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China's freestyle swimmer Pan Zhanle has thanked a scientific training program for his world record-breaking feat at the Paris Olympics as the country celebrates its first men's Olympic swimming gold medal in a sprint event.中国自由泳运动员潘展乐在男子100米自由泳项目中夺冠并创造了世界纪录,这一时刻成为中国体育史新的高光时刻。潘展乐此次夺金,反映了中国体育整体水平的提升,也揭示了科学训练的重要性。Entering Wednesday's final session under huge pressure to end China's gold medal drought in the Paris pool, the 19-year-old sent the capacity crowd at the La Defense Arena into a frenzy by clocking 46.40 seconds in the 100m freestyle final, to deliver the team a long-anticipated gold and take an incredible 0.4 seconds off his own previous world record time.7月31日,巴黎奥运会男子100米自由泳决赛,这位年仅19岁的选手肩负着此届奥运会游泳项目中国代表队零金牌的巨大压力,以46.40秒的成绩让拉德芳斯体育馆座无虚席。在全场观众的欢呼声中,中国队赢得了这枚翘首以盼的金牌,而中国选手潘展乐在这场决赛中也以0.4秒的领先打破了自己的世界纪录。It was the first world record broken in any swimming competition at the Paris Games, and has significantly lifted the Chinese team's spirit following a series of near-misses of the podium top spot in earlier events.这是本届奥运会游泳赛场的首个世界纪录,这一时刻成为中国体育史新的高光时刻。Pan's record-breaking performance on Wednesday came after having completed a rigorous doping test program, prior to and during the Paris Games, with zero positive results, which has sent out a strong statement on the improvement and integrity of Chinese swimmers.7月31日,潘展乐在巴黎奥运会前频繁接受了严格的兴奋剂检测,检测结果全部为阴性。如此高频次的检查不仅展示了中国游泳队的高透明度,也突显了运动员们的高度配合与耐心。"I just swam the race perfectly today and made a strong impression for Chinese swimming. I hope this gold could boost the morale of the whole team," Pan said at the post-final news conference.潘展乐在赛后新闻发布会时这样总结自己的赛场表现:“我感觉今天发挥特别的完美,包括给大家都是眼前一亮的表现,让中国队接下来的比赛可以更好。” "For myself, I haven't come to terms with it yet," Pan said of the gold medal's significance for his career. "My life goes on, for sure, and I will continue training and swimming.谈到自己在这场比赛后赢下的这么多头衔,潘展乐显得很淡定,“对于我意义不太大,因为生活还得继续。”"But for Chinese swimming and for my country, I think it's huge to prove that Chinese athletes could also prevail in another event (other than traditional strong disciplines) in swimming."不过,当说起这枚金牌对于目前正在参赛的中国游泳队甚至是在万里之外关注巴黎奥运的中国观众而言,潘展乐认为意义非凡,“对于我们国家,这枚金牌的意义是非常大的,因为是中国人第一次在另一个项目上突破历史,这是非常值得高兴的事情。”A young talent specifically strong in his final split push, Pan made his presence felt at February's world championships in Doha by setting his previous world record of 46.80 seconds in his stunning leadoff leg in China's gold-winning men's 4x100m relay.潘展乐作为年仅19岁的游泳天才,在最后50米的冲刺中表现尤为出色。今年2月的多哈世锦赛上,他以46.80秒的惊人成绩打破了世界纪录,为中国队拿下首个男子游泳接力世界冠军。。Australia's Kyle Chalmers finished 1.08 seconds behind Pan in Paris to win silver, while former world record holder David Popovici of Romania finished a further 0.01 seconds back and had to settle for a bronze medal.来自澳大利亚的凯尔·查默斯以1.08秒的差距落后于潘展乐,获得银牌;而前世界纪录保持者,来自罗马尼亚的大卫·波波维奇仅落后查默斯0.01秒,屈居铜牌。Asked how he managed to achieve such a consistent improvement, Pan said it is all about hard working honestly under the right guidance.当被问及如何取得持续的进步时,潘展乐表示,与背后的教练团队、科研团队都是密不可分的。"I took 21 doping tests from May to July prior to the Games and had no positive results at all. It was no big deal as long as the testing was conducted fairly and according to rules. I cooperated with all the testing and stay confident that I am competing fair and clean," Pan said.一位外国媒体记者又提到了此前的兴奋剂检测和国际舆论对于中国游泳队的影响,潘展乐回答得也很直接,“去年我接受了29次检查,没有一次阳性。包括今年从我们冠军赛就是5月份到7月份也是有21次检查,也没有一次阳性。今天是我来到巴黎进行的第二次检查,就是赛内检查,接下来就期待结果吧。其实没什么影响,他们都是在规定的时间和规则以内抽检我们,所以没什么大不了的。”"As far as my daily training routine, I didn't focus too much on speed training on my program. I did a lot of aerobics and endurance training to strengthen my push and kick in the final split."We have also been adopting a scientific underwater monitoring and analyzing system to review our techniques and strokes, so that we could train better and more effectively," he said.潘展乐也说到了自己是如何能够一次次刷新这个项目的世界纪录,“我们日常的训练对我来说就是,速度练得比较少,就是有氧练得比较多,因为我还是要靠后程,然后也是会有专门的科研团队研究我们每一帧水下的技术。”La Defense Arenan.拉德芳斯体育馆world championships in Dohan.多哈世锦赛