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An incident in which a suspected rat's head was found in food at a canteen at the Jiangxi Industry Polytechnic College in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, has continued to spark controversy.江西工业职业技术学院食堂食品疑似出现老鼠头的事件持续引发争议。On Saturday, a joint investigation team issued a notice on the incident saying that it will promptly announce its findings after the investigation. The team consists of members from Jiangxi's provincial departments of education and public security, the provincial State-owned assets supervision and administration commission, and the provincial market supervision administration, local media reported.6月10日,一个联合调查组就这个事件发布情况通报,称将在调查结束后及时公布调查处理情况。据当地媒体报道,调查组由江西省教育厅、省公安厅、省国资委和省市场监督管理局组成。So far, about 53 million views have been made under the Weibo hashtag "investigation team formed for duck neck incident", as previous results released by Jiangxi's local market supervision administration said the "rat's head" turned out to be a "duck neck", which was also confirmed by the student who released the video.迄今为止,“江西成立鸭脖事件联合调查组”词条的微博阅读量约5300万,江西省市场监督管理局此前公布的通报显示,“老鼠头”其实是“鸭脖”,发布视频的学生也证实了这一点。On June 1, a video titled "A suspicious rat's head found in food at a college in Jiangxi" went viral on social media.6月1日,一段名为“江西一大学食物中发现可疑老鼠头”的视频在社交媒体上疯传。On June 3, the college's official Sina Weibo account issued a statement in response to the incident, stating that the object in the food had been confirmed by the local market supervision administration to be a duck neck. The student who initially found it also said in a written statement that it was identified as a duck neck.6月3日,江西工业职业技术学院官方微博发布情况通报,称食品中的异物经当地市场监管部门确认为鸭脖。最初发现异物的学生也在一份书面声明说异物确认为鸭脖。However, many people and news media, including the China News Service online, questioned the statement and asked, "What is the white striplike object in the picture? Is it a rat's tooth? What is the long, threadlike object that is suspected to be from a whisker? What is the basis for determining that it is a duck neck?"不过,包括中新网在内的不少人和新闻媒体对这一说法提出质疑,并问道:“图片中的白色条状物是什么?是鼠牙吗?疑似是长条状的线状物是什么?是胡须吗?判断是鸭脖的依据是什么?”On Friday, a China Newsweek report said a student had claimed to have found a green caterpillar in food from the same canteen. The Nanchang publicity department told China Newsweek that the claim is being investigated and they will notify the public of the results.6月9日,《中国新闻周刊》的一篇报道称,一名学生声称在同一家食堂的食物中发现了绿色大青虫。南昌市委宣传部回应《中国新闻周刊》,表示正在对此事进行调查,并将向社会公布调查结果。Although the canteen continued to operate normally after the incident, fewer people are using it. Instead, many students have been seen receiving takeout deliveries at the entrance of their dormitories, according to Top News, a media outlet based in Henan.事发后,食堂虽然继续正常营业,但就餐的人越来越少。据头条新闻报道,许多学生将外卖点到宿舍门口。Investigation英/ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/n.调查Canteen英/kænˈtiːn/ 美/kænˈtiːn/n.食堂