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英语新闻∣中国空间站上为什么只写中文?美版知乎的回答亮了!Recently, the successful launch ofWentianlab module hashitheadlines at home and abroad. A question about China's space flight on Quora, aQ&A platform,a year ago has become popular again, prompting comments from foreign netizens.近日,问天实验舱发射成功的新闻,成功登上国内外媒体的头条。在美版知乎Quora上一年前的一个关于中国航天的问题再次翻红,引发国外网友留言关注。“On the new-launched spaceship, only the Chinese language is used. Is it a proof that the country is superself-sealedthat they are getting rid of scientists from other countries by using an uninternational language?”有人提问道:“在新发射的太空船上只使用中文,这是否说明这个国家超级自我封闭,要通过使用一种非通用语言来摆脱其他国家的科学家吗?”Jim Bertagnolli, a retired electrical engineer, said: “Firstly, most of the Chinese space program is manned by Chinese engineers and scientists. What language do you think they would choose to speak? Do you think China is so backwards that they could only achieve space operations by hiring outside help? China is one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet. I know that scares a lot of people but it's a fact. They may be late comers to high technology but they have made great strides in the last 30 years. They are not dependent on foreign aid to launch spacecraft or possibly designing and building the smart 5G phone you are using. And more people speak Mandarin Chinese than any other language. Why would you think they would use some‘international' language in their own space program? How arrogant that sounds.”一位名为Jim Bertagnolli的退休的电气工程师称,“首先,中国的大部分太空计划都由中国工程师和科学家负责。你认为中国人该选择说什么语言?还是你认为中国太落后了,只能靠外援来实现太空计划呢?他们可能是高科技的后来者,但他们在过去30年中取得了长足进步。中国人没有依赖外援来发射航天器,也没有依赖外援来设计和制造你正在使用的5G智能手机。说普通话的人比说其他任何语言的都多。你凭什么认定他们要在自己的太空项目中使用‘国际'语言?这听起来多么傲慢。”“Are you stupid? The US banned China from the‘INTERNATIONAL' SPACE STATION and now you expect China to use a Western language in their own space station? The oddity.”一位在荷兰工作的网友指出美国的双标行为:“你傻吗?美国禁止中国进入‘国际'空间站,现在你希望中国在自己的空间站用西方语言?有毛病吧!”“Although English is widely thought of as an international language. In fact it is number 3 with 4.922% English speakers, 5.994% Spanish and 11.922% Mandarin Chinese. Chinese is recognized as an international language, so the most widely spoken international language is being used. ”“虽然英语被广泛认为是一种国际语言。事实上,讲英语的只占4.922%,才排名第三,讲西班牙语的占5.94%,而讲普通话则的占11.922%。汉语是公认的国际语言,因此(空间站使用的是)最广泛的国际语言。”“As USA are prohibited from participating in any exchange, it makes little sense to use English. Russian participants in the program have no problem with using Chinese. ”“由于美国被禁止参与任何交流,所以使用英语没有什么意义。参加该项目的俄罗斯人使用汉语没有问题。”“The message sent by the Western world talks ofdecoupling from the Chinese, so more and more English will loose importance in the East.”“西方世界发出的信息是要与中国脱钩,因此的英语将越来越在东方失去其重要性。”“Well done, a textbook example for typical classic Western arrogance. If using Chinese on our own space station is super self-sealed, I guess you are assuming all 7 billion people on this planet should speak English. Which cannot be more arrogant. We Chinese built that space station, we own that space station, it is our call to use Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese or oracle-bone inscriptions. Feel free to bring a dictionary if you want to board. Oh, and we provide chopsticks only. So please be prepared.”有网友说道,“干得好,典型的、经典西方傲慢的教科书式案例。如果在我们自己的空间站上使用中文是超级自我封闭的,我猜你假设这个星球上所有70亿人都应该说英语。这简直再傲慢不过了。这是我们中国人建造的空间站,我们自己的空间站,我们可以呼吁使用简体中文、繁体中文或甲骨文。如果您想登上这座空间站,请随时带上字典。对了,我们只提供筷子。 所以请做好准备!”“And we thought this was what you guys adopted long ago when you were dictating all the rules and all people had to play along since they don't have a choice. All we did was to offer another choice, and it's hilarious to see you whine about yourmonopolystatus taken away from you. If it bothers you that much, you can always opt out.”另一位名叫Tian Lan的网友表示,“我们知道这是你们很久以前采用的,当时你们制定所有规则,所有人都必须配合,因为他们别无选择。我们(中国)所做的只是提供另一种选择。看到你抱怨你们的垄断地位被剥夺了,这很有趣。如果这种状况让你感到困扰,你可以随时选择退出。”Self-sealed? I heard it was America who sealed its own space programs and refused to let China participate some 10 years ago? So what would you do if you are being negated in something you can be good at? Work on your own! So why is it now that China's effort without outside help is being smeared as a“proof” of“super self-seal” or“getting rid” of others when in truth it all happened because America was trying to“get rid” of people or contender they don't want?还有一位网友对博主所提到的“自我封闭”提出了反驳:“我听说是美国在10年前封闭了自己的太空计划,并拒绝让中国参与?所以,如果你擅长的事情被否定了,你会怎么做?独立工作!那么,为什么现在中国在没有外界帮助的情况下的努力,被抹黑为‘超级自我封闭'或‘摆脱'他人的‘证据'?实际上这一切都是因为美国试图‘摆脱'他们不想要的人或竞争者所造成的。”TheChinesespace station welcomes astronauts from all countries.使用中文的空间站欢迎各国的宇航员Ironically, the Chinese space stationconsidered by some people inthe West as "super self-sealed", in fact, does not reject any country,butwelcomes astronauts and research projects from all countries instead. In contrast,the International Space Station which uses English, excludes China.令人感到讽刺的是,西方有些人口口声声说中国空间站“超级自我封闭”,但事实上,使用中文的空间站,没有拒绝任何一个国家,反而是欢迎来自各国的宇航员和科研项目,然而使用英文的国际空间站,却将中国拒之门外。2015年5月27日,中国载人航天工程办公室主任余同杰与欧洲航天局(ESA)局长多丹在北京举行会谈,继续深入推动双方战略合作,确认双方合作《长远目标及实施步骤》并明确了三个领域的工作组职责。On May 27, 2015, Yu Tongjie, Director General of CMSA met with Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of ESA in Beijing. The two chiefs agreed to further promote CMSA-ESA strategic cooperation in manned space program. They confirmed cooperation in Long-term Objectives and Implementation Plan and identified the responsibilities of three working groups.According to the cooperation agreement, the two sides will continue to exchange astronauts for comprehensive training, with the goal of sending European astronauts to China's space station starting from 2022.根据欧洲空间局与中国航天局2015年达成的合作协议,双方将持续互派航天员进行综合性训练,目标是从2022年起开始让欧洲的航天员登上中国空间站。According to a report in June 2021, three European astronauts from Germany, France and Italy have begun to study Chinese intensively and look forward to cooperating with their Chinese counterparts in the future.据2021年6月相关报道,来自德国、法国和意大利的三位欧洲航天员,已经开始紧锣密鼓地学习中文,期待未来与中国同行顺利开展合作。“This is the first opportunity for European astronauts to come to China to train withChinese astronauts,”Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti said in the video.“Our team work is very good, very good.”意大利宇航员萨曼莎·克里斯托佛蕾蒂在视频中说:“这是第一个机会,中国航天员和欧洲航天员来中国一起训练。我们的团队合作很顺利,很好”。In December 2, 2021,Qi Faren,the space technology expert,Shenzhou spacecraft's first chief designer, member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in Macao that thedevelopmentof China Aerospaceis open and inclusive. China's space station willinclude foreign research projectsandforeign astronauts during the operation. To this end,the relevant departments have started a lot ofpreparatorywork.早在2021年12月2日,空间技术专家、神舟号飞船首任总设计师、中国工程院院士戚发轫曾在澳门出席活动时对外发出过邀请,他表示,中国的航天发展是开放的,同时也是包容的,中国空间站在运营期间将有外国的科研项目,也希望有外国的航天员到空间站工作,为此有关部门已经着手大量的筹备工作。Just recently, Dr. Tricia Larose, a researcher at the University of Oslo in Norway, tweeted that she may be aboard the Chinese space station for a 31-day mission in the future. Larose is currently training as apayloadspecialist and is expected to board China's Tiangong Space Station between 2025-2026.就在近日,挪威奥斯陆大学的研究员特里西娅·拉罗斯(Tricia Larose)博士在推特上发文称,她或将在未来登上中国空间站执行为期31天的任务。目前,拉罗斯正以载荷专家的身份展开训练,预计2025-2026年,她将登上中国的天宫空间站。self-sealed英[si:ld]美[sild]adj. 故步自封的Decouple英[di:ˈkʌpl]美[diˈkʌpəl]v. 减弱(核爆炸)震波; 分离,隔断monopoly英[məˈnɒpəli]美[məˈnɑːpəli]n. 垄断; 专卖; 垄断者; 专利品preparatory英[prɪˈpærətri]美[prɪˈpærətɔːri]adj. 预备的,准备的,筹备的; 初步的payload英[ˈpeɪləʊd]美[ˈpeɪloʊd]n. 有效载荷; (航天器、卫星的)装备; (车辆等的)装载货物; (炸弹、导弹的)爆炸力