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Coastal cities in East and South China are bracing for Typhoon Doksuri after China's national observatory issued this year's first red typhoon warning — the most severe category — on Wednesday.7月26日,中国国家天文台发布了今年首个台风红色预警(最严重级别),华东和华南沿海城市正严阵以待台风“杜苏芮”。Doksuri, which is expected to slam into the coastal area between Fujian and Guangdong provinces on Friday morning, already wreaked havoc in major cities in the eastern part of Guangdong and in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces on Thursday.“杜苏芮”预计将于7月28日上午袭击福建和广东两省交界的沿海地区,27日已于广东东部、福建和浙江两省的主要城市造成严重破坏。Some passenger trains running across the typhoon zone, inter-provincial coastal train services between Guangdong and Zhejiang, and some trains operating through the Yangtze River Delta cities were all suspended as of Thursday.截至27日,一些跨过台风区域的客运列车、广东和浙江省之间的省际沿海列车服务以及一些穿越长江三角洲城市的列车都已暂停运营。In Fujian, which will likely be the province hardest hit by Doksuri, 183 coastal passenger ferries were halted at 10 am on Thursday.在可能受到“杜苏芮”台风影响最严重的福建省,截至27日上午10点,有183艘沿海客运渡船已暂停运行。Construction of 98 offshore projects has been suspended in the province, and more than 7,700 people were transferred to safety in Fuzhou, local authorities said.当地政府表示,在该省已暂停了98个近海项目的施工,并有超过7700人被转移至福州市安全地带。In Xiamen, taxis and ride-hailing services have been temporarily discontinued, and cross-sea channels and viaducts were expected to be closed by 10 pm on Thursday. Only emergency vehicles are allowed to operate on local roads, and outdoor gatherings have been banned to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, city authorities said.在厦门,出租车和打车服务已暂时停止,跨海通道和高架桥预计将在27日晚上10点前关闭。市政当局表示,当地道路只允许紧急车辆通行,并禁止户外集会,以确保人民的生命和财产安全。Affected by Doksuri, the fifth typhoon this year, the cities of Meizhou, Shantou, Chaozhou and Shanwei in the eastern part of Guangdong experienced heavy rainfall on Thursday, forcing major scenic spots to be temporarily closed and educational institutions to suspend classes.受今年第五号台风“杜苏芮”影响,粤东梅州、汕头、潮州和汕尾等市27日普降暴雨,主要景区被迫临时关闭,学校等教育机构停课。Xu Jianchun, a resident of Shantou, said it rained heavily on Thursday morning, forcing many people to stay home.汕头居民徐建春说,27日早上下了一场大雨,迫使许多人呆在家里。"I can hear the howling gale at home," he said.他说:“我在家里都能听到呼啸的大风。”"Many of my neighbors dare not go out to shop because of the bad weather."“由于天气恶劣,我的许多邻居都不敢出门购物。”Guangdong's flood control, drought relief and anti-typhoon headquarters upgraded its anti-typhoon emergency response to Level 2 on Thursday and ordered all fishing vessels to return to shelter.广东省防汛抗旱防台风指挥部27日将防台风应急响应提升至二级,并下令所有渔船回港避风。The cities of Shantou, Shanwei, Meizhou, Heyuan and Huizhou in eastern Guangdong have been ordered to prepare to cope with disasters, including flooding, mountain torrents, mudslides and breaches, and to prevent them if possible to minimize casualties and economic losses.粤东的汕头、汕尾、梅州、河源和惠州等市已接到命令,做好应对洪水、山洪、泥石流和溃口等灾害的准备,并尽可能防止灾害的发生,以最大限度地减少人员伤亡和经济损失。Guangdong's traffic management departments have launched an emergency plan to temporarily close part of the expressways to the coastal cities that are likely to be struck by Doksuri.广东省交通管理部门已启动应急预案,临时关闭通往可能受“杜苏芮”影响的沿海城市的部分高速公路。The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters dispatched four working groups to Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces to guide local governments in their preparations for floods that may be triggered by heavy rains on Thursday, according to a media release from the Ministry of Emergency Management.据应急管理部发布的媒体消息,27日,国家防汛抗旱总指挥部派出四个工作组分赴浙江、福建、广东和江西四省,指导地方政府做好应对强降雨可能引发洪涝灾害的准备工作。More than 4,000 rescuers, along with five helicopters, have been mobilized to stand by for emergencies in the four provinces, the release said.新闻稿称,4000多名救援人员和5架直升机已被调动起来,随时准备应对四个省份的紧急情况。On a positive note, the heavy rainfall brought by Doksuri has helped temper the heat wave in the southern region.值得一提的是,台风“杜苏芮”带来的强降雨有助于缓解南部地区的热浪。Coastal英/ˈkəʊst(ə)l/ 美/ˈkoʊst(ə)l/adj.近海的,沿海的Emergency英/ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ 美/ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi/n.突发事件,紧急情况