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China will make Fujian province, which faces the island of Taiwan across the sea, a demonstration zone for the integrated development across the Taiwan Strait, according to a circular released on Tuesday.根据9月12日发布的一份通知,中国将把与台湾隔海相望的福建省打造成为两岸融合发展的示范区。The move is aimed at deepening cross-Strait integrated development in all fields and advancing the peaceful reunification of the motherland, said the document jointly issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council.中共中央和国务院联合发布的文件称,此举旨在深化两岸各领域融合发展,推进祖国和平统一进程。Fujian, situated on China's southeast coast, should leverage its distinctive advantages and harness a variety of resources to further enhance integrated cross-Strait development, the circular said.文件称,福建地处中国东南沿海,应充分发挥福建对台独特优势和先行示范作用,善用各方资源,深化融合发展。It said policies and systems will be optimized to promote the well-being of Taiwan compatriots and ensure they enjoy equal treatment as their mainland counterparts.意见指出,始终尊重、关爱、造福台湾同胞,完善增进台湾同胞福祉和享受同等待遇的政策制度。The objective, said the circular, is to make Fujian the first-choice destination for Taiwan residents and enterprises to pursue development on the mainland. The province will see more convenient personnel exchanges with Taiwan when the demonstration zone is built, it added.意见指出,工作目标是两岸融合发展示范区基本建成,福建作为台胞台企登陆第一家园的效应充分显现。示范区建成后,闽台人员往来将更加便捷。The circular added that the pair cities of Xiamen and Jinmen, and Fuzhou and Matsu will play an even more prominent role than now in promoting cross-Strait integrated development.厦门与金门、福州与马祖融合发展示范效应不断显现,平潭综合实验区对台融合作用充分发挥。The document listed 21 specific measures for building the zone, including steps to facilitate Taiwan compatriots to live in Fujian. The occasions on which Taiwan residents would be able to use their residence permits will be expanded, striving to make the social application of these residence permits as convenient as mainland ID cards.文件列出了建设台胞台企登陆第一家园的21项具体措施,其中包括便利台胞在闽生活,扩大台湾居民居住证身份核验应用范围,努力实现台湾居民居住证与大陆居民身份证社会面应用同等便利。Efforts will be made to deepen industrial cooperation between the two sides and help agriculture, fisheries and small and medium-sized enterprises from Taiwan to develop in Fujian, the document stated.文件指出,将努力深化两岸产业合作,促进台湾农渔业和中小企业在闽发展。Universities and research institutes in Fujian will expand their enrollment of Taiwan students, and children of Taiwan compatriots are welcome to go to public schools in Fujian, it said.文件说,将对台胞子女在闽中小学和公立幼儿园就读实行“欢迎就读、一视同仁、就近入学”的政策。支持福建高校和科研院所通过多种方式扩大招收台湾学生规模。As the nearest mainland province to Taiwan, Fujian sees a lot of people coming from Taiwan, and it takes the lead on the mainland in accommodating Taiwan people.作为距离台湾最近的大陆省份,福建有大量来自台湾的人员,在接纳台湾人方面走在大陆前列。Attracted by better work opportunities in Fujian, Lu Ying-chih, a transportation engineer from Taiwan, moved to Fuzhou, the provincial capital, in 2011 through a talent program to teach at Fujian University of Technology.在福建更好的工作机会的吸引下,来自台湾的交通工程师吕英志于2011 年通过人才计划来到省会福州,在福建理工大学任教。"Unlike in the past, when it was mainly Taiwan business people who came to the mainland to invest, now more young people want to work in the mainland," Lu said.吕英志说:“与过去主要是台商来大陆投资不同,现在有更多的年轻人希望到大陆工作。”Even though there is still room for improvement, Taiwan people living in Fujian enjoy a lot of convenience such as in buying train tickets and registering for marriage, thanks to related policies, he said.他说:“尽管仍有改进的空间,但由于相关政策的出台,在福建生活的台湾人在购买火车票和登记结婚等方面享受到了很多便利。”Yang Yizhou, vice-chairman of the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, said the deepening of cross-Strait integration has provided tangible benefits to Taiwan compatriots.中华全国台湾同胞联谊会副会长杨毅周表示,两岸融合的深化给台湾同胞带来了实实在在的好处。"Many Taiwan compatriots come to the mainland to work, study, and start businesses, and many have found new opportunities, initiated careers, and settled down happily on the mainland," Yang said.“许多台湾同胞来大陆工作、学习、创业,许多台湾同胞在大陆找到了新的机会、开创了事业、安居乐业。”He said deepening cross-Strait integration is also fundamental to maintaining peace across the Strait, and achieving peaceful reunification of the two sides.他表示:“深化两岸融合也是维护两岸和平、实现两岸和平统一的根本。”The process of integration in various fields can help resolve misunderstandings, eliminate confrontations, and constantly enhance understanding between compatriots on both sides, he added.他补充说,各领域的融合进程有助于化解误解、消除对立,不断增进两岸同胞的了解。Integration英/ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/n.结合,融合Reunification英/ˌriːˌjuːnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ 美/ˌriːˌjuːnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/n.重新统一