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China's new ambassador arrives in US英语新闻|中国新任驻美大使谢锋抵美履新Xie Feng, the new Chinese ambassador to the United States, arrived in New York on Tuesday, promising to safeguard the interests of China and enhance bilateral exchange.5月23日,中国新任驻美大使谢锋抵达纽约,他承诺捍卫中国利益,加强中美双边交流。"As a representative of the Chinese people, I have come here to safeguard the interests of China, and I take this as my sacred responsibility. As an envoy of the Chinese people, I have come here to enhance China-US exchanges and cooperation, and I take this as my important mission," Xie said to Chinese and foreign media at John F. Kennedy International Airport.谢锋美国纽约肯尼迪国际机场对中外媒体表示:“我是中国人民的代表,为了捍卫中国利益而来,这是我的神圣职责。我是中国人民的使者,为了增进中美交流合作而来,这是我的重要使命。”Upon arrival, Xie was greeted by Xu Xueyuan, charge d'affaires of the Chinese embassy in Washington; Consul General in New York Huang Ping, and other Chinese diplomats in the US.谢锋抵达后,受到中国驻美国大使馆临时代办徐学渊、驻纽约总领事黄屏等中国驻美外交官的迎接。Xie is the 12th Chinese ambassador to the US. Prior to his ambassadorship, he was Chinese vice-foreign minister. His predecessor in Washington, Qin Gang, who is now state councilor and foreign minister, completed his tenure and returned to China in January.谢锋是第十二任中国驻美大使,出使美国之前任中国外交部副部长。此前担任驻美大使的是国务委员兼外交部长秦刚,他在1月结束任期并返回中国。"I am greatly honored to be appointed by President Xi Jinping as the 12th Chinese ambassador to the United States," Xie said.谢锋说:“很荣幸受习近平主席委派,出任中国第十二任驻美国大使。”"At present, the China-US relationship is faced with serious difficulties and challenges. My appointment means to me not only honor, but also enormous responsibilities. My colleagues and I will carry out our responsibilities and live up to our mission with diligence and fortitude," the ambassador said.谢锋说:“当前,中美关系遭遇严重困难,面临严峻挑战,我既感到使命光荣,更感到责任重大。我和我的同事们将迎难而上,担当尽责,不辱使命。”President Xi has put forward the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, which represent the fundamental and right way for the two countries to get along with each other in the new era, Xie said.谢锋说,习近平主席提出了相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢三条原则,这是新时期中美正确相处的治本之道。"We hope that the United States will move in the same direction with China and act in the common interests of the two peoples and the world, properly handling important and sensitive issues, such as the Taiwan question in accordance with the principles in the three Sino-US joint communiques," he said.他说:“我们希望美方与中方相向而行,从两国和世界人民的共同利益出发,朝着这个方向共同努力,按照中美三个联合公报的原则妥善处理台湾等重要敏感问题。”Xi urged the United States to work with China to enhance dialogue, manage differences and promote cooperation, so as to bring China-US relations back to the right track, Xie said.谢锋说,习近平主席敦促美方与中方共同努力,加强对话、管控分歧、推进合作,争取中美关系回归正轨。"It's been 13 years since I last worked in the United States. Over the past 13 years, the world has gone through great changes, and so has the United States," said Xie.谢锋表示:“我上次在美国工作还是13年前。13年来,世界发生了很大变化,美国也发生了很大变化。”"During my posting, I look forward to engaging extensively with the American people from all walks of life, observing and hearing about the country at a close distance, and exploring ways to deepen exchanges and cooperation, he said.谢锋说:“在接下来的日子里,我期待与美国各界人士广泛接触,近距离观察和认识美国,同时探讨推进交流与合作。”"I also look forward to making friends with the media and people from other sectors. Let us work together to contribute to China-US relations with insights and actions and courage and grit."“我也期待着与包括媒体在内的各界人士成为朋友,大家一起为中美关系思与行、鼓与呼。”Ambassador英/æmˈbæsədə(r)/ 美/æmˈbæsədər/n.大使Bilateral英/ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/ 美/ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/adj.双方的