降至零度。中央气象台表示,内蒙古自治区预计从周六起将出现降雪和沙尘天气。The center issued a warning on Oct 2 for coldair — meaning a drop by more than 8 C a day, or more than 10 C in two days —the earliest since the warning system began in 2010.中央气象台在10月2日发布了寒潮预警,这意味着日最低气温24小时内下降8摄氏度及以上,或48小时内下降10摄氏度及以上。这是自2010年警报系统启动以来最早发布的寒潮预警。According to Qilu Evening News based inShandong, cold air during the holiday caused economic losses for tourism spotsin Weifang city.据山东《齐鲁晚报》报道,国庆期间的冷空气给潍坊市旅游景点造成了经济损失。Four days of rain stopped tourists fromsightseeing, caused traffic jams, and led to tourism site operators cancelingfestival shows.受四天持续降雨影响,观光游客大幅减少。雨水造成交通堵塞,许多景区的运营部门取消了国庆演出。Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the center,said that the cold air delivered an extremely rare plunge in temperatures nationwide over the past week.中央气象台首席预报员张涛说,过去一周里,冷空气使全国气温极端罕见地骤降。During the first three days of the NationalDay holiday, 610 national stations among the total of 2,400 broke records forhigh temperatures, he said.张涛称,国庆假期前三天共有610个国家级气象站(全国共有2400多个国家站)打破了10月上旬的历史最高气温纪录。For example, on Oct 3, Lu'an city in Anhuiprovince reached a high of 40.7 C, up 4.1 C from the previous record for theperiod.比如安徽六安,在10月3日冲到了40.7摄氏度的历史同期最高位,将之前的历史纪录提升了4.1摄氏度之多。Against this background, a round of strongcold air swept from north to south, causing huge drops in temperature that exceeded 20 C, he said.张涛表示,在此背景下,一轮强冷空气自北向南掠过,导致超过20度的大幅降温。Meteorological英[ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪkl]美[ˌmiːtiərəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l]adj.气象学的plunge英[plʌndʒ]美[plʌndʒ]n.(价值或数量的)骤然下跌Exceed英[ɪkˈsiːd]美[ɪkˈsiːd]v.超过,超出