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Chinese makeup and beauty influencer Li Jiaqi, known as the "King of Lipstick," sobbed while apologizing again on Monday evening, after his "inappropriate remarks" made against a netizen a day before triggered a very heated discussion online. The netizen had complained that a home-made eyebrow pencil was "too expensive".周一(9月11日)晚,“口红一哥”的李佳琦哭着再次道歉,前一天他对一名网友发表了“不当言论”,在网上引发了激烈的讨论。网友抱怨国产眉笔“太贵”。"Today I'd like to seriously say 'sorry' to you guys," Li stood in front of the camera and made the apology at the beginning of his livestreaming.“今天我郑重地对你们说一句‘对不起’,”李佳琦站在镜头前,在直播开始时道歉。Since Sunday evening, Li's remarks against the netizen have been trending on Sina Weibo. During his livestreaming on Monday evening, Li responded to many controversies against him.自周日(9月10日)晚上以来,李佳琦对网民的言论一直在微博上扩散。在周一晚上的直播中,李佳琦回应了许多针对他的争议。"I once said that Li Jiaqi's feathers were given by all the girls one by one, and it is the support and trust of all the girls that let me go thus far to today step by step. No matter at what time, I should not forget where I came from, let alone lose myself," Li said.“我之前也说过,李佳琦身上的羽毛都是所有女生一片一片赋予我的,是所有女生的支持和信任让我一步步走到了现在。无论什么时候我都不应该忘记我来自哪里,也不应该迷失自己。”李佳琦说。"My very inappropriate remarks let you down. I should not and I am not qualified to casually comment on any netizen from the personnel perspective," Li said, noting that he had recognized that this inappropriate expression was disrespectful to others and that anyone has the right to express opinions and ideas about the products during the livestreaming.“我说的话让大家失望了。我不应该也没有资格站在个人的角度随意地去评论任何一位网友”李佳琦说,他已经意识到这种不恰当的表达是对他人的不尊重,任何人都有提出产品建议以及想法的权利。Li said that he had been reflecting on the incident and had reviewed netizens' online comments, sincerely accepting all criticism and suggestions from the public.李佳琦说他一直在反省也看到了大家的讨论,他诚恳地接受大家一切的批评和建议。Li was making a pitch about an eyebrow pen on Saturday evening on Taobao Live, Alibaba's live-streaming platform. He then read out a comment from a viewer saying the product including two refills priced at 79 yuan ($10.8) has become more expensive.周六(9月9日)晚上,李佳琦在阿里巴巴的直播平台淘宝直播上推荐一支眉笔。 之他读了一位观众的评论,称售价79元(10.8美元)的包含两个替换装的眉笔变贵了。Li seemed to be upset about the comment and said the price of the product has remained unchanged over the years.李佳琦看到这一条评论似乎不太高兴,并表示该产品的价格多年来一直保持不变。"The product is expensive? Sometimes people need to find the reasons why they haven't received a pay rise after working so many years. Have they worked hard enough?" he said.他说:“哪里贵了,有时候找找自己原因,这么多年工资涨没涨,有没有认真工作。”Many people then said Li's comments were inappropriate and had made them angry. The topic of his comment became one of the most discussed topics on social media on Sunday.许多人说,李佳琦的言论不恰当,他们很愤怒。他的评论话题成为周日社交媒体上讨论最多的话题之一。"The consumers have the right to question the price of a product, but Li has no right to judge the consumers and lash out on people's spending power. What he said was outrageous," a Sina Weibo user said on Sunday.“消费者有权质疑产品的价格,但李佳琦无权评判消费者,也无权猛烈抨击人们的消费能力。”一位新浪微博用户周日说。Around 1 am on Monday, Li published a statement on social media apologizing for his comments and making people disappointed.周一(9月11日)凌晨1点左右,李佳琦在社交媒体上发表声明,为自己的言论道歉,让大家失望了。"I am sorry for letting people down. I've made some inappropriate comments that have made people unconformable," Li said in the statement.李佳琦说:“我说的话辜负了你们的期望,真的很抱歉。我说了些不恰当、让大家不舒服的话。”He added that he started his career as a cosmetic sales assistant, so he understands people's struggles. He also vowed to learn to better control his emotions in the future.他补充说,他的职业生涯从彩妆柜台销售员开始,深知大家的工作都是辛苦和不容易的。他还表示以后学会更好地控制情绪。As of Tuesday morning, more than 1 million fans had stopped following Li on Weibo, as his total number of fans dropped from 30.43 million to 29.27 million.截至周二(9月12日)上午,在微博上取关李佳琦的网友超100万,他的粉丝总数从3043万下降到了2927万。A customer service representative from domestic beauty brand Huaxizi, the brand involved in the dispute, said that the entire process had been recorded and there will be further investigation, according to media reports.据媒体报道,参与纠纷的国货美妆品牌花西子的客户服务代表表示,整个过程已经被记录下来,将进行进一步调查。For the potential repercussions of this incident, a brand founder told Jiemian News that it hinges on the event's influence. If it escalates into a broader social issue, the brand will contemplate its future collaboration with Li.一位品牌创始人告诉界面新闻,这一事件的间接效应取决于该事件的影响。如果它升级为一个更广泛的社会问题,该品牌将重新考虑与李佳琦之后的合作。"If it can be resolved swiftly," the founder said, "then we will maintain our partnership, contingent upon the market's reaction to such occurrences and the sales data."“如果这个问题能迅速解决,”创始人说,“那么我们将维持我们的合作伙伴关系,这取决于市场对这次事件的反应和销售数据。”Livestreaming e-commerce has blossomed in the country, bringing benefits to both merchants and consumers. And, the regulators have stepped up efforts to rectify wrongdoing through livestreaming.直播电子商务在中国蓬勃发展,给商家和消费者都带来了利益。此外,监管机构也加大了纠正直播不当行为的力度。Editor: Zuo Zhuo,Zhou ChanReporter: Cui JiaSource: Global Times, Chinadaily.com.cnrepercussion 英/riːpə'kʌʃ(ə)n/美/ˌripɚ'kʌʃən/n.(间接的)影响,反响,恶果contemplate 英/'kɒntempleɪt/美/'kɑntəmplet/n.考虑;思量