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The export volume of sports products in Yiwu, Zhejiang province reached 5.02 billion yuan ($703 million) in the first half of this year, up 42.3 percent yearly.今年上半年,浙江义乌体育用品出口额达到50.2亿元人民币(7.03亿美元),同比增长42.3%。Thanks to the continuous international sports events such as the European Cup and the Paris Olympic Games, business opportunities for sports products in Yiwu have soared. The number of relevant shops in the Yiwu International Trade City has increased to over 800. And the number of foreign buyers and orders increased significantly.今年,欧洲杯、巴黎奥运会等体育赛事接踵而至,为义乌体育用品行业带来商机。义乌国际商贸城三区相关店铺数量增至800多家,外籍采购商数量、下单量明显增多。Among all categories, orders in sports products, such as basketball, football, volleyball and others surged.其中,篮球、足球、排球等体育用品订单猛涨。According to the official data, Yiwu's exports to France reached 540 million yuan in the first two months of 2024, up 42 percent year-on-year, of which exports of sports equipment increased by 70.5 percent year-on-year.官方数据显示,2024年1、2月,义乌对法国出口额达5.4亿元人民币,同比增长42%,其中运动器材出口同比增长70.5%。While absent from the arenas of the ongoing Paris Olympics, Chinese merchants are flexing their muscles on other stages, contributing to the event's sporty, joyful and inclusive ambiance.尽管缺席了此次巴黎奥运会,中国商人们在世界各大舞台上展示中国制造,为赛事的运动性、欢乐性和包容的氛围做出贡献。Made-in-China products, renowned for their superior quality at reasonable prices, have once again made their mark during the Games.中国制造的产品以其高性价比而闻名,再次在奥运会期间留下了印记。 According to data released by the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee, 80 percent of the Phryges, the mascots of the Games, are manufactured in China. Chinese manufacturers are also dominating the market for sports derivatives such as binoculars, cheering sticks and fan scarves.巴黎奥组委公布了2024年巴黎夏季奥运会吉祥物“弗里吉”(The Phryges)。中国制造商在望远镜、加油棒和球迷助威围巾等运动衍生品市场上也占据主导地位。"Many of my friends selling cheering sticks have received bulk orders for the Paris Olympics. Most of the orders were delivered to overseas markets last month," said Chen Shaomei, a merchant from the eastern Chinese city of Yiwu, also dubbed "the world's supermarket." 有着“世界超市”之称的义乌国际商贸城的陈绍美说:“我很多卖加油棒的朋友都收到了巴黎奥运会的大批订单,都是7月运往海外的。” The high quality of made-in-China products also received an unexpected endorsement from a veteran Western reporter covering the Games.中国制造的高质量产品也得到了一位报道奥运会的西方记者的认可。The reporter, who still uses a backpack for media professionals from the 2008 Beijing Olympics, praised the durability and functionality of the product. His remarks have led to soaring e-commerce sales for the Chinese producer's related products.这位记者至今仍在使用2008年北京奥运会媒体人士的背包,他称赞了其耐用性和功能性,也使相关产品的线上销售额飙升。Chinese local governments are also intensifying their city-branding efforts this year, which marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism.今年是中法建交60周年,也是中法文化旅游年。Guizhou, a scenic province in southwest China that gained attention in the sports world with thrilling football games played by villagers, launched a captivating photo exhibition at some metro stations in Paris.中国西南部以风景闻名的贵州也在巴黎四个地铁枢纽举办了贵州图片展,其中一张照片记录了村民们举行足球比赛,该照片在体育界引起了关注。"Walking in Paris, one can run into China countless times," the country's tourism office in Paris said on its WeChat account.中国驻巴黎旅游办事处在微信公众号上发表“走在巴黎,数次与中国相遇。”China-France Year of Culture and Tourismn.中法文化旅游年