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英语新闻|社论:这十年“人民至上”的发展Years from now, history will record how much unfair criticism China hasreceived in sticking to its dynamic clearing policy to fight the still raging,but intentionally ignored by some countries, COVID-19 pandemic, and thecountless lives that have been saved by doing that.尽管新冠疫情仍然肆虐,许多国家将其故意忽视。为抗击疫情,中国坚持动态清零政策。多年以后,历史将记录下中国受到了多少不公正的批评,以及这一政策拯救了多少生命。The commitment to putting people's lives and health first is a testamentto the people-first principle that has been the touchstone for the country's development over the past 10 years. There are plentyof data from the past decade that tell the same story of how development hasboosted people's income, improved their livelihoods and created jobs.承诺将人民群众的生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,正是过去十年间我国发展坚持“人民至上”原则的证明。过去10年的大量数据表明,发展提高了人民的收入水平,改善了民生,也创造了就业机会。From 2013 to 2021, China's gross domestic product grew at an averageannual rate of 6.6 percent, higher than the average of 2.6 percent for theworld and 3.7 percent average of developing economies in the same period. Chinanow ranks among upper-middle-income countries and is close to the threshold of high-income countries as classified by the World Bank.2013年至2021年,中国国内生产总值年均增长6.6%,同期世界年均增长为2.6%,发展中经济体年均为3.7%。中国目前稳居中上等收入国家行列,接近世界银行划分的高收入国家门槛值。China's economy accounted for 18.5 percent of the world economy in 2021,up 7.2 percentage points from 2012, and China's average contribution rate toworld economic growth over the past decade has exceeded 30 percent.2021年,中国经济总量占世界经济的18.5%,比2012年提高了7.2个百分点。过去十年,中国对世界经济增长的的平均贡献率超过30%。Last year, China's average per capita GDP reached 80,976 yuan ($11,329),an increase of 69.7 percent over the figure in 2012. This representedan average annual growth rate of 6.1 percent after deducting pricefactors. And the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents was35,128 yuan, an increase of 18,618 yuan over 2012, representing an averageannual real growth rate of 6.6 percent and 0.5 percentage points faster thanthe average annual growth rate of per capita GDP in the same period.去年,中国人均GDP达到80976元(11329美元),比2012年增长69.7%。扣除价格因素,年均增长率为6.1%。居民人均可支配收入35128元,比2012年增加18618元,年均实际增速6.6%,快于同期人均国内生产总值年均增速0.5个百分点。In particular, nearly 100 million rural residents were lifted out of abject poverty over the past decade through a national poverty alleviationcampaign that was seamlessly docked with ongoing rural vitalization effortsaimed at narrowing the urban-rural development gap. The number of employedpeople in the country has remained stable at more than 740 million over thepast decade, with more than 11 million jobs created each year.十年间,国家脱贫攻坚战让近1亿农村人口摆脱了赤贫。为缩小城乡发展差距,乡村振兴战略持续推进,与脱贫攻坚无缝衔接。过去十年,全国就业人数稳定在7.4亿人以上,每年新增就业岗位1100多万个。At the same time, the country has accelerated the construction of itsmulti-level social security system, and built the world's largest socialsecurity system. By the end of 2021, the number of people covered by basicold-age insurance and basic medical insurance had reached 1.03 billion and 1.36billion, respectively.同时,中国加快多层次社会保障体系建设,建成了世界上规模最大的社会保障体系。截至2021年底,基本养老保险和基本医疗保险参保人数分别达到10.3亿人和13.6亿人。That the average life expectancy in China has increased from 35 years in1949 to 78 last year speaks volumes of the remarkable achievements the countryhas made in implementing its people-first development policies.1949年至今,中国的人均预期寿命从35岁提升至78岁,充分说明“人民至上”的发展政策取得了显著成效。The upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China willprove to be another historical springboard to carry on that developmentphilosophy and adapt it better to the fast changing circumstances of the times.即将召开的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会,将是我们发扬这一发展理念、更好适应快速变化的时代形势的又一个历史跳板。touchstone英[ˈtʌtʃstəʊn]美[ˈtʌtʃstoʊn]n.试金石,(检验)标准threshold英[ˈθreʃhəʊld]  美[ˈθreʃhoʊld]n.门槛abject 英  [ˈæbdʒekt]  美  [ˈæbdʒekt]adj.悲惨绝望的,凄惨的