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英语新闻|多地优化调整疫情防控政策Optimized rules include reduced testing, better medical access优化政策包括减少核酸检测,以及提供更好的医疗服务Several cities and provinces have recently optimized COVID-19 control measures concerning mass nucleic acid testing and medical services to minimize the impact on people and economic activity.一些城市和省份最近优化了有关大规模核酸检测和医疗服务的新冠肺炎防控措施,以尽量减少对居民和经济活动的影响。Starting on Monday, Shanghai will no longer require passengers to possess a negative nucleic acid test result when taking public transportation, including buses and subways, or when entering outdoor public spaces, according to an announcement made on Sunday afternoon.根据12月4日下午发布的公告,从12月5日开始,上海市将不再要求乘客在乘坐公共交通工具(包括公共汽车和地铁)或进入室外公共场所时,必须持有核酸检测阴性结果。The city is the latest to join other major Chinese cities in optimizing COVID-19 prevention and control measures to try to return normalcy to life and work following similar announcements by Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing.在北京、广州和重庆发布类似声明后,上海是最新公告优化新冠肺炎防控措施,以努力恢复正常生活和工作的城市。Beijing announced on Friday that from Monday, public transportation, including buses and subways, may not turn away passengers without proof of a negative test result taken within 48 hours.12月2日,北京宣布从12月5日起,包括公共汽车和地铁在内的公共交通工具不得拒载没有48小时内阴性检测结果证明的乘客。Certain groups, including the homebound, students studying online, infants and those working from home, are exempt from mass screening for COVID-19 if they do not need to go out.一些群体,包括在家上学的学生、在线学习的学生、婴儿和远程工作的人,如果不需要外出,则可以不参与大规模核酸筛查。However, people still need to show negative test results taken within 48 hours when entering public places such as supermarkets and shopping malls.不过,人们在进入超市和商场等公共场所时,仍需出示48小时内的阴性检测结果。In Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, people without COVID-19 symptoms, or who work in low-risk posts and those who do not intend to visit supermarkets or other places requiring proof of a negative test, are being asked not to get tested.在广东省省会广州市,没有新冠肺炎症状的人,或在低风险岗位工作的人,以及那些不前往超市或其他需要阴性检测证明的地方的人,都不需要接受检测。According to a notice issued on Sunday by Haizhu authorities, the district hardest hit by the latest outbreak in Guangzhou, only people working in high-risk posts such as express delivery, food take-away, hotels, transportation, shopping malls, construction sites and supermarkets are required to get tested.海珠区是广州疫情最严重的地区,根据海珠区政府12月4日发布的通知,只有在快递、外卖、酒店、交通、购物中心、建筑工地和超市等高风险岗位工作的人员需要接受检测。Several cities in Guangdong have also adjusted sampling strategies, with tests mainly targeting people in at-risk posts, or who work in key industries.广东的几个城市也调整了核酸采样策略,主要对风险岗位人员或重点行业工作人员进行检测。In Zhuhai, residents are required to pay for any tests they need starting from Sunday, according to a notice issued by the local government.在珠海,根据当地政府发布的一份通知,从12月4日开始,居民需要支付核酸检测的费用。Residents in Shenzhen will no longer be required to present test results when taking public transportation as long as their health code remains green, according to a notice issued by the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters on Saturday.根据当地疫情防控指挥部12月3日发布的通知,深圳居民在乘坐公共交通工具时,只要持绿色健康码,就不再需要出示检测结果。In Chongqing, residents of low-risk areas do not need to be tested. Test results are also not required to take public transport or enter low-risk residential areas.在重庆,低风险地区的居民不需要接受检测。乘坐公共交通工具或进入低风险居民区也不需要提供核酸检测结果。In addition to reducing tests, many cities are providing better public medical services.除了减少检测,许多城市正在提供更好的公共医疗服务。Starting on Saturday, residents in Beijing no longer need to register their personal information to purchase medicines for fever, coughs, sore throats or infections either online or in drugstores, according to the municipality's market supervision authority. Guangzhou made a similar announcement several days earlier.根据北京市市场监管部门,从12月3日开始,北京居民不再需要登记个人信息,就可以在网上或药店购买治疗发烧、咳嗽、喉咙痛或感染的药品。几天前,广州也发布了类似的公告。On Thursday, the capital government made it clear that medical service providers in Beijing may not turn away patients without a negative nucleic acid test taken within 48 hours.12月1日,北京政府明确表示,北京的医疗机构不得拒绝没有48小时核酸检测阴性证明的患者。The city's health commission said on Saturday that residents can also get access to healthcare and medical consultancy via an online platform relaunched recently by Beijing Medical Association, which is run by experts in eight specialties including respiratory issues, infectious diseases, geriatrics, pediatrics and psychology. Beijing authorities have also mandated that makeshift hospitals ensure that patients are discharged safely, effectively and in an orderly manner.北京市卫健委12月3日表示,居民还可以通过北京医学会最近推出的在线平台获得医疗保健和医疗咨询服务。北京医学会由呼吸问题、传染病、老年病、儿科和心理学等八个专业的专家运营。北京政府还要求方舱医院保障治愈患者安全、有效、有序地出院。The staff at makeshift hospitals will provide recovered patients with documentation to ensure they are readmitted by their residential communities.方舱医院的工作人员将为康复患者提供文件,以确保他们可返回居住地社区。As control measures are relaxed, shopping malls and department stores in cities including Beijing, Chongqing and Guangzhou have been gradually reopening, although most restaurants still only offer takeout service.随着防控措施的放松,北京、重庆和广州等城市的购物中心和百货商店已逐步重新开放,尽管大多数餐馆仍然只提供外卖服务。The Grand Bazaar pedestrian street in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, and skiing resorts in the region also reopened on Sunday.新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐的大巴扎步行街和该地区的滑雪场也于12月4日重新开放。nucleic英 [njuːˈkleɪɪk]  美 [nuːˈkliːɪk; nuːˈkleɪɪk]adj.核的exempt英 [ɪɡˈzempt]  美 [ɪɡˈzempt]adj.被免除……的municipality 英 [mjuːˌnɪsɪˈpæləti]  美 [mjuːˌnɪsɪˈpæləti]n.市政当局