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英语新闻︱英国将迎来首位印度裔首相 The United Kingdom's former finance minister Rishi Sunak has won the race to replace Prime Minister Liz Truss on Monday.周一,英国前财政部长里希·苏纳克赢得了接任利兹·特拉斯总理之位的竞争。Sunak triumphed after fellow leadership hopeful Penny Mordaunt withdrew after failing to secure the backing of the 100 Conservative Party members of Parliament she needed to remain in the race. It was a benchmark she had to pass by 2 pm on Monday if she was to remain a contender.由于保守党领袖佩妮·莫道特因未能获得继续竞选所需的100名保守党议员的支持而退出选举,苏纳克成功当选。如果佩妮希望继续参选,她必须在周一下午2点前拿到这些选票。After being declared winner of the leadership battle, Sunak was set to address lawmakers in Parliament later on Monday for the first time as national leader.赢得领导权之争后,苏纳克定于周一晚些时候将以国家领导人的身份在议会发表讲话。Earlier, Sunak got a boost when former prime minister Boris Johnson withdrew from the battle, saying it was "simply not the right time "for him to seek reelection and urging his backers to get behind Sunak.早些时候,前首相鲍里斯·约翰逊退出竞选,他称现在不是寻求连任的“正确时机”,并敦促他的支持者拥护苏纳克。The Guardian newspaper said several high-profile Johnson supporters did just that, with former home secretary Priti Patel and Cabinet ministers James Cleverly and Nadhim Zahawi, throwing their weight behind Sunak, who went head-to-head with Truss in the previous leadership battle just weeks ago.《卫报》称,约翰逊的几位高调支持者就是这么做的。几周前,当苏纳克在领导权之争中与特拉斯正面交锋时,前内政大臣普里蒂·帕特尔和内阁部长詹姆斯·克莱弗利和纳迪姆·扎哈维都是苏纳克的支持者。Back then, despite Sunak being popular among lawmakers from the ruling Conservative Party, rank-and-file members ultimately chose Truss.虽然当时苏纳克在执政党保守党议员中很受欢迎,但普通议员最终还是选择了特拉斯。After 44 disastrous days in charge, Truss announced her resignation last week.在44天灾难般的执政之后,特拉斯于上周宣布辞职。Jeremy Hunt, who replaced controversial chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng days before Truss' resignation, wrote in the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the UK needs financial stability now, above all else.杰里米·亨特在特拉斯辞职前几天接替了备受争议的财政大臣夸西·科沃滕,他在《每日电讯报》上撰文道,英国现在最需要的是金融稳定。"To restore stability and confidence, we need a leader who can be trusted to make difficult choices," he wrote. "We have a leader who can do just that in Rishi Sunak."“为了恢复稳定和信心,我们需要一个可以信任的领导人来做出艰难的选择,”他写道。“有一位领导人可以做到这一点,那就是里希·苏纳克。”记者:Earle Galebenchmark英[ˈbentʃmɑːk];美[ˈbentʃmɑːrk]n. 基准high-profile英[ˌhaɪ ˈprəʊfaɪl];美[ˌhaɪ ˈproʊfaɪl]adj. 高调的chancellor英[ˈtʃɑːnsələ(r)];美[ˈtʃænsələr]n. 财政大臣