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英语新闻∣唐山打人案“保护伞”被查!A publicprosecutionhas been initiated against 28 defendants, including seven people who allegedly assaulted four women at a barbecue restaurant on June 10 in Tangshan, North China's Hebei province, according to a statement by the People's Procuratorate of Hebei on Monday morning.8月29日,河北省人民检察院发布关于陈某志等涉嫌恶势力组织违法犯罪案件审查起诉情况的通报。检察机关经依法审查查明,对陈某志等28名被告人依法应当追究刑事责任。Led by the key defendant, Chen Jizhi the gang reportedly committed 11 crimes and four administrative illegal actions in Tangshan and other places, such as illegal detention, affray, intentional injury, opening casinos and robbery since 2012, the statement said.另经公安机关依法深入侦查,检察机关审查查明,2012年以来,陈某志等长期纠集在一起,在唐山市等地涉嫌以暴力、威胁等手段,实施非法拘禁、聚众斗殴、故意伤害、开设赌场、抢劫、掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、帮助信息网络犯罪活动、寻衅滋事等刑事犯罪11起,实施寻衅滋事、故意伤害等行政违法4起。"These evil forces had causedadversesocial impact by indulging in crimes,oppressingthe residents and destroying economic and social order," the statement said.该恶势力组织为非作恶,欺压百姓,破坏当地经济、社会生活秩序,造成恶劣的社会影响。On the early morning of June 10, four females were dining at the restaurant when one of the them, surnamed Wang, was reportedly harassed by Chen and was allegedly beaten by him and others after she refused hisadvances. Her companies were also then beaten after trying to help her.2022年6月10日2时40分许,陈某志等人在唐山市某烧烤店吃饭时,对正在店内与同伴用餐的王某某进行骚扰并遭到王某某的拒绝和斥责,陈某志遂殴打王某某,王某某与同伴对其进行反抗。后陈某志等人共同对4名被害人持椅子、酒瓶击打或拳打脚踢。The four victims suffered mild or minor injuries. Two were later treated at a local hospital and were discharged from hospital on July 1; the other two were not hospitalized.经法医鉴定,4名被害人分别构成轻伤二级和轻微伤。案发后,王某某、刘某某住院接受治疗,于7月1日出院;李某、远某经医院检查无需留院治疗。In relation to the case, eight civil servants, including Ma Aijun, head of Lubei district branch of Tangshan public security bureau, and some other officers at local police stations in Tangshan, were putunder lien for which they would be restricted with personal freedom when under investigation, according to a statement by Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on Monday.8月29日,据河北省纪委监察委发布声明,对涉案的8名公职人员,包括唐山市市公安局路北分局局长马爱军,以及唐山市当地派出所的公职人员采取留置措施,在案件调查过程中限制人身自由。They were investigated for alleged corruption and being reportedly protective umbrella behind the defendants in the case.在公安机关密切配合下,河北省纪检监察机关严肃查处了陈某志等涉嫌恶势力组织背后的腐败和“保护伞”问题。Preliminary investigations have showed they had been allegedly involved in violations of disciplines and laws, and were suspected with abuse of power, bending the law for personal gain, offering and accepting bribes, the statement said.经初步调查,马爱军等人违纪违法,涉嫌滥用职权、徇私枉法、行贿、受贿等职务犯罪问题。prosecution英[ˌprɒsɪˈkju:ʃn]美[ˌprɑsɪˈkjuʃn]n. 控告,起诉,检举adverse英[ˈædvɜːs]美[ədˈvɜːrs]adj. 不利的; 有害的; 反面的oppress英[əˈpres]美[əˈpres]vt. 压迫,压制advances英[ədˈvɑːns]美[ədˈvæns]n. 接近,友好的表示,求爱under lien英[ˈli:ən]美[lin,ˈliən]n.<法>留置权,扣押权