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China will continue to push for greater market access for foreign investors as part of its ongoing efforts to expand high-level opening-up and build a unified national market, the Ministry of Commerce said on Monday.6月5日,商务部表示,为了推动高水平的对外开放,建设全国统一大市场,中国将持续放宽外资市场准入。Analysts said this signals the country's resolve to build a fully open market, deepen market-oriented reforms and remove barriers within the fragmented domestic market, which will stimulate market vitality and significantly boost market confidence, especially among foreign businesses.分析人士表示,这显示中国建立充分开放市场,深化市场化改革,破除分割国内市场障碍的决心。这将激发市场活力,显著提振市场信心,尤其是外资企业的信心。They said the country is dedicated to opening wider to the outside world, and they expect that more efforts will be made to expand opening-up in fields such as the modern services sector.他们表示,中国致力于扩大对外开放,并期待进一步扩大现代服务业等领域的开放。"The unified national market we are constructing will be a globally oriented and fully open market, which will undoubtedly provide a better environment and a bigger platform for various market entities, including foreign companies," Zhou Qiang, director of the ministry's department of market system development, said at a news briefing on Monday.6月5日,国新办举行建设全国统一大市场国务院政策例行吹风会,商务部市场体系建设司司长周强在发布会上表示:“我们建设的统一大市场是面向全球,充分开放的市场,必将为包括外资企业在内的各类经营主体提供更优环境和更大的舞台。”Zhou said that China will appropriately shorten the negative list for foreign investment to further cancel or relax restrictions on market access. It will align with high-standard international economic and trade rules to deepen reforms in relevant areas and steadily advance institutional opening-up.周强表示,中国将合理缩减外资准入负面清单,进一步取消或放宽外资准入限制。对照国际高标准经贸规则,深化相关领域改革,稳步推进制度型开放。More efforts will also be made to better serve foreign companies and create a world-class environment for foreign investment, he said.周强还表示,中国还将做出更多努力,更好地为外资企业服务,为外商投资者创造国际一流的营商环境。Zhu Jianqiao, director of the comprehensive planning department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, highlighted the role of fair competition in supporting the growth of the unified national market, saying that China will strengthen supervision and law enforcement against market intervention behaviors and consolidate the institutional and regulatory foundations for fair competition.国家市场监督管理总局综合规划司司长朱剑桥强调,公平竞争对全国统一大市场发展至关重要。朱剑桥表示,中国将加大对市场干预行为的监管执法,夯实平等参与市场竞争的制度规则基础。He said the country will accelerate the revision of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, promote the introduction of the regulation on fair competition review and optimize the registration system for enterprises moving from one region to another.朱剑桥表示,国家将加快推动《反不正当竞争法》修订,推动《公平竞争审查条例》加快出台,优化企业跨区域迁移登记注册制度。China's fresh efforts to court foreign investors and businesses came as the country is firmly accelerating the push for building a unified national market that is efficient, rules-based, open and encourages fair competition, which means the country will further integrate itself into the global economy and steadily deepen reforms and opening-up, analysts said.分析人士表示,中国坚定不移地加快建设高效、规范、开放、鼓励公平竞争的全国统一大市场,为外国投资者和外资企业实施新举措,这表明中国将进一步融入全球经济,稳步深化改革开放。Ye Yindan, a researcher at the Bank of China Research Institute, said that China aims to set up a unified market system, and bring an end to local protectionism, market segmentation and impediments restricting economic circulation as well as facilitate the smooth flow of goods, factors and resources.中国银行研究院研究员叶银丹表示,中国期望建立统一的市场体系,扫除地方保护、市场分割和制约经济流通的障碍,促进商品要素资源的顺畅流动。"Such a unified market will help foreign companies establish a unified system for production, operation and sales in China and reduce their costs resulting from differences in rules between regions, thus greatly enhancing the confidence of foreign investors," Ye said.叶银丹说:“统一的市场将有助于外国公司在中国建立统一的生产、经营和销售体系,降低因地区规则差异而产生的成本,从而显著地增强外国投资者的信心。”Cui Weijie, deputy director of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, spoke highly of China's ongoing efforts on shortening negative lists for market entry and building a unified national market, saying those moves help create a modern market system that is open, transparent and encourages fair competition and benefit all market players.商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院副院长崔卫杰高度评价中国在缩减市场准入负面清单和建设全国统一大市场方面所作出的努力,他认为这些举措有助于建立公开透明的现代市场体系,鼓励公平竞争,惠及所有的市场主体。Sang Baichuan, dean of University of International Business and Economics' Institute of International Economy in Beijing, said he expects to see greater efforts in further opening the services sector and creating a better business environment for foreign investors.北京对外经济贸易大学国际经济研究院院长桑百川表示,他希望推动服务业进一步开放,为外国投资者创造更好的营商环境。Executives from both home and abroad hailed China's intensified efforts for optimizing the business environment, expressing strong optimism and confidence in the resilience of the Chinese economy.国内外高管称赞中国加大优化营商环境所作出的努力,对中国经济的韧性表现出强烈的乐观和信心。"China is a market that cannot be ignored. It cannot be missed as an outlet for most companies," said Denis Depoux, global managing director of consultancy Roland Berger.罗兰·贝格国际管理咨询公司全球管理委员会联系总裁戴璞表示:“对于大多数公司来说,中国是一个不容错过的市场。”"China is one of the leading supply chains in the global market," said Samson Khaou, executive vice-president of Dassault Systemes Asia-Pacific. "We believe that the growth of China will be sourced by domestic demand as well as global demand."达索系统亚太区执行副总裁许善淞说:“中国是全球市场领先的供应链之一。我们相信,中国经济的增长源于国内和国际的需求。”Qi Xiangdong, chairman of Chinese cybersecurity company Qi-Anxin Technology Group, said the company has benefited from an optimized business environment, adding that he expects to see more efforts to further spur market confidence and has strong confidence in the company's development this year.中国网络安全公司奇安信科技集团董事长齐向东表示,公司受益于营商环境的优化。他希望看到提振市场信心的更多举措,并对公司今年的发展充满信心。Unified英 /'ju:nifaid/美 /'ju:nifaid/adj. 统一的,Vitality英 /vaɪˈtæləti/美 /vaɪˈtæləti/n.活力Access英 /ˈækses/美 /ˈækses/n. 准入,经济学术语,指一国允许外国的货物、劳务、资本参与国内市场的程度