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The internationalization of the renminbi is gathering momentum, and such a trend will help facilitate China's further opening-up and encourage the country's global trade and investment, scholars and analysts said.学者和分析人士指出,人民币国际化水平总体呈现增长趋势,这将有助于推动中国进一步对外开放,并促进中国的全球贸易和投资。Their remarks came after global financial messaging platform Swift announced on Thursday that the RMB's share in global payments had increased for five consecutive months to 2.77 percent in June, the highest level since January 2022 when the share was 3.2 percent.此前,环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)于7月20日宣布,人民币在全球支付中的份额已连续五个月增长,6月份达到2.77%,这是自2022年1月以来的最高水平,当时的份额为3.2%。The RMB's share stood at 2.54 percent in May, Swift said, adding that the Chinese currency has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value.根据SWIFT最新发布数据,人民币在今年5月份的份额为2.54%,保持着全球第五大最活跃货币的位置。As of the end of 2022, the Renminbi Internationalization Index increased by 18.08 percent from the previous year and is maintaining a long-term upward trend, a research report released on Saturday by the International Monetary Institute at the Renmin University of China showed.根据中国人民大学国际货币研究所7月22日发布的《人民币国际化报告2023》,截至2022年底,人民币国际化指数较上年增长了18.08%,波动向上趋势不变。Speaking on Saturday at a forum held in Beijing, Chen Yulu, president of Nankai University, said the RMB is gaining momentum in its level of internationalization, and "is expected to become the most dynamic and promising global high-quality public product".7月22日,在北京举行的一个论坛上,南开大学校长陈雨露表示,人民币国际化水平总体呈现长期增长趋势,“并且人民币有望成为最具活力、最具有潜力的全球优质公共产品。”Noting that the RMB has become one of the major international currencies, Chen said that efforts are necessary on three fronts to strengthen its globalization further.陈雨露指出,人民币已成为继美元、欧元后的第三大国际货币,人民币要与美元、欧元等量齐观,需要构建三大条件。A modern industrial system that is underpinned by the real economy should be completed, he said.他认为,一是要基本完成以实体经济为支撑的中国现代化产业体系的建设。"Progress is also needed in deepening financial market reforms and in the establishment of infrastructure for RMB globalization. In addition, there must be a high level of balance between the institutional opening-up of China's financial system and its risk control," he said.他还表示:“二是我国金融市场的深化和人民币国际化的基础设施建设要取得长足进步;三是中国金融体系的制度性开放与风险控制体系之间要实现高阶平衡。”Global challenges, such as the impact of the pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, have made the problem of insufficient international currency supply more urgent, Chen said.陈雨露指出,疫情和地缘政治的冲突等全球性挑战,使国际货币供给缺口的问题进一步地激化。"The internationalization of the RMB offers emerging markets and developing economies a new option, and also drives the international monetary system toward a direction of diversified competition. This will, in turn, enhance global economic stability," he said.“人民币国际化为广大新兴市场和发展中经济体提供了国际支付货币和储备货币的新增选项,并推动国际货币格局朝着多元竞争、相互制衡的多极化方向前进,增加了世界经济的稳定性。”On Thursday, the People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, adjusted several rules to allow businesses to borrow more overseas, opening up the door for more foreign capital inflow.上周四,中国人民银行对几项规定进行了调整,允许企业更多地在境外贷款,为更多外国资本流入打开了大门。The macro-prudential adjustment parameter — a multiplier that decides the upper limit of outstanding cross-border financing available to corporates and financial institutions — was revised from 1.25 to 1.5, effective immediately, according to the PBOC.据中国人民银行表示,宏观审慎调节参数——即决定企业和金融机构可获得的跨境融资余额上限的乘数——已从1.25上调至1.5,并立即生效。Wang Fang, deputy dean of the School of Finance at Renmin University of China, said that global trade and investment cooperation is a viable way for RMB internationalization.中国人民大学财政金融学院副院长王芳表示,作为我国实现高质量发展和人民币国际化的有效路径,国际经贸合作可以促进经济一体化和成员国经济金融发展。She suggested that RMB internationalization be steadily promoted via various levels of economic and trade cooperation, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, and that conditions for RMB transaction be promptly improved.她认为国际经贸合作的推动可以从以下方面入手:积极推动《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》框架下的资源整合和产业链重构,优化人民币在区域内使用条件。Eddie Yue, chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, said that currently, businesses across the world are seeking risk diversification in a highly uncertain macroeconomic environment, which might boost demand for the renminbi.香港金融管理局总裁余伟文表示,在非常不明朗的全球经济环境下,大部分机构都在分散资产的风险,而中国资产或许是很好的可以分散风险的资产。Also, while central banks in major economies have significantly raised interest rates, China's comparatively low interest rates have bolstered the RMB's attractiveness as an international financing currency, he said.他还表示,与主要经济体的央行大幅提高利率相比,中国相对较低的利率增加了人民币作为国际融资货币的吸引力。On Friday, the central parity rate of the RMB strengthened 10 pips to 7.1456 against the dollar, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System.7月21日,根据中国外汇交易中心的数据,人民币对美元汇率中间价上涨10个点至7.1456。Globalization英/ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/美/ˌɡloʊbələˈzeɪʃn/n.全球化Diversification英/daɪˌvɜːsɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/美/daɪˌvɜːrsɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/n.新产品的开发,多样化经营