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英语新闻|送别江泽民同志The nation was in deep sorrow on Monday as it said a final farewell to Jiang Zemin, with top leaders, family members and thousands of people paying tribute in Beijing to the former Chinese leader, who passed away in Shanghai on Wednesday at the age of 96.前国家领导人江泽民同志于上周三在上海逝世,享年96岁。周一,举国上下沉浸在深深的悲痛之中。最高领导人、江泽民同志家属和成千上万的群众一起在北京向江泽民同志表达敬意。President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders bade farewell to Jiang and escorted his remains to Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing for cremation on Monday, as people in the capital lined the streets along the route of the cortege in honor of the late Chinese leader.周一,国家主席习近平和其他国家领导人为江泽民同志送别,并护送江泽民同志的遗体到八宝山革命公墓火化。首都民众在沿途的街道上排起长队,悼念这位已故的国家领导人。Xi and other leaders paid their solemn tribute to Jiang at the Chinese PLA General Hospital, where a black banner reading "Eternal glory to Comrade Jiang Zemin "and a large portrait of Jiang were displayed.习近平主席和其他领导人前往中国人民解放军总医院隆重悼念江泽民同志。中国人民解放军总医院告别室上方悬挂着黑底白字横幅,上面写着:“江泽民同志永垂不朽”,横幅下方正中是江泽民同志的大幅彩色遗像。A flag of the Communist Party of China was draped over Jiang's body, which rested among flowers and cypresses, with a four-member honor guard standing solemnly beside him.江泽民同志的遗体安卧在鲜花翠柏丛中,身上覆盖着鲜红的中国共产党党旗。4名礼兵持枪肃立,守护在两旁。In front of the body lay a basket of flowers presented by Wang Yeping, Jiang's wife, on behalf of the whole family. A ribbon on the basket read: "You will live in our hearts forever".江泽民同志遗体前摆放着江泽民同志的夫人王冶坪率全家敬献的花篮,花篮的缎带上写着:“你永远活在我们心中”。Flower baskets presented by Xi and other senior leaders, the CPC Central Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Central Military Commission, non-CPC political parties, mass organizations and people from all walks of life in Beijing were also displayed in the room.告别室内摆放着习近平、李克强、栗战书、汪洋、李强、赵乐际、王沪宁、韩正、蔡奇、丁薛祥、李希、王岐山、胡锦涛和中共中央、全国人大常委会、国务院、全国政协、中央军委、各民主党派和全国工商联、各人民团体、首都各界群众敬献的花圈。Wearing black armbands and with white flowers pinned to their chests, Xi, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, Wang Qishan and former Chinese leader Hu Jintao stood in silent tribute and bowed three times in front of Jiang's body to pay their respects and honor the memory of the late Chinese leader.习近平、李克强、栗战书、汪洋、李强、赵乐际、王沪宁、韩正、蔡奇、丁薛祥、李希、王岐山、胡锦涛等,胸佩白花、臂戴黑纱缓步来到告别室,在江泽民同志的遗体前肃立。习近平等向江泽民同志的遗体三鞠躬,表达对江泽民同志的崇高敬意和深切缅怀。They expressed deep condolences to Jiang's wife and other family members.习近平等向江泽民同志的夫人王冶坪和亲属表示深切慰问。At 10:15 am, Jiang's casket was carried out to a hearse by an honor guard of eight, accompanied by Xi and other senior leaders.10时15分,8名礼兵荷灵,伴着哀乐缓缓走出告别室。习近平等护送江泽民同志的遗体上灵车。The hearse, escorted by the leaders, members of the office of Comrade Jiang Zemin's Funeral Committee and Jiang's family, then proceeded to Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.在习近平等党和国家领导同志,治丧委员会办公室成员和江泽民同志亲属的护送下,灵车徐徐驶向八宝山革命公墓。As it made its slow, somber journey, it passed through streets lined with crowds of people from all walks of life in deep grief as they stood in silence in honor of the late leader.从中国人民解放军总医院到八宝山,首都各界群众纷纷来到沿途道路两旁,送别敬爱的江泽民同志,表达对江泽民同志的深切哀思。At 10:45 am, the hearse arrived at the cemetery, where the leaders and Jiang's family bade their final farewell to the late Chinese leader.上午10时45分,灵车驶进八宝山革命公墓。在大礼堂,习近平等和江泽民同志亲属向江泽民同志作最后的诀别。Xi and other Chinese leaders had either visited Jiang when he was in the hospital or offered their condolences to his family after he passed away.习近平及其他国家领导人均在江泽民同志住院时进行了探望,或在江泽民同志去世后向他的家人表示了慰问。An official letter addressed to the nation praised Jiang as an outstanding leader whose high prestige is acknowledged by all members of the Party, the entire military and the Chinese people.告全党全军全国各族人民书中高度赞扬江泽民是一位杰出的领导人。他的崇高威望得到了全党全军和全国各族人民的认可。The core of the CPC's third generation of central collective leadership, Jiang served as the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee from 1989 to 2002.江泽民同志是中共第三代领导集体的核心,于1989年至2002年担任中共中央总书记。记者:徐伟bade英[beɪd];美[beɪd]v.说(问候话)cypress英[ˈsaɪprəs];美[ˈsaɪprɪs]n.柏树condolence英[kənˈdəʊləns];美[kənˈdoʊləns]n.吊唁