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英语新闻|中国将发射神舟十五号飞船China will launch the three astronauts of theShenzhou XV mission to the space station on Tuesday night, according to aprogram official.据项目负责人称,中国将于11月29日晚将神舟十五号任务的三名宇航员送入空间站。Ji Qiming, assistant director of the China Manned Space Agency, said ata news conference on Monday morning at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center innorthwestern China that the crew members — Major General Fei Junlong, SeniorColonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu — are scheduled to ride on boardthe Shenzhou XV spacecraft that will be lifted by a Long March 2F carrierrocket at 11:08 pm from the Jiuquan center in the barren Gobi Desert.神舟十五号载人飞行任务新闻发布会11月28日在酒泉卫星发射中心举行。中国载人航天工程新闻发言人季启明在会上表示,飞行乘组由航天员费俊龙、邓清明和张陆组成。神舟十五号载人飞船由长征二号F运载火箭瞄准北京时间11月29日 23 时 08 分发射,从戈壁沙漠酒泉中心升空。The rocket will soon be filled with propellants at the service tower, according to the official.季启明说,执行此次发射任务的长征二号F遥十五火箭即将开始推进剂加注。The Shenzhou XV crew is to stay inside the Tiangong space station forsix months and is scheduled to return to Earth in May. They will carry outthree to four spacewalks during the mission to mount equipment outside thestation, he said.神舟十五号航天员将在天宫空间站工作生活六个月,计划于5月返回地球。季启明说,在任务期间,他们将进行三到四次太空行走,在舱外安装有关设备。Their major tasks include unlocking, installing and testing 15scientific cabinets; conducting more than 40 scientific experiments andtechnological demonstrations; and carrying out six cargo orbital deploymentoperations, Ji said.季启明表示,他们的主要任务包括完成15个科学实验机柜解锁、安装与测试,进行40余项空间科学实验与技术试验,并与地面协同完成6次货物出舱任务。Fei's team will make the first in-orbit shift with the three ShenzhouXIV crew members, who have been orbiting the mother planet for nearly sixmonths. The Shenzhou XIV astronauts are expected to fly back to a landing sitein the Inner Mongolia autonomous region within a week following the ShenzhouXV's arrival, the official noted.季启明称,费俊龙的团队将与神舟十四号的三名宇航员一起实现航天员乘组首次在轨轮换,神舟十四号的宇航员已经围绕母行星运行了近六个月。神舟十四号航天员乘组计划于一周内完成在轨轮换任务,返回位于内蒙古自治区的着陆场。Ji also said that several nations have proposed to China that they wishto send their astronauts to the Tiangong space station. China is negotiatingwith relevant parties on this matter and is actively preparing training workfor foreign astronauts, he said.季启明表示,已有多个国家向中国提出了选派航天员参与中国空间站飞行任务的需求,中国与相关方面也正在开展对接协调,同时,也在积极进行培训国外航天员的相关准备工作。Currently, the Tiangong station consists of the Tianhe core module, theWentian and Mengtian lab modules, the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft as well as therecently arrived Tianzhou 5 cargo ship.目前,天宫站由天和核心舱、问天和梦天实验室舱、神舟十四号飞船以及最近抵达的天舟五号货运飞船组成。With an overall weight of nearly 100 metric tons, Tiangong is one of thelargest space-based infrastructure mankindhas ever built and deployed in outer space. It is expected to operate in alow-Earth orbit about 400 kilometers above the ground for about 10 years andwill be open to foreign astronauts in the near future, space officials havesaid.天宫的总重量接近100吨,是人类有史以来在外太空建造和部署的最大的天基基础设施之一。航天官员表示,预计它将在距地面约400公里的近地轨道上运行约10年,并将在不久的将来向外国宇航员开放。Propellants英 [prəˈpelənt]  美  [prəˈpelənt]n.喷射剂Module英 [ˈmɒdjuːl]  美  [ˈmɑːdʒuːl]n.(机器、建筑物等的)组件Infrastructure 英 [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)]  美 [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər]n.基础设施