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China's national security authorities have released five typical cases of crimes that threaten national security, urging the public to heighten their awareness as the nation observes National Security Education Day on April 15.中国国家安全部门近日公布了5起威胁国家安全的典型犯罪案件,敦促民众在4月15日国家安全教育日之际提高安全意识。These cases include instances of overseas enterprises and intelligence agencies pilfering rare earth national secrets and rice seeds and seed production technology, and illicit gathering of meteorological data.这些案件包括海外企业和情报机构窃取稀土国家机密、水稻种子和种子生产技术,以及非法收集气象数据。In one such instance, motivated by personal gain, a deputy general manager at a domestic rare earth company, surnamed Cheng, disclosed details regarding China's rare earth inventory categories, quantities, and prices, to an employee surnamed Ye at the Shanghai subsidiary of an overseas non-ferrous metal company.在一个案件中,国内一家稀土公司的一位副总经理程某某向一家海外有色金属公司上海子公司的叶某某透露了有关中国稀土库存类别、数量和价格的详细信息,以牟取个人私利。In November 2023, a court in Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, sentenced Ye and Cheng for offenses related to the procurement and unauthorized provision of state secrets to foreign entities, as well as bribery.2023年11月,江西省南昌市一家法院判处叶某某和程某某涉嫌向外国实体采购和未经授权提供国家机密以及贿赂等罪名。In another case, national security authorities discovered that a former general manager of a domestic agricultural technology company, surnamed Zhu, unlawfully sold five varieties of parent rice seeds under the guise of "cooperative breeding" to a company established by foreign espionage agencies in China, yielding returns surpassing the regular selling price.在另一起案件中,国家安全部门发现国内一家农业技术公司的前总经理朱某某,以“合作育种”的名义,向一家外国间谍机构在中国设立的公司非法出售了五个品种的亲本水稻种子,收益超过了正常售价。A court in Hefei city, Anhui province, sentenced Zhu in January 2024 to one and a half years in prison for illegally disseminating intelligence to foreign entities. In addition, the national security authorities imposed administrative penalties on the remaining 17 individuals involved in accordance with the law.2024年1月,安徽省合肥市法院以“为境外非法提供情报罪”判处朱某某有期徒刑1年6个月。此外,国家安全当局还依法对其余17名涉案人员进行了行政处罚。In recent years, foreign intelligence agencies have persistently deepened their infiltration into China's food sector, extensively pilfering the nation's core scientific research information. In response, the national security authorities have scrutinized nearly 100 individuals involved, penalized 11 key enterprises, and held accountable relevant personnel in accordance with the law.近年来,外国情报机构不断加深对中国食品行业的渗透,广泛窃取国家核心科研信息。作为回应,国家安全部门对近百名涉案人员进行了审查,对11家重点企业进行了处罚,并依法追究了相关人员的责任。national security国家安全;民族安全rare earth稀土元素intelligence agency情报机构,情报局