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The Chinese mainland imposed sanctions against Hsiao Bi-khim, a diehard "Taiwan independence" separatist on Friday, adding it will take all other necessary punitive measures to hold her accountable in accordance with the law.4月7日,中国大陆对“台独”顽固分子萧美琴实施进一步制裁,并补充说,将采取所有其他必要的惩罚措施,依法追究她的责任。The spokesperson of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee was authorized Friday to announce sanctions against Hsiao, who is now the representative of the island's secession-desiring Democratic Progressive Party authorities in the United States.4月7日,中央台办发言人授权宣布对“台独”顽固分子萧美琴实施进一步制裁,萧美琴现在是民进党当局在美国的“台独”代表。The sanctions ban her and her family from entering the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions.It also bans Hsiao's sponsors and affiliated enterprises from cooperating with mainland organizations and individuals.制裁严禁萧及家属进入大陆和香港、澳门特别行政区,禁止其金主和关联企业与大陆组织、个人合作。Depending on foreign influence and seeking independence by relying on the US, she deliberately provoked confrontations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and wantonly undermined peace and stability across the Straits, further exposing her stubborn nature of seeking "independence", said the spokesperson.发言人表示,萧美琴依靠外国影响,依靠美国寻求独立,故意挑起两岸对抗,肆意破坏海峡两岸的和平与稳定,进一步暴露了她寻求“独立”的顽固本质。The mainland could take all other necessary punitive measures to hold her accountable in accordance with the law, said the spokesperson.该发言人表示,大陆将采取一切必要的惩罚措施,依法追究她的责任。History has proven and will continue to prove that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and the die-hard "Taiwan independence" separatists who rely on the willful provocation of external forces will surely fail, said the spokesperson.发言人说,历史已经并将继续证明,“台独”是一条死胡同,依靠外部势力肆意挑衅的“台独”顽固分裂分子一定会失败。"No one and no force should underestimate our strong resolve, firm will and strong ability to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," added the spokesperson.发言人补充道:“任何人、任何势力都不能低估我们维护国家主权和领土完整的坚定决心、坚定意志和强大能力,” Mainland bans heads of two Taiwan organizations两个台湾组织被大陆惩戒The Chinese mainland has decided to take punitive measures against Taiwan's Prospect Foundation and the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats, said Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, on Friday.4月7日,国务院台湾事务办公室发言人朱凤莲表示,中国大陆已决定对台湾“远景基金会”、“亚洲自由民主联盟”采取惩罚性措施。The mainland has banned the leaders of the two organizations from entering the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, and prohibited relevant mainland organizations and individuals from cooperating with them, she said.朱凤莲说,大陆已经禁止这两个组织的领导人进入内地和香港、澳门特别行政区,禁止有关内地组织和个人与他们合作。Zhu said that under the instigation of the Democratic Progressive Party, these two organizations used the pretext of democracy, freedom, and cooperation, and under the disguise of "academic exchanges" and "seminars," have been peddling the idea of "Taiwan independence" in the international arena.朱凤莲说,在民进党的煽动下,这两个组织以“民主”、“自由”、“合作”为借口,打着“学术交流”、“研讨”等旗号,在国际上大肆兜售“台独”主张。They are trying their best to approach, attract and support anti-China forces, creating incidents that violate the one-China principle, and expanding Taiwan's so-called "international space", she added.朱凤莲补充说,他们正在极力拉拢贴靠反华势力,制造“一中一台”、“两个中国”等违反一个中国原则的事件,拓展台所谓“国际空间”。Confrontation英 [ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn]   美  [ˌkɑːnfrənˈteɪʃn]n. 冲突Instigation英 [ˌɪnstɪˈɡeɪʃn]   美  [ˌɪnstɪˈɡeɪʃn]n. 煽动