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英语新闻∣中国将取消对出入境人员核酸检测信息申报要求China's Customs authority said on Thursday that cross-border travelers will soon no longer need to report their COVID-19 nucleic acid test results, previous infection history and vaccination dates when going through Customs.根据口岸疫情防控形势,海关总署8月25日宣布,将于8月31日零时启用第九版《中华人民共和国出/入境健康申明卡》,其中取消了对出入境人员核酸检测信息、既往感染情况、疫苗接种日期的申报要求。The General Administration of Customs said that the new rule, which is set to take effect on Aug 31, is aimed at bringing convenience to internationalvisitors and increasing the efficiency of health declaration work at customs.海关总署表示,对健康申明卡进行优化的目的是便于旅客入境申报和提高通关效率。Meanwhile, it stressed that the change does not mean the relaxation of virus control requirements, as China is still adhering to itsdynamiczero-COVID strategy that emphasizes the rapid control of new domestic infectionclusters and Customs officials will continue to guard against imported cases, it said.同时,入境疫情防控要求没有实质性变化。海关将继续毫不动摇坚持“外防输入、内防反弹”总策略和“动态清零”总方针。The administration said inbound travelers will still need to provide negative test results before boarding, in line with the requirements of local foreign affairs authorities. They will receive a health inspection when clearing Customs and undergo centralized isolation and health monitoring upon their arrival. The administration began requiring all cross-border travelers to complete a healthdeclarationcard before passing customs in late January 2020, in the early stage of the pandemic.根据国务院联防联控机制规定,旅客在入境前按照外事部门要求须提供核酸检测阴性证明方可登机,在入境时须接受海关检疫,在入境后由地方联防联控机制实施隔离医学观察。进一步做好口岸新冠肺炎疫情防控工作,防止疫情经口岸传播,海关总署于2020年1月25日在全国口岸重新启动出入境人员填写《中华人民共和国出/入境健康申明卡》进行健康申报的制度。The latest version of the card, which will be available on mobile phone applications as well as on paper, has also become easier to understand and complete, the administration said.初纸质版健康申明卡之外,各互联网申报渠道,例如健康申明卡微信小程序申报、互联网网页申报、掌上海关App也将同步启用新版申报功能。Because incoming travelers will have to take a number of nucleicacid tests at airports and in centralized isolation, the new version also adds a function to ask for consent to take samples, which is aimed atstreamliningon-site quarantine procedures, said the administration.国家质检总局表示,由于入境人员将在机场进行多次核酸检测,并进行集中隔离,新版健康申明卡还增加了采样知情同意书,简化现场隔离程序。While striving to prevent the domestic spread of the novel coronavirus, China has also been upgrading its disease controlprotocolsfor overseas travelers in recent months in an effort to adjust to the latest pandemic situation and boost global economic recovery.连月来,中国在做好国内新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的同时,也在不断优化调整出入境人员防控方案,以适应疫情形势变化,促进全球经济复苏。China announced in late June it would reduce the centralized quarantine time for international passengers from 14 to seven days.6月下旬,国家卫健委宣布,入境人员隔离管控时间调整为“7天集中隔离医学观察+3天居家健康监测”。On Aug 7, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, adjusted its circuit-breaker mechanism, shortening the length of suspensions for some inbound flights carrying infected passengers.8月7日,民航局对国际定期客运航班熔断措施进行优化调整,搭载确诊旅客的航班暂停运行时间缩短。dynamic英[daɪˈnæmɪk]美[daɪˈnæmɪk]adj. 精力充沛的;动态的Cluster英[ˈklʌstə(r)]美[ˈklʌstər]n. 团,群,簇declaration英[ˌdekləˈreɪʃn]美[ˌdekləˈreɪʃn]n. 公告,宣言;表白streamline英[ˈstriːmlaɪn]美[ˈstriːmlaɪn]vt. 使简单化Protocol英[ˈprəʊtəkɒl]美[ˈproʊtəkɑːl]n. (外交条约的)草案;(数据传递的)协议;