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Hou Xuezhong wolfed down a bowl of instant noodles on Wednesday afternoon during a short break, after working for more than eight hours to safely relocate residents trapped by floodwaters in Zhuozhou, Hebei province.8月2日下午,侯学忠在短暂的休息时间狼吞虎咽地吃了一碗方便面,此前他已经工作了八个多小时,安全转移了被洪水围困的河北省涿州市居民。In the morning, the 31-year-old Hou, together with his colleagues from the Shanxi Tianlong Rescue Team, had helped from 100 to 200 people who had been trapped in a community where floodwater was up to 2 meters deep.早上,31岁的侯学忠与山西天龙救援队的同事们一起,帮助了100到200名被洪水围困在水深达2米的小区里的群众。He recalled how a baby girl didn't cry when her mother handed her to him through a first-floor window. The mother said that "she was nervous and worried about her child, but was relieved to see the rescue team," Hou said.他回忆说,一名女婴的母亲将她从一楼窗户递给他时,她没有哭。这位母亲说,“她很紧张,担心自己的孩子,但看到救援队后就放心了。”A restaurant boss surnamed Zhang refused to allow the rescue team's members to pay for their lunch, saying that "it is what I should do for the city". As they left the restaurant, a woman from the neighborhood rushed over and gave them a bag of snacks to show her gratitude for their selfless efforts.一位姓张的餐馆老板拒绝让救援队成员支付午餐费,并说“这是我应该为这座城市做的。”当他们离开餐馆时,一位附近社区的妇女赶了过来,送给他们一袋零食,对他们的无私付出表示感谢。Rescue teams from across the country have arrived in Zhuozhou, parts of which were submerged after rainstorms swept the city. Average precipitation in Zhuozhou reached a rare high of 355.1 millimeters between Saturday and 11 am on Tuesday, the result of Typhoon Doksuri.来自全国各地的救援队已抵达涿州,该市部分地区在暴雨袭击后被淹没。受台风“杜苏芮”影响,从周六到周二上午11点,涿州的平均降水量达到了罕见的355.1毫米。Zhuozhou, which is 80 kilometers southwest of Beijing, has six rivers, so in addition to the local downpours, the city faced the challenge of being inundated by flooding that occurred upstream.涿州位于北京西南80公里处,有六条河流,因此除了当地的暴雨外,该市还面临着被上游洪水淹没的危险。Many bridges have been washed away in the city, leading to the interruption of some major transportation routes. Communication facilities have also been damaged, making rescue efforts extremely challenging, the local government said.该市许多桥梁被冲毁,导致一些主要交通路线中断。当地政府表示,通讯设施也遭到破坏,给救援工作带来极大挑战。The emergency management department of Hebei province is guiding emergency response forces in carrying out the continuing rescue operations. Nearly 100 civil relief units, such as the Blue Sky Rescue Team and Ram Rescue Team, had arrived by Wednesday, local authorities said.河北省应急管理厅正在指导应急部队继续开展救援行动。当地政府表示,截至8月2日,蓝天救援队和公羊救援队等近百支民间救援队已经抵达。As of Wednesday, a total of 710 firefighters and 145 vehicles, as well as 200 forest and grassland firefighting personnel with 20 vehicles, had been deployed for rescue work in Zhuozhou.截至8月2日,涿州市共出动消防人员710人、车辆145辆,森林草原消防人员200人、车辆20辆,开展救援工作。The rescue teams brought more than 500 boats, Hebei Daily reported.据《河北日报》报道,救援队带来了500多艘船只。As of 10 am on Tuesday, about 134,000 residents were affected in Zhuozhou, and rescue and related efforts were still underway, official data showed. The city, which has a population of more than 650,000, was racing to provide drinking water and restore electricity, especially to the worst-hit areas.官方数据显示,截至8月1日上午10点,涿州约有13.4万居民受灾,救援和相关工作仍在进行中。这个人口超过65万的城市正在争分夺秒提供饮用水和恢复供电,尤其是在受灾最严重的地区。A tearful Chen Shuangshuang, who was rescued from her house with two children, said: "The rescue teams overcame a lot of difficulties. They are also someone's fathers."带着两个孩子从家中获救的陈双双含泪说道:“救援队克服了重重困难。他们也是别人的父亲。”Residents of her community, which is in Zhuozhou's high-tech industrial development zone and was one of the areas most affected, had been trapped by floodwater as deep as 3 meters for more than two days, without drinking water or electricity.她所在的社区位于涿州高新技术产业开发区,是受灾最严重的地区之一,居民们被深达3米的洪水围困了两天多,没有饮用水,也没有电。At the Zhuozhou Vocational Education Center, a relocation site, about 2,000 residents have been provided with shelter in dormitories, with an additional 1,000 beds available. Supplies have also been delivered.在涿州职业教育中心的一个安置点,约有2,000名居民住进了宿舍,另有1,000个床位可供使用。物资也已送达。"Now we can guarantee three meals a day for the residents. There is a sufficient supply of mineral water, meat, eggs and milk," said Han Xuesong, Party secretary of the center, who added that the center also provides around-the-clock medical services.“现在,我们可以保证居民的一日三餐。矿泉水、肉、蛋、奶的供应也很充足。”涿州职教中心党委书记韩雪松表示,他还补充说,中心还提供全天候医疗服务。Shan Yufen was sent to the center by a rescue team on Wednesday, along with her husband and granddaughter. "At least we have place to stay. I feel relieved. I am grateful to the kindhearted people who participated in the rescue efforts," she said.8月2日,救援队将单玉芬和她的丈夫、孙女一起送到了中心。“至少我们有地方住了。我感到很欣慰。我很感谢参与救援的好心人。”她说。Shan said a room was arranged for them upon arrival and the three were given a quick physical examination. The workers even gave her granddaughter some toys to lift her spirits, she added.单玉芬说,他们到达后,工作人员为他们安排了房间,并对三人进行了简单的身体检查。她补充说,工作人员还送给她孙女一些玩具,让她心情好一点。Floodwater英/ˈflʌdwɔːtə(r)/ 美/ˈflʌdwɔːtər/n.洪水Rescue英/ˈreskjuː/ 美/ˈreskjuː/n.营救,救援