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Argentine and Paris Saint-Germain footballer Lionel Messi added two prestigious awards to his already illustrious list of achievements, winning the Laureus World Sportsman and the World Team of the Year at the grand ceremony on Monday.5月8日的盛大颁奖典礼上,效力于巴黎圣日耳曼的阿根廷足球运动员莱昂内尔·梅西获得了劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员奖和年度世界最佳团队奖,在他已经很辉煌的成就名单上再添两项殊荣。The 35-year-old veteran, who led Argentina to World Cup victory last year in Qatar, became the first-ever athlete to sweep both awards in the same year.这位35岁的老将在2022年卡塔尔世界杯中带领阿根廷队夺得冠军,成为有史以来第一位在同一年包揽这两个奖项的运动员。Chinese freeskier Gu Ailing, a two-time gold medal winner at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games last year, captured the Action Sportsperson of the Year award.在2022年北京冬奥会上获得两枚金牌的中国自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌获得了最佳极限运动员奖项。The World Cup-winning captain Messi, who shared the men's prize with Lewis Hamilton in 2020, defeated other nominees including 21-time tennis Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal, current Formula One world champion Max Verstappen, world record holder in pole vault Mondo Duplantis, basketball player Stephen Curry, and French football international Kylian Mbappe to secure the award for a second time.曾在2020年与刘易斯·汉密尔顿共享年度最佳男运动员奖的世界杯冠军队长梅西击败了其他提名者,包括21次网球大满贯得主拉菲尔·纳达尔、现任一级方程式赛车世界冠军马克斯·维斯塔潘、撑杆跳世界纪录保持者蒙多·杜普兰蒂斯、 篮球运动员斯蒂芬·库里和法国足球国脚基利安·姆巴佩,这是梅西第二次获得年度最佳男运动员奖。"It's an honour, especially since the Laureus World Sports Awards are taking place this year in Paris, the city that welcomed me and my family," Messi said. "I would like to thank all my teammates, not only those of the national team but also those of PSG. I have not accomplished anything alone and I am grateful to be able to share all this with them."梅西说:“这是一种荣誉,尤其是今年劳伦斯体育奖在巴黎举行,这座城市很欢迎我和我的家人。” “我要感谢我所有的队友,不仅是国家队的队友,还有巴黎圣日耳曼的队友。我一个人不可能取得这样的成就,我很感激能与他们分享这一切。”Messi scored seven goals, including two in the final, and won the Golden Ball in Qatar last December when he led the South American team to their third World Cup title. The Argentine men's football team was given a team award at Laureus.在2022年12月的卡塔尔世界杯中,梅西攻入七球,决赛中攻入两球,带领阿根廷队第三次获得世界杯冠军,他个人也赢得了卡塔尔金球奖。阿根廷男子足球队在劳伦斯获得年度世界最佳团队奖。"And I'm even happier to see that the team I was part of at the World Cup was also honoured by the Laureus Academy tonight," Messi added. "For us, the World Cup was an unforgettable adventure; I cannot describe what it felt like to return to Argentina and see what our victory had brought to our people."梅西补充说:“让我感到更开心的是,世界杯上我效力的球队也得到了劳伦斯奖的认可。”“对于我们来说,那是一次难忘的冒险,我难以形容回到阿根廷以后看到我们的胜利给阿根廷人民带来的影响时的心情。”Jamaican sprinter Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, who clinched a fifth world 100m title at Eugene last August, picked up the women's individual award, while tennis US Open champion Carlos Alcaraz was named the best breakthrough of the year.2022年8月在尤金获得第五个100米世界冠军的牙买加短跑选手谢莉-安·弗雷泽-普莱斯获得了年度最佳女运动员奖,而美网男单冠军卡洛斯·阿尔卡拉斯获得劳伦斯年度最佳突破奖。Gu, the first athlete to win three medals in freestyle skiing at a single Olympic Games, was awarded the Action Sportsperson, a prize given to the best athlete in extreme sports of the year.谷爱凌是第一位在单届奥运会上获得三枚自由式滑雪奖牌的运动员,她被授予最佳极限运动员奖,这是一项授予年度极限运动中最佳运动员的奖项。"It's a huge honor to me," said the 19-year-old, who worked on her homework for eight hours on her flight to Paris since she is also pursuing academics at Stanford University.“这对我来说是莫大的荣幸,” 19岁的谷爱凌说,她还在斯坦福大学学习,在飞往巴黎的航班上,她花了8个小时做功课。"I don't want to simply be celebrating this beautiful trophy here today, but also to be speaking to the value that sports have brought to my life and to help contribute that love and passion, confidence and resilience, everything that sports have taught me to more people," Gu told Xinhua.“我今天不想只是在这里庆祝我个人获得的荣誉,而是更希望把体育带给我人生的正能量、教会我的一切传递给更多的人,比如爱、激情、自信和坚韧。”谷爱凌向新华社表示。Manchester United and Denmark midfielder Christian Eriksen won Comeback of the Year following his return to football after collapsing on the pitch due to cardiac arrest during Euro 2020.曼彻斯特联队和丹麦队的中场球员克里斯蒂安·埃里克森在2020年欧洲杯期间因心脏骤停在球场上倒下后重返足坛,他赢得了年度最佳复出奖。At the start of 2022, the tough fighter was without a club, and his future in the game was uncertain. But he managed to end the year playing every minute of Denmark's World Cup campaign and earning a regular place in the Man United squad.2022年伊始,埃里克森手无寸铁,赛场前途未卜。但他在2022年结束时打满了丹麦队在世界杯的每一分钟,并在曼联队中赢得了固定位置。The Laureus Award was founded in 2000 to celebrate sporting excellence during the past year. This year's ceremony was held in person after the previous two editions were conducted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.劳伦斯奖成立于2000年,旨在表彰过去一年体育方面的成就。由于新冠疫情,前两届的劳伦斯奖颁奖典礼在网上举行,今年的颁奖典礼则改为线下举行。Nominee英/ˌnɒmɪˈniː/ 美/ˌnɑːmɪˈniː/n.被提名者Academy英/əˈkædəmi/ 美/əˈkædəmi/n.研究院,学会