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China will continue to strengthen treatment of severe cases and count fatalities in a scientific and fact-based manner, as the Chinese mainland recorded about 60,000 COVID-related deaths at hospitals since the optimization of its virus control strategy on Dec 8, a senior health official said on Saturday.1月14日,一名高级卫生官员表示,中国将继续加强对重症患者的治疗,并以科学和基于事实的方式统计死亡人数。自12月8日优化疫情防控措施以来,中国大陆记录了约6万例与新冠相关的医院死亡病例。Jiao Yahui, head of the National Health Commission's medical administration bureau, said that 59,938 deaths associated with COVID-19 were reported at hospitals across the mainland between Dec 8 and Thursday.2022年12月8日至2023年1月12日,国家卫生健康委医政司司长焦雅辉表示,中国大陆各地医疗机构累计报告新冠病毒感染相关死亡病例59938例。Of these deaths, 5,503 were caused by respiratory failure due to COVID-19, and the remainder resulted from a combination of the infection and preexisting illnesses, she said at a news briefing on Saturday.1月14日,焦雅辉在新闻发布会上说,由新冠病毒感染导致呼吸功能衰竭的死亡病例5503例,其余死亡病例则是由新冠病毒感染和基础疾病合并导致的。Jiao added that the average age of patients who died was 80.3 years, and over 90 percent of them had underlying conditions such as cardiovascular or metabolic diseases, late-stage tumors or kidney failure.焦雅辉补充说,死亡病例平均年龄为80.3岁,其中90%以上的病例患有心血管或代谢疾病、晚期肿瘤或肾衰竭等潜在疾病。"Winter is also the peak season of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases among the elderly. With the spread of COVID-19, the number of elderly deaths is relatively high, and we are attaching greater significance to protecting elderly patients and saving their lives," she said.焦雅辉说:“由于冬季是老年人呼吸系统疾病高发和心脑血管疾病加重季节,近期又与新冠病毒感染相叠加,因此老年人的病亡人数比较多,这提示我们要更加关注老年患者,尽最大努力挽救患者生命。”On Dec 7, China announced that it was upgrading its coronavirus control measures by allowing asymptomatic patients and those with mild infections to quarantine at home and was scrapping mass nucleic acid testing.12月7日,中国宣布调整新冠病毒防控措施,允许无症状感染者和轻度感染者居家隔离,并取消大规模核酸检测。On Jan 8, the management of the disease was downgraded to Class B from Class A, and the quarantine and testing requirements for inbound travelers were lifted.1月8日,新冠疫情管理由甲类降为乙类,并取消入境人员隔离检测要求。For scientific and fact-based death counts, Jiao said that a national platform aimed at collecting and analyzing deaths linked to COVID-19 was established. Starting on Dec 31, medical institutions across the country were required to report related deaths for the previous day to the platform. In addition, they were asked to gather and submit information on COVID-related deaths from Dec 8 to 29.焦雅辉表示,目前已经建立了一个国家平台,旨在收集和分析新冠相关死亡人数,从而确保科学和真实的死亡统计。自12月31日起,全国医疗机构需向该平台上报前一天的相关死亡病例。此外,他们还需要收集并提交12月8日至29日期间新冠相关的死亡信息。"As the amount of data and information was massive and we were striving to count the number of deaths in a scientific, objective and responsible manner, it took us a relatively long period of time to consult experts and analyze the causes behind the deaths," the senior health official said.这位高级卫生官员表示:“由于数据和信息量巨大,我们正努力以科学、客观和负责任的方式统计死亡人数,我们花了相当长的时间咨询专家并分析死亡背后的原因。”Since the initial phase of the epidemic, China has been counting the deaths of patients whose nucleic acid test results were positive as COVID-19 related deaths, Jiao said. The criterion, she said, is basically in line with standards adopted by the World Health Organization and major countries.焦雅辉说,自疫情初期以来,中国一直将核酸检测结果呈阳性的死亡患者计算为新冠相关死亡人数。她表示,这一标准与世界卫生组织和主要国家采用的标准基本一致。According to data released during the news briefing, the numbers of patients visiting fever clinics, needing emergency care and being hospitalized had reached their peaks and were now declining.根据新闻发布会期间发布的数据,前往发热门诊就诊、需要紧急救治和住院治疗的患者数量已达到峰值,目前正在下降。While the number of severe COVID-19 cases at hospitals has been slowly declining since Jan 5, the figure is still on the higher side at around 105,000 as of Thursday, Jiao said.焦雅辉说,1月5日以来,尽管医院的新冠重症病例数一直在缓慢下降,但截至1月12日,这一数字仍偏高,约为105000例。The occupancy rate of critical-care beds was 75.3 percent on Thursday, lower than the alarming threshold of 80 percent. "The country's capacity of critical-care beds can meet demands," she said.截至1月12日,重症床位使用率为75.3%,低于80%的警戒阈值。焦雅辉说:“国家的重症床位能够满足救治的需要。”As trips made by migrant workers during the Spring Festival holiday have triggered concerns over the medical capacity in rural areas, Jiao said the country is beefing up its stock of drugs, oxygen cylinders, pulse oximeters and other medical equipment at grassroots health clinics.由于春节期间外出务工人员的出行引发了人们对农村地区医疗能力的担忧,焦雅辉表示,国家正在基层卫生诊所增加药品、氧气瓶、脉搏血氧仪和其他医疗设备的库存。"County-level authorities are required to set up a task force dedicated to transferring severe cases to higher-level hospitals, and each township-level health clinic must have an ambulance," she said.焦雅辉说:“县级政府部门要成立专门的工作组,将重症病例转移到更高一级的医院,每个乡镇卫生院都必须有一辆救护车。”Jiao added that progress is being made in building inventories of antiviral pills and strengthening treatment capabilities at grassroots health clinics.焦雅辉补充说,在建立抗病毒药物库存和加强基层卫生诊所的治疗能力方面正在取得进展。On Saturday, Health Minister Ma Xiaowei spoke by telephone with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during which they exchanged views on the current virus control work, according to a statement released by the National Health Commission.1月14日,据国家卫生委员会发布的一份声明称,卫生部长马晓伟与世界卫生组织总干事特德罗斯·阿达诺姆·盖布雷耶苏斯通了电话,双方就当前的新冠病毒控制工作交换了意见。China has engaged in multiple technical briefings with the WHO since adjustments were made to its virus control policy and will continue to unite with the international community to fight the disease, Ma said.马晓伟说,自世界卫生组织病毒控制政策作出调整以来,中国已经与世界卫生组织进行了多次技术报告,并将继续与国际社会团结一致,共同抗击该疾病。He added that China has been sharing information with the WHO and other countries since the early phase of the epidemic, and was the first to identify the pathogen causing the disease and share its genome sequence with the world.马晓伟补充说,自新冠疫情爆发以来,中国一直在与世界卫生组织和其他国家共享信息,并且是第一个确定导致疫情的病原体并与世界共享其基因组序列的国家。Tedros said he highly appreciated the Chinese government's efforts in handling the epidemic, and thanked the country for conducting long-term exchanges and sharing epidemic information with the WHO.特德罗斯表示,他高度赞赏中国政府在应对疫情方面所做的努力,并感谢中国与世界卫生组织进行长期交流和共享疫情信息。They agreed to strengthen their technical communication and join efforts to safeguard global health.他们同意加强技术沟通,共同维护全球健康。Optimization英 [ˌnɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]  美  [ˌnɔːrmələˈzeɪʃn]n.最佳化,最优化Asymptomatic英 [ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk]   美 [ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk]adj. 无症状的