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A new branch of the Palace Museum has been under construction since December 30, 2022, set to be a brand-new addition to the national museum complex housed in the Forbidden City, in Beijing. The whole construction area of the new branch is more than 100,000 square meters. Work is expected to be completed in 2025, in time to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Palace Museum.2022年12月30日,立项筹备已近十年之久的故宫博物院北院区正式破土动工。2025年,故宫博物院建院100周年时,北院区将全面建成,建筑面积将超过10万平方米。The Palace Museum is built on the Forbidden City, the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is the largest ancient architecture complex in China with more than 1,000 cultural relic buildings, covering an area of more than 100 hectares.故宫博物院是我国规模最大的古建筑群,占地面积100多公顷,有房屋类文物建筑1000多座。At present, over a quarter of the Palace Museum is used as offices or warehouses. After the new branch is built, many cultural relics will be placed there. Museum officials said that the northern branch will provide much bigger spaces for exhibition curators and relic conservators.当下,故宫本院有25%的地方现在还被办公、库房等占用。北院区的库房建好以后,很多文物要放到北院区,展览的环境条件、文物修复用房以及一些特大型文物的修复将得到极大改善。Du Haijiang, deputy director of the Palace Museum and chief supervisor of construction, said in an interview with China Central Television broadcast, "It's the key to solving problems faced by the Forbidden City."故宫博物院党委书记、副院长、故宫博物院北院区项目总指挥都海江介绍,这是为了解决安全问题。The collection of cultural relics in the Palace Museum is large in number, rich in categories, and highly precious, which is unique in the world. The Palace Museum has 1.86 million pieces of cultural relics in its collection. With time elapsing, the materials of calligraphy, painting, textiles and other cultural relics will gradually dim, and traditional adhesive will fail, which increases the demand for the protection and restoration of cultural relics.故宫文物收藏数量之大,品类之丰富,珍贵性之高,在世界上都独一无二。故宫博物院有186万件馆藏文物,随着时间的推移,书画、纺织品等文物的物质载体会逐渐加快性能衰减,传统黏结剂等材料也会逐渐功能减退,这就使得文物保护和修复的需求增加。However, the artifact restoration is subject to many constraints. Qu Feng, deputy director of the relic restoration department of the National Palace Museum, said that the restoration of cultural relics depends on seasons. Spring and autumn are relatively good seasons for relic restoration because the temperature and humidity are more appropriate.不过,修复文物受到很多条件制约。故宫博物院文保科技部副主任屈峰介绍,修复文物要有季节性选择,环境条件非常重要。春天或秋天温度、湿度相对较好.Things will change when the new branch is built. Du said, the new branch will help solve the museum's lack of space for the restoration and repair part of the cultural relics. In addition, visitors to the new branch will be able to view the artifact restoration process and gain first-hand experience of the workers' exquisite techniques.都海江称,北院区建成后,将扩大文物修复的空间,可以更加充分应用现代科技升级文物修复仪器设备,加快故宫文物修复和保护的速度。它还是开放式的,能让更多观众看到修复的精湛技艺。The conditions for exhibitions will be greatly improved as well. Now it is estimated that only 10,000 cultural relics can be moved out of the museum's warehouses for public viewing each year. The new branch was designed to house 12 exhibition halls within a display area of around 35,000 square meters. Du said, "After the completion of the new northern branch, the number of relics on display each year will increase to 20,000 to 30,000."展出条件也将大大改善。目前,故宫博物院每年能展陈的文物不到1万件。故宫博物院北院区建成后,会有12个依托高科技、现代化技术的展厅,大概35000平方米的展厅面积,展览展出条件将得到根本性的改善和提升。都海江介绍,北院区建成以后,每年展出的文物数量会达到2万到3万件,除了实物展览以外,也会有数字化展览。In addition to that, the Palace Museum itself is also a cultural relic. Sun Miao, deputy director of the exhibition department of the Palace Museum, introduced the Palace Museum as the world's largest and best-preserved wooden palace complex. When holding exhibitions, the top priority is to protect the Palace Museum itself.除此之外,故宫博物院本身也是文物。故宫博物院展览部副主任孙淼介绍,故宫博物院是世界上规模最大、保存最完整的木结构宫殿建筑群。在办展览时,首先需要保护故宫博物院。After repeated discussions and rigorous analysis, the construction site is settled on the north side of the Cuijiayao Reservoir in Beijing's Haidian District. It is a piece of land with a natural look.经过了反复的论证研究,故宫博物院的选择最后定在了北京市海淀区的崔家窑水库北侧。Though the new branch is not boxy as the Palace Museum, its designing inspiration comes from the traditional features of the Palace Museum, including elements like the skyline and the central axis.即使北院区建设用地不同于紫禁城的方方正正,是一块具有自然风貌的土地,但其设计灵感来自中国传统元素,有中轴线,也有与故宫一样的天际线。The new branch of the Palace Museum will fully integrate modern technology and green architecture, becoming a modern exhibition space with multiple functions to provide relic preservation, restoration work, and visitor services.故宫博物院北院区充分融入了现代科技应用和绿色建筑理念,建成后将是一个现代化的文物保护利用空间,也将有效缓解大型珍贵文物科学保护和展示利用问题,形成有故宫特色的现代展览体系。观众也将体验到更加优质的参观服务和文化服务。