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The Palace Museum in Beijing has implemented technical measures to prevent scalpers from hoarding tickets, as Chinese authorities intensify efforts to crack down on the illegal resale of tickets for tourist attractions.中国政府正加大力度打击非法转售旅游景点门票的行为,对此,北京故宫博物院已采取技术措施,防止黄牛囤积门票。A world-renowned tourism site, the Palace Museum opens its online ticket registration system at 8 pm every day, allowing visitors to book 40,000 tickets up to seven days in advance.故宫博物院是世界著名的旅游景点,每天晚上八时开放网上门票登记系统,游客最多可提前七天预订,每日共发放4万张门票。Since the beginning of the summer vacation, the number of tourists from other parts of the country and abroad visiting the museum has significantly increased.自暑假以来,国内各地和海外来参观博物馆的人数显著增加。  To meet the growing demand, the Palace Museum has adjusted its ticket availability, increasing the daily quota by approximately 25 percent from the regular 40,000 visitors, Su Yi, the director of its digital and information department, told Beijing Radio and Television this week.本周,故宫数字和信息部主任苏毅(音)告诉北京广播电视台,为了满足日益增长的需求,故宫博物院调整了门票供应量,将每天的门票数量在4万人次的基础上增加了约25%。 However, an increasing number of visitors have complained on social media that Palace Museum tickets are becoming harder to obtain because many scalpers are using automated bots to snatch up tickets online.然而,越来越多的游客在社交媒体上抱怨说,由于许多黄牛党使用机器人在线抢购门票,故宫博物院的门票越来越难买到。  The scalpers then resell the tickets at prices far exceeding the original cost on social media, severely disrupting normal order.黄牛党抢到票后,在社交媒体上以远高于原价的价格转售门票,严重扰乱了正常秩序。  Su said that since the summer peak season began, the number of abnormal online ticket booking requests had far exceeded expectations.苏毅(音)表示,自夏季旺季开始,网上异常订票请求的数量远超预期。  The Palace Museum analyzed data from the past 15 days, which indicated it had received over 30 million ticket booking requests. However, over 80 percent of them were identified as malicious bot attempts, making it very difficult for ordinary visitors to purchase tickets unless those attempts were intercepted.故宫博物院分析了过去15天的数据,显示已收到超3000万张门票的预订请求,然而,其中超过80%被鉴定为恶意的机器人行为。除非这些行为得到阻止,否则,普通访问者将很难购买门票。  "According to back-end data, in the most extreme cases, over 99 percent of ticket requests are abnormal and are blocked by our technical measures," Su said.苏毅(音)说:“根据后端数据,在最极端的情况下,超过99%的票证请求是异常的,我们的技术措施对其进行了阻止”。  She said the Palace Museum is using technical measures to identify whether people making online bookings are scalpers, and prevent them from using large-scale bots to snatch tickets.她表示,故宫博物院正在使用技术手段来识别网上预订的人是否是黄牛,并防止他们使用大规模机器人来抢票。  Additionally, after the daily ticket release, it employs manual methods to slowly release ticket quotas. That allows the back-end system to identify automated ticket scalping early and quickly block such behavior, thereby increasing the success rate of genuine visitors in purchasing tickets.此外,每日出票后,故宫用人工缓慢地进行出票配额。这一措施能让后端系统尽早识别自动倒票行为并快速阻止,从而提高真正的游客购买门票的成功率。  The problem of scalpers maliciously hoarding tickets is not limited to the Palace Museum, but is widespread across many key scenic spots across the country.黄牛恶意囤积门票问题不仅限于故宫博物院,还遍及全国许多重点景点。  In response to a query on Aug 16 from a netizen on gov.cn, the official website of China's central government, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that cultural and tourism departments nationwide are working with public security, market regulation and cyberspace administration authorities to intensify the crackdown on scalpers reselling tickets.8月16日,文化旅游部在回应中央政府官方网站gov.cn上网友的提问时表示,全国文化旅游部门正在与公安、市场监管和网络空间管理部门合作,加大对黄牛转售票的打击力度。It also emphasized that it has repeatedly required all scenic spots nationwide to retain manual ticket windows to satisfy tourists' needs. Additionally, it urged scenic spots with consistently low online reservation rates to abandon online reservations.旅游部强调,他们一再要求全国各景点保留人工售票窗口以满足游客的需求,此外,还敦促网上预订率一直较低的景区取消网络预订方式。The ministry said it will actively listen to opinions from all sectors of society and further promote the rational adjustment of reservation systems in scenic spots to meet the needs of tourists.旅游部表示,将积极听取社会各界的意见,进一步推动景区预订制度的合理调整,以满足游客的需求。  According to a report by The Paper on Thursday, Beijing police recently conducted comprehensive investigations and crackdowns on the illegal scramble and resale of tourist attraction tickets by scalpers.据《华尔街日报》8月22日报道,近日北京警方对黄牛非法抢票和转售门票的行为进行了全面调查和打击。Since the start of the summer vacation, Beijing police have detained 179 individuals, the report said.报道称,自暑假开始以来,北京警方已拘留了179人。Beijing police said they maintain a "zero tolerance" policy toward illegal activities that damage the city's image and disrupt orderly tourism, and will continue to strictly crack down on ticket scalpers to protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists.北京警方表示,他们对破坏城市形象、扰乱旅游秩序的行为保持“零容忍”,并且将会持续打击票贩子,保护游客的合法权益。Scalper n.黄牛(专门倒票以牟利)Crack downv.打击(违法犯罪行为)