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 China said on Monday that high-altitude balloons from the United States had flown over its airspace more than 10 times since the beginning of last year without permission from Chinese authorities.2月13日,中国当局表示,去年以来,美方高空气球10余次非法飞越中国领空。"It is not an uncommon thing for US balloons to illegally enter other countries' airspace," Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, noting that China has dealt with the US balloons in a responsible and professional way.外交部发言人汪文斌说:“美方气球非法进入别国的领空,并不是什么稀罕事。”他指出,中国在处理美方气球一事上一直本着负责任和专业的态度。Wang made the remarks at a regular news briefing in Beijing as Washington continued dramatizing the accidental entry of a Chinese civilian airship into its airspace.在华盛顿继续夸大中国民用飞艇意外进入其领空之际,汪文斌在北京的例行新闻发布会上发表了上述言论。In one of the latest moves after the US military shot down the Chinese airship earlier this month, the US Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security said on Friday that it has blacklisted six Chinese entities that it said were linked to Beijing's aerospace programs, including those involving airships and balloons.在本月初美方击落中国飞艇后的最新举措之一中显示,2月10日,美国商务部工业和安全局已将六家中国实体列入黑名单,称其与北京包括涉及飞艇和气球在内的航空航天项目有关。Wang said: "We strongly deplore and oppose this. China will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies and organizations."汪文斌指出:“我们对此表示强烈谴责和反对。中方将采取一切必要措施,坚决维护中国企业和组织的正当合法权益。”He added that Washington is using the illegal unilateral sanctions against Chinese institutions to play up the situation.他补充道,华盛顿在利用对中国机构的非法单边制裁来渲染局势。China urges the US to appropriately handle accidents caused by force majeure in a calm, professional and restrained manner, Wang said, noting that the two sides are maintaining necessary communication.中方敦促美方通过冷静、专业、克制的方式,妥善处理这次因不可抗力导致的意外情况,并双方保持着必要沟通。The spokesman reiterated Beijing's firm opposition to Washington's overreaction by using force to deal with the Chinese airship, saying that it is the US that has been abusing its technological advantages to conduct large-scale, indiscriminate surveillance and theft of secrets across the world, including against its allies.发言人重申,北京坚决反对华盛顿对中国飞艇使用武力的过度反应,并表示,正是美国滥用其技术优势,在世界各地包括其盟友在内进行大规模、不分青红皂白的监视和窃密。Given such infringements on other countries' sovereignty and interests, which also violate international law and basic norms governing international relations, Wang said no country has a better claim to the titles of spy state and surveillance state than the US.鉴于这一侵犯他国主权和利益的行为同样违反了国际法和国际关系基本准则,美国当之无愧成为了间谍国和监视国。He also mentioned Washington's frequent close-in surveillance around China, which seriously threatens China's national security and undermines regional peace and stability.他还提到,华盛顿频繁对中国周边进行抵近监视,严重威胁中国国家安全,破坏地区和平稳定。"The US side should check on its own behavior, instead of smearing others and instigating confrontation," Wang said.汪文斌表示:“美方应该检讨自己的行为,而不是抹黑别人、挑起对抗。”According to the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative, a Beijing-based think tank, US reconnaissance aircraft flew 657 missions to the South China Sea last year and 64 such flights in January this year.根据总部位于北京的“南海战略态势感知计划”智库数据,美国侦察机去年在南海执行了657次任务,今年1月执行了64次。Unilateral 英 [ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəl]   美 [ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəl]adj.单边的Sanction英[ˈsæŋkʃn]       美[ˈsæŋkʃn]n.制裁Reiterate英 [riˈɪtəreɪt]       美 [riˈɪtəreɪt]v. 重申