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英语新闻︱历史性访问为中乌关系注入新动力Fresh plans and projects for connectivity, energy and green development were among the major highlights of the official talks between President Xi Jinping and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Samarkand, a historical city of Uzbekistan, on Thursday.9月15日,国家主席习近平在撒马尔罕同乌兹别克斯坦总统米尔济约耶夫会谈。中乌双方在互联互通、能源和绿色发展方面的投资合作是本次会谈的主要亮点之一。Xi arrived in the Central Asian country on Wednesday night for a state visit. He will also attend the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Samarkand.习近平于14日晚抵达撒马尔罕,开始对乌兹别克斯坦共和国进行国事访问并出席上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十二次会议。Following the two leaders' talks, representatives of related departments signed documents on cooperation in fields such as agriculture, digital economy, green development, culture, local governments and media.会谈后,两国有关部门签署农业、数字经济、绿色发展、文化、地方、媒体等领域多项合作文件。Also during the visit, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation on constructing the Kyrgyzstan section of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway.访问期间,中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦有关部门签署《关于中吉乌铁路建设项目(吉境内段)合作的谅解备忘录》。Xi told Mirziyoyev that China is ready to work with Uzbekistan to improve Eurasian transportation routes and push for the early start of the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway.习近平表示,中方愿同乌方一道完善欧亚大陆运输大通道建设,推动中吉乌铁路早日启动建设。Speaking on boosting bilateral energy cooperation, Xi said the two countries should ensure the safe operation of China-Central Asia natural gas pipelines, expand collaboration in areas such as new energy, and build a new, multidimensional landscape for energy cooperation.在双边能源合作方面,习近平强调要共同做好中国-中亚天然气管道安全运营工作,拓展新能源等领域合作,构建多元立体的能源合作新格局。Mirziyoyev said that Uzbekistan looks to further learn from China's successful experience in poverty alleviation and to further participate in joint building of the Belt and Road.米尔济约耶夫表示,乌方希望借鉴中方成功减贫经验,继续积极参与共建“一带一路”。Uzbekistan is ready to press ahead with the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, he added.米尔济约耶夫补充道,乌方愿继续推进中吉乌铁路建设。This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of establishing their strategic partnership.今年是乌中建交30周年和乌中建立战略伙伴关系10周年。Mirziyoyev said that the Chinese president's "historic" visit will surely chart the direction for future cooperation and bring the two nations' bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership to a higher level.米尔济约耶夫表示,习近平主席对乌兹别克斯坦的历史性国事访问,必将规划未来合作方向,将乌中全面战略伙伴关系提升至新高度、注入新活力、开辟新篇章。At the talks, Xi said that over the past 30 years, the two countries have always adhered to mutual respect, neighborly friendship, weathering storms together and a win-win approach.习近平指出,中乌建交30年来,两国始终相互尊重、睦邻友好、同舟共济、互利共赢。As a good friend, partner and brother, China staunchly supports Uzbekistan in following a development path suited to its own national conditions, supports Uzbekistan's efforts to safeguard national independence, sovereignty, security and social stability, and opposes any forces interfering in Uzbekistan's domestic affairs, Xi said.习近平表示,作为乌兹别克斯坦的好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟,中方坚定支持乌兹别克斯坦走符合本国国情的发展道路,支持乌方维护国家独立、主权、安全和社会稳定的努力,反对任何势力干涉乌兹别克斯坦内政。Mirziyoyev said he wishes success to the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.米尔济约耶夫预祝中共二十大取得圆满成功。He expressed his appreciation for China's precious support for Uzbekistan's national development and the fight against COVID-19, saying that China is a reliable friend.米尔济约耶夫表示,感谢中方为乌兹别克斯坦国家发展和抗击新冠肺炎疫情给予的宝贵支持。中国是乌兹别克斯坦可靠的朋友。Uzbekistan unswervingly and unequivocally supports the one-China principle as well as China's positions on issues related to its core interests, such as those regarding Taiwan and Xinjiang, he said.米尔济约耶夫强调,乌方坚定不移、十分明确坚持一个中国原则,坚定不移支持中方在涉台、涉疆等核心利益问题上的立场。After their talks, the two leaders signed a joint statement on behalf of the two countries.会谈后,两国元首签署并发表《中华人民共和国和乌兹别克斯坦共和国联合声明》。They pledged that the two nations will expand mutually beneficial cooperation, build on their friendly partnership and put into action a community with a shared future in a bilateral context.两国元首宣布,双方将扩大互利合作,巩固友好和伙伴关系,在双边层面践行命运共同体。Speaking on overall bilateral cooperation, Xi urged that the two nations accelerate the synergy of their development strategies, push for common development and step up bilateral cooperation for greater outcomes.习近平强调,要加快对接发展战略,推动共同发展。双方要让两国合作跑出“加速度”,结出更多果实。The two countries are expected to strengthen cooperation on the economy, trade and investment and reinforce investment in and collaboration on the digital economy and green development, Xi said.习近平指出,中乌双方要做大经贸投资合作,加强数字经济和绿色发展投资合作。Uzbekistan is welcome to further participate in the China International Import Expo and enjoy more opportunities brought by China's vast market, he said.习近平说,欢迎乌方积极参加中国国际进口博览会,继续分享中国超大规模市场带来的发展机遇。The two countries should strengthen cooperation in poverty alleviation, and learn from and help each other in terms of economic development and improving people's livelihoods, he added.习近平强调,中乌双方要加强减贫合作,在发展经济和促进民生方面互学互鉴、互帮互助。In the cultural field, Xi said China supports and is willing to participate in work related to the proposal by Uzbekistan for a year of culture and art between the peoples of Central Asian countries and China.习近平表示,中方支持并愿积极参与乌方提出的“中亚国家同中国人民文化艺术年”倡议。He welcomes Uzbekistan's young people to study in China and learn the Chinese language, and he called for accelerating the establishment of cultural centers in either country and the establishment of a Luban Workshop in the country — under a program that aims to further exchanges and cooperation on vocational education between China and other countries and regions.中方欢迎乌兹别克斯坦青年赴华学习汉语,加快互设文化中心和鲁班工坊建设。鲁班工坊是为促进中外职业教育国际交流合作而设。Mirziyoyev said his country is ready to strengthen cooperation in various areas, including the economy, trade, investment, oil and natural gas, new energy, agricultural infrastructure and culture.米尔济约耶夫表示,乌方愿加强经贸、投资、天然气、新能源、农业基础设施、文化、地方、人文等各领域合作。Uzbekistan fully supports the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative proposed by China, he added.米尔济约耶夫强调,乌方全力支持中方提出的全球发展倡议和全球安全倡议。记者:张陨璧徐伟任奇chart英[tʃɑːt];美[tʃɑːrt]v. 记录;绘制…的地图;制定(计划)n.图表;海图; (唱片销售量的)排行榜weather英[ˈweðə (r)];美[ˈweðər]v.变色/形;渡过(难关等)n. 天气(预报)pledge英[pledʒ];美[pledʒ]n. 保证,誓言; [法]抵押权;公约;(表示友谊的)干杯vt.& vi. 使发誓,保证;典当,抵押vt. 许诺;用…担保;以誓言约束;向…祝酒vi. 作出庄重有约束力的誓言;祝愿,祝酒synergy英[ˈsɪnədʒi];美[ˈsɪnərdʒi]n.协同,配合,企业合并后的协力优势或协合作用