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英语新闻|展望高质量发展China isexpected to speed up synergetic efforts toboost domestic demand and strengthen its supply system, as a key step tobolster the country's high-quality development against lingering headwinds athome and abroad, experts said.专家表示,中国有望加快促进内需和加强供应体系的协同努力,这是推动我国高质量发展、抵御国内外挥之不去的逆风的关键一步。Macroeconomic adjustments should be stepped up to firmly expand domesticdemand and stabilize short-term economic growth, while making sure theseefforts are combined with supply-side structural reform to improve the qualityand sustainability of growth, they said.要加强宏观经济调整,坚定扩大内需,稳定短期经济增长,同时要与供给侧结构性改革相结合,提高增长质量和可持续性。Their comments came after the leadership of the Communist Party of Chinaand the central government highlighted the necessity to pursue high-qualitydevelopment by integrating the efforts to boost domestic demand with those to optimize the supply system.在中国共产党和中央政府领导强调通过将扩大内需与优化供给体系相结合来追求高质量发展的必要性之后,他们发表了评论。In a report delivered at the openingsession of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, Xi Jinping, general secretaryof the CPC Central Committee, stressed the need to integrate the implementationof the strategy to expand domestic demand with efforts to deepen supply-sidestructural reform.中共中央委员会总书记习近平在党的第二十次全国代表大会开幕式上所作的报告中强调,要把实施扩大内需战略同深化供给侧结构性改革结合起来。Experts said the proposal has outlinedthe path for China to ensure stable economic growth and lift the quality ofdevelopment in the coming five years, with a focus on expanding demand in areasthat are in line with high-quality development goals and matching the demandwith a better-structured supply system.专家表示,该方案规划了确保未来五年中国稳定经济增长和提高发展质量的路径,重点是在符合高质量发展目标的领域扩大需求,并使需求与结构更好的供应体系相匹配。Cheng Shi, chief economist at ICBCInternational, said this integration has become necessary for boosting domesticdemand because the principal contradiction facing Chinese society hastransformed into one between unbalanced and inadequate development and thepeople's ever-growing need for a better life.工银国际首席经济学家程实表示,这种融合对于扩大内需是必要的,因为中国社会面临的主要矛盾已经转变为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。"When there is a mismatch betweenthe supply structure and the consumption structure, the effectiveness oftraditional policies to expand domestic demand will decline."“当供给结构和消费结构不匹配时,传统的扩大内需政策的有效性就会下降。”“Instead, integrating expanding demandwith supply-side reform can help strike a new balance where demand drivessupply while supply creates demand,” said Cheng, who expects that an enhancedsupply-demand relationship could help maintain China's annual potentialeconomic growth at 4.8 to 5.5 percent through 2025.“相反,将扩大需求与供给侧改革结合起来,可以实现新的平衡,即需求驱动供应,供应创造需求。”他预计,供需关系的加强有助于在2025年之前将中国的年潜在经济增长率维持在4.8%至5.5%。Efforts should be made to facilitate theexpansion of rural consumption and the upgrade of urban residents' consumptiondemand while furthering industrial restructuring to better meet that demand, hesaid.程实表示,要努力扩大农村消费,促进城镇居民消费需求升级,同时进一步推进产业结构调整以更好地满足这一需求。Experts said the efforts to enhance theinteraction between demand and supply can drive the country's pursuit of thenew development paradigm — in whichthe domestic market is the mainstay and the domestic and international marketsreinforce each other — to strengthen its development resilience amid a morevolatile external environment.专家表示,加强供需互动的努力可以推动国家追求新的发展模式,即国内市场为主体,国内和国际市场相互促进,以增强其在更不稳定的外部环境中的发展韧性。Vice-Premier Liu He said in a recentarticle that the integration of expanding domestic demand and deepeningsupply-side structural reform is a long-term plan to boost developmentalautonomy, and he cited shrinking international demand and the unstable globalsupply.国务院副总理刘鹤在最近的一篇文章中表示,扩大内需和深化供给侧结构性改革相结合是增强发展自主权的长期计划,他还提到了国际需求萎缩和全球供应不稳定。Calling for efforts to align the demandand supply-side efforts with the requirements of high-quality development, Liusaid macroeconomic adjustments should be strengthened to maintain stable andsustained economic growth, which plays an "important fundamentalrole" in the country's modernization drive.       他呼吁努力使需求侧和供给侧努力与高质量发展的要求保持一致,他说,宏观经济调整应该加强,以保持稳定和持续的经济增长,这在国家现代化建设中起着“重要的基础作用”。Due to deglobalization waves and slowingglobal growth, which has started to decelerate China's exports, the countryshould step up macroeconomic adjustments to boost domestic demand for growthstabilization, said Luo Zhiheng, chief economist at Yuekai Securities.粤开证券首席经济学家罗志恒表示,由于去全球化浪潮和全球增长放缓减缓了中国的出口,中国应该加快宏观经济调整,以促进国内需求稳定增长。While China's GDP growth rebounded to3.9 percent year-on-year in the third quarter, economic activity faced renewedpressures in October as COVID-19 cases increased, retail sales shrank from ayear ago and real estate development investment dropped at a larger rate, theNational Bureau of Statistics said.国家统计局表示,虽然中国第三季度国内生产总值增速同比回升至3.9%,但随着新冠肺炎病例增加、零售销售同比萎缩、房地产开发投资降幅加大,10月份经济活动面临新的压力。Luo said it is sensible to reduceinterest rates and the cash that banks must hold as reserves in due course toboost consumption and investment and ramp up support for infrastructureconstruction.罗志恒表示适当降低利率和银行必须作为准备金持有的现金,以促进消费和投资,并加大对基础设施建设的支持,是明智的。He added that such measures to expanddemand should be designed in a way that contributes to supply-side structuralreform, giving as an example that the infrastructure projects to be supportedshould be those that can help strengthen supply capacity in the long term.他补充说,这种扩大需求的措施应以有助于供给侧结构性改革的方式进行设计,比如说,要支持的基础设施项目应有助于加强长期供应能力。As the efforts to combine expandingdemand with supply-side reform are set to strengthen the country's economicstability and resilience, the global appeal of Chinese financial assets mayfurther grow, experts said.专家表示,随着扩大需求与供给侧改革相结合的努力进一步增强中国经济的稳定性和韧性,中国金融资产的全球吸引力可能会进一步增长。With economic growth remaining a crucialpriority for China, the country is expected to achieve moderate growth in thecoming years and thus provide ample investment opportunities, said Chris Liu, asenior portfolio manager at Invesco, a global investment management company.全球投资管理公司景顺的高级投资组合经理克里斯·刘表示,由于经济增长仍然是中国的首要任务,中国有望在未来几年实现温和增长,从而提供充足的投资机会。记者:周兰序 欧阳诗嘉synergetic英[sɪnə'dʒetɪk];美[ˌsɪnə'dʒetɪk]adj. 协同的optimize英[ˈɒptɪmaɪz];美[ˈɑptɪmaɪz]v. 使最优化paradigm英[ˈpærədaɪm];美[ˈpærədaɪm]n. 样式