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Britain put on a display of birthday pageantry Saturday for King Charles III, a military parade that marked the Princess of Wales ' first appearance at a public event since her cancer diagnosis early this year.6月15日,英国为国王查尔斯三世举行了官方生日的皇家阅兵仪式,该阅兵式是凯特王妃自今年年初被诊断出癌症以来首次出现在公众视野。The annual event was also a show of stability by the monarchy after a testing few months in which both the king and Kate, wife of heir to the throne Prince William, have been sidelined by cancer treatment.英国王室成员在凯特王妃患癌后因陪伴治疗而缺席部分活动。此次一年一度的国王生日兼皇家阅兵仪式也体现了君主制的稳定性。In a symbolic display of unity, Charles, Queen Camilla, William, Kate and their children were joined by other members of the royal family on a Buckingham Palace balcony at the end of the King's Birthday Parade. The family waved to the gathered crowd as they watched a flyby of military aircraft to cap (added“off” after“cap”) ceremonies marking the monarch's official birthday.在观看飞行表演时,查尔斯国王、卡米拉王后、威廉王子和凯特王妃一家与其他王室成员一起在白金汉宫阳台上向聚集的群众们挥手致意。It was Kate's first appearance at a public event since December. She disclosed in March that she was undergoing chemotherapy for an unspecified form of cancer. 这是凯特王妃自2023年12月以来首次在公开场合露面。她在今年3月透露,正在接受预防性癌症化疗。"I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days," Kate said in a statement released Friday, adding that she faces "a few more months" of treatment.Kate said she is "not out of the woods yet" and officials stress that Saturday's engagement doesn't herald a full return to public life.“目前我的治疗取得了不错的进展,但同任何接受化疗的人一样,我的身体状态时好时坏。”凯特王妃在6月14日发布的一份声明中点出她将面临“数月”的治疗,并表示“仍未走出困境”。肯辛顿宫强调,6月15日凯特王妃参与国王生日兼皇家阅兵仪式并不代表凯特王妃全面恢复工作。Huge crowds turn out each June to watch the birthday parade, also known as Trooping the Color, which begins with a procession involving horses, musicians and hundreds of soldiers in ceremonial uniform from Buckingham Palace.每年六月,大批群众前往英国白金汉宫观看游行(“Trooping the Color”),包括骑兵卫队游行、音乐家演奏及数百名身穿白金汉宫制服的士兵接受检阅。The 42-year-old princess traveled in a horse-drawn carriage from the palace down the grand avenue known as the Mall with her children George, 10, Charlotte, 9, and 6-year-old Louis. Bystanders cheered as they caught a glimpse of Kate, dressed in a white dress by designer Jenny Packham and wide-brimmed Philip Treacy (misread“Treacy” as“Treaky”) hat.这位 42 岁的凯特王妃与乔治王子(10岁)、夏洛特公主(9岁)和路易王子(6岁)一同乘坐马车完成由白金汉宫为起点,穿过骑兵卫队的阅兵场,最后回到白金汉宫的圈式游行。不少群众在在亲眼见到凯特王妃回归大众视野时欢呼雀跃。当天,凯特王妃身穿詹妮·帕克汉(Jen ny Packham)设计的白色连衣裙,戴着菲利普·崔西(Philip Treacy)所设计的宽边帽。She watched the ceremony with the children from the window of a building overlooking Horse Guards Parade, a ceremonial parade ground in central London. Louis yawned broadly at one point in proceedings, but mostly watched intently, even dancing along to the military music.凯特王妃与孩子们在白金汉宫的阳台上观看了皇家阅兵仪式,俯瞰着伦敦市中心骑兵卫队游行。小王子路易一度打了个大大的哈欠,但大部分时间都在专心致志地观看,甚至随着军乐跳舞。William, in military dress uniform, rode on horseback for the ceremony, in which troops parade past the king with their regimental flag, or (misread“or” as“of”) "color". The display of precision marching and martial music stems from the days when a regiment's flag was an essential rallying point in the fog of battle.威廉王子身着军装,骑在马背上参加仪式,军队带着他们的团旗在国王身边游行。精确行进的步兵游行和军乐源自于团旗在过去战争中起到的重要号召力。Charles, who also is being treated for an undisclosed form of cancer, traveled in a carriage with Queen Camilla, rather than on horseback as he did last year. The king inspected the troops from a dais on the parade ground, saluting as elite regiments of Foot Guards marched past.查尔斯国王也正在接受未公开的癌症治疗,今年的皇家阅兵仪式他与卡米拉王后一同乘坐马车游行,并未像往常一样骑马。国王在阅兵仪式台上检阅了部队,并在步兵游行时向其敬礼。Five regiments take it in turns to parade their color, and this year it was the turn of a company of the Irish Guards, which has Kate as its honorary colonel. The troops in scarlet tunics and bearskin hats were led onto the parade ground by their mascot, an Irish wolfhound named Seamus.五个军队根据颜色轮流参加游行,今年轮到爱尔兰卫队,凯特王妃担任该队的名誉上校。身穿猩红色长袍、头戴熊皮帽的士兵被军队吉祥物——名为Seamus的爱尔兰猎狼犬——领到阅兵场上。Charles, 75, disclosed his cancer in February, and has recently eased back into public duties. He attended commemorations last week for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe on June 6, 1944.现年75岁的查尔斯国王在2月份曾披露了他的癌症,最近恢复公职。6月6日,他参加了在法国举行的诺曼底登陆80周年国际纪念仪式,1944年6月6日是诺曼底登陆日,盟军士兵向诺曼底海滩发起猛攻。In one of the many quirks of British royal convention, Saturday is not the king's real birthday — that's in November. Like his mother Queen Elizabeth II before him, Charles has an official birthday on the second Saturday in June. The date was chosen because the weather is generally good, though early sunshine on Saturday gave way to a blustery, rainy day in London.在英国王室众多惯例中,6月14日不是查尔斯国王真正的生日,其真正生日在11月。如同母亲伊丽莎白二世一样,查尔斯国王的官方生日是6月的第2个星期六(今年的6月15日)。之所以选择这个日期,是因为尽管此前伦敦刮风下雨,但雨后天晴,天气总体不错。The rain held off for most of the ceremony but began pelting down as the massed troops escorted the royal carriages back to Buckingham Palace past soggy but enthusiastic crowds.在仪式举行的大部分时间里,天气均为阴天或多云,但当集结的军队护送皇家马车返回白金汉宫时,大雨倾盆,但并未浇灭路旁热情的群众。Blue sky briefly returned as the family emerged onto the balcony to watch a flyby that included the Royal Air Force aerobatic team, the Red Arrows, trailing red, white and blue plumes of vapor.天晴后,英国王室成员们来到阳台上观看飞行表演,其中包括皇家空军特技飞行队“红箭”,拖橐着红色,白色和蓝色的蒸汽羽流。Thousands of royal fans in raincoats and umbrellas cheered, as a smattering of anti-monarchist protesters chanted "Not my king." Spectator Joseph Afrane, 60, said that he was happy to see Kate return — and to get a "big wave" as she passed by.数千王室粉丝欢呼雀跃,少数反君主制抗议者高呼“并非吾王”。60岁的观众Joseph Afrane约瑟夫·阿弗兰(音译)说,他很高兴看到凯特回来。"It was fantastic when I heard it on the news yesterday," he said. "I thought, 'God, I thank you for bringing Kate back,' because she's very hardworking." Spectators who braved the volatile weather were treated to a display of pomp and precision involving 1,400 soldiers, 250 military musicians and more than 200 horses. The equine participants included Trojan, Tennyson, and Vanquish, three of the five military horses who sparked mayhem in April when they bolted and ran loose through central London, crashing into vehicles and causing chaos during the morning rush hour.“当我昨天在新闻中听到(凯特王妃回归)时,感觉太好了。‘上帝,感谢你把凯特带回来,'她是一个努力的人。”群众们冒着多变的天气欣赏了1400名士兵、250名军乐师和200多匹马的盛况和表演。参与表演的马匹包括Trojan、Tennyson和Vanquish,这是五匹军马中的三匹。4月,它们曾在伦敦市中心失控狂奔,撞上车辆并在造成早高峰混乱。The army says the other two horses are recovering well and are also expected  (left out“also”) to return to duty.军方表示,另外两匹马恢复良好,预计将重返岗位。Trooping the Colourn. 皇家阅兵仪式Foot Guardsn. 步兵Honorary colonel n. 名誉上校Irish Guardsn.爱尔兰卫队D-Dayn. 诺曼底登陆日