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 High energy prices have created headaches for ski resorts in Europe's Alpine region but operators pursuing a sustainability strategy say they have been able to deliver for skiers while applying energy-saving initiatives at their resorts.高昂的能源价格令欧洲阿尔卑斯山地区的滑雪场头疼不已,但追求可持续发展战略的运营商表示,他们能够在度假村实施节能举措的同时满足滑雪者的需求。Because electricity is key to keeping resorts running, crucial for making artificial snow and powering ski lifts, among other needs, resorts across Europe have been feeling the effects of the elevated energy prices — driven in large part by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.由于电力是维持度假村运营的关键,对人造雪的制造和滑雪缆车动力的提供非常重要,于是欧洲各地的度假村都感受到了能源价格上涨带来的影响——很大程度上是由俄罗斯和乌克兰冲突造成的。But the energy-saving steps, including slower-moving ski lifts, restrictions on night skiing, and the lowering of building temperatures, have succeeded in reducing energy use.不过,包括滑雪缆车限速、限制夜间滑雪和降低室内温度在内的节能措施,已成功地减少了能源消耗。Christoph Eisinger, managing director of Ski Amade, one of the biggest ski areas in Austria, said: "Due to the European energy crisis, the tourism industry, like any other industry has been asked by the Austrian government to save even more energy."奥地利最大滑雪场之一的Ski Amade总经理克里斯托夫·艾辛格说:“受欧洲能源危机影响,奥地利政府要求旅游业和其他行业一样节约更多能源。”According to Eisinger, Ski Amade has adapted the speed of all lifts and cable cars, based on passenger volume. Seat heating is turned on only when necessary, and night skiing is being limited.据艾辛格介绍,Ski Amade根据客运量调整了所有电梯和缆车的速度。只有在必要时才打开座椅暖气,夜间滑雪也受到限制。"We implement these measures in a way so that none of our guests will have a limited ski experience or a loss of comfort. Our entire ski areas are in full operation and our guests will get the quality of ski vacation they can expect," he said.“我们实施这些措施是为了不让游客享受自由舒适的滑雪体验。整个滑雪场都在全面运作,游客将获得他们可以期待的高质量的滑雪假期。”Despite two hard years of COVID-19 restrictions for the industry, Eisinger said he is more optimistic about this season, which he believes will be better than recent ones.尽管滑雪行业因新冠疫情影响受限两年,艾辛格仍表示,他对这一季更加乐观,他认为这一季会比最近几季更好。"And the booking forecasts support our optimism," he said. "If the weather and snow conditions stay stable, a good winter season should come out in the end."“滑雪预定的数量验证了我们的乐观,”他说。“如果天气和降雪状况保持稳定,最终应该会迎来一个好的冬季。”In Switzerland, the government's Federal Council said power shortages have not been ruled out for this winter.To avoid a shortage of electricity, the Swiss ski destination Davos Klosters set up a working group to draw up 40 energy-saving measures, covering sports facilities, technical operations, and public spaces.瑞士政府的联邦委员会表示,不排除今年冬天出现电力短缺的可能性。为避免电力短缺,瑞士滑雪胜地达沃斯克洛斯特斯成立了一个工作组,拟定了40项涵盖体育设施、技术运营和公共场所的节能措施。The night trail for cross-country skiing will be open for less time in the coming season. The outdoor pool at the public swimming center will be closed in the offseason, and facilities in the wellness area will also be scaled back.在即将到来的滑雪季中,越野滑雪的夜间步道将缩短开放时间。公共游泳中心的室外游泳池将在淡季关闭,养生区域的设施也将缩减。It has become clear that ski operators that invested in renewable energy sources and sustainable business practices seem to be in a better position in terms of energy and cost savings.显而易见,在可再生能源和可持续商业做法方面投资的滑雪经营者在能源和成本节约方面似乎处于更有利的地位。Samuel Rosenast, the resort's head of communications and content, said: "Energy efficiency has been in focus for years, as the municipality of Davos aims for energy self-sufficiency by 2036.度假村的通讯与内容主管塞缪尔·罗森纳斯特表示:“能源效率多年来一直是人们关注的焦点,因为达沃斯市政府的目标是到2036年实现能源自给自足。”"The use of renewable energies is definitely a great advantage for our destination. It allows us to reduce CO2 emissions… also helps to keep costs lower and make us less dependent on other energy suppliers."“使用可再生能源绝对是我们目的地的一大优势。我们能够因此减少二氧化碳排放……还有助于降低成本、减少对其他能源供应商的依赖。”Switzerland's Laax is another resort that has placed a focus on sustainability and is aiming to be the first carbon-neutral Alpine holiday destination.瑞士的莱克斯是另一个关注可持续性的度假胜地,目标是成为第一个碳中和的阿尔卑斯度假胜地。Oliver Sedlinger, the destination's China representative, said: "Apart from our own ever-expanding local electricity production, the electricity needed from outside is based on long-term contracts with our strategic partners, which gives us stability.目的地中国代表奥利弗·塞德林格表示:“除了我们自己不断扩大的本地电力生产外,外部所需要的电力是基于与我们的战略合作伙伴签订的长期合同,我们对此感到十分稳定。"So, for the 2022, 2023, and 2024 seasons, we do not expect any changes in ski ticket prices caused by rising energy costs. Essentially, our ski ticket prices are the same as last year."“所以对于2022、2023和2024赛季,我们预计滑雪票价不会因能源成本上涨而出现任何变化。我们的滑雪票价基本上会与去年相同。”As part of the initiative known as Greenstyle, Laax has been investing in energy production, energy saving, waste reduction, recycling, electric mobility, nature protection, and other fields.作为Greenstyle倡议的一份子,莱克斯一直投资于能源生产、节能、废物减少、回收、电动移动、自然保护等领域。"So, for us, this is a natural ongoing process of innovation and optimization, as we are always looking to do things better and more efficiently," Sedlinger said.塞林格说:“因此,对我们来说,这是一个自然持续的创新和优化过程,因为我们一直在寻求把事情做得更好、更高效。”In Italian ski town Cortina d'Ampezzo — the co-host of the 2026 Milan Cortina Winter Olympic Games, Mayor Gianluca Lorenzi said: "We are trying to cope with the situation with the resources we have. Our plant engineers guarantee all the plants are open and the usability of all the ski slopes.在意大利滑雪小镇科尔蒂纳- 2026年米兰科尔蒂纳冬季奥运会的联合主办城市,市长吉安卢卡·洛伦齐说:“我们努力用已有的资源来应对这种情况。我们的工厂工程师会保证所有工厂有效开放,所有滑雪场都可用。"The period is difficult and we must all try to resist the crisis, possibly making sacrifices to find extra resources to ensure the service."“这个时期很艰难,我们必须努力扛住危机,可能会为了保障服务另找资源而做出牺牲。”With the government working to control energy costs, he is confident it will still turn out to be a good winter season.在政府努力控制能源成本的情况下,他相信今年冬季仍然会良好发展。Sustainability英 [səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti] 美 [ səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti]n. 持续性Ongoing英 [ˈɒnɡəʊɪŋ]     美 [ˈɑːnɡoʊɪŋ]adj.不间断的Optimization英['ɒptəmaɪ'zeɪʃən]美['ɑ:ptəmaɪ'zeɪʃən]n.最优化