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The Shenzhou XV mission crew, who are now inside the Tiangong space station, are scheduled to carry out their first spacewalk soon, according to the China Manned Space Agency.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,神舟十五号航天员乘组将于近日择机执行第一次出舱活动。The agency said in a brief news release on Wednesday afternoon the Shenzhou XV astronauts — mission commander Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu — had lived inside the station for 70 days as of Wednesday and were in a good mood.中国载人航天工程办公室在2月8日下午的新闻发布会上说,截至2月8日,神舟十五号宇航员——任务指挥官费俊龙少将、邓清明大校和张陆大校——已在空间站内生活了70天,状态良好。"The Tiangong space station is in stable condition. All necessary elements for extravehicular activity have been in place. The 'dream-chasing' crew are about to make their first spacewalk," the release said.新闻称,“天宫空间站目前状况稳定。舱外活动的所有必要要素都已就位。‘圆梦乘组’即将首次漫步太空。”Sources close to the Tiangong program said two astronauts in the crew are expected to install and fine-tune equipment outside the massive station, adding this will be challenging because this will be the first time for them to fly out of a spacecraft.天宫计划相关的消息人士称,机组中的两名宇航员预计将在大型空间站外安装和微调设备,具有一定挑战性,因为这将是他们第一次飞出航天器。Fei's team arrived at the station on Nov 30. They are scheduled to stay until May, when they will be relieved by the crew of Shenzhou XVI.费俊龙等航天员乘组于11月30日进驻空间站。按照计划,他们将停留到5月份,届时神舟16号将接替他们的工作。Shenzhou XV marks Fei's return to space after a 17-year wait. The 57-year-old veteran was part of the Shenzhou VI flight in October 2005.神舟十五号标志着费飞龙在等待17年后重返太空。这位57岁的元老在2005年10月是神舟六号飞行的一员。This marks the first space journey for both Deng, 56, and Zhang, 46. Deng is the last serving member of China's first group of astronauts to take part in a spaceflight while Zhang had been the only one in the second generation without spaceflight experience before the mission.这次任务对56岁的邓清明和46岁的张陆而言都是第一次太空之旅。邓清明是中国第一批宇航员中最后一位参加太空飞行的现役成员,而张陆是第二代宇航员中唯一一位在执行任务前没有太空飞行经验的航天员。The Shenzhou XV crew are tasked with staying in orbit for six months to carry out a number of assignments, such as conducting spacewalks to mount equipment outside the station, installing and testing scientific cabinets and conducting scientific experiments and technological demonstrations, mission officials have said.特派员说道,神舟十五号机组人员的任务是在轨道上停留六个月,执行多项任务,如进行太空行走,在空间站外安装设备,安装和测试科学机柜,进行科学实验和技术演示。As one of the largest ever space-based assets, the Tiangong station now consists of the Tianhe core module, the Wentian and Mengtian science capsules, the Shenzhou XV spacecraft and the Tianzhou 5 cargo ship.作为有史以来最大的太空资产之一,天宫站现由天河核心舱、问天和梦天实验舱、神舟十五号飞船和天舟五号货运飞船组成。It has an overall weight of nearly 100 metric tons and is expected to operate in orbit for about 10 years and will be open to foreign astronauts in the near future.它的总重量接近100公吨,预计将在轨道上运行约10年,并将在不久的将来向外国宇航员开放。Crew英 [kruː]      美 [kruː]n.全体工作人员Extravehicular英[ˌekstrəvi:'hɪkjələ]美[ˌekstrəvi'hɪkjələ]adj.太空船外的Veteran英 [ˈvetərən]        美 [ˈvetərən]n. 老兵