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The visit to Russia by Kim Jongun, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, will be a "full-fledged" one, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, as Kim will have a comprehensive discussion with President Vladimir Putin.克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫表示,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高领导人金正恩对俄罗斯的访问将是一次“全面”访问,金正恩将与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京进行全面讨论。Kim, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, left Pyongyang by train on Sunday afternoon to visit the Russian Federation, the official Korean Central News Agency reported on Tuesday.据9月12日朝鲜中央通讯社报道,朝鲜劳动党委员长、朝鲜国务委员长金正日于9月10日下午乘火车离开平壤前往俄罗斯访问。"There will be negotiations between two delegations, and after that, if necessary, the leaders will continue their communication in a one-on-one format," Peskov said.佩斯科夫说:“两国代表团将进行谈判,之后,如有必要,两国领导人将以一对一的形式继续沟通。”According to the spokesman, the main topic of the talks will be bilateral relations between the two neighbors. "We will continue to strengthen our friendship," Peskov said.据这位发言人称,会谈的主要议题将是两个邻国之间的双边关系。佩斯科夫说:“俄朝双方将继续加强友好关系。”Russian state news agency RIA reported on Tuesday morning that the special train had arrived in Russia and was currently traveling north through Primorsky Krai in Russia's Far East region.俄罗斯国家通讯社12日上午报道称,专列已抵达俄罗斯,目前正向北行驶,途经俄罗斯远东地区的滨海边疆区。Peskov said Putin and Kim will meet after the Eastern Economic Forum that runs through Wednesday in Vladivostok, but the report didn't specify when or where.佩斯科夫说,普京和金正恩将在符拉迪沃斯托克举行的东方经济论坛结束后会晤,但报道没有具体说明会晤的时间和地点。The city, located about 700 kilometers north of Pyongyang, was also the site of Putin's first meeting with Kim in 2019, The Associated Press reported.据美联社报道,符拉迪沃斯托克位于平壤以北约700公里处,也是普京与金正恩2019年首次会晤的地点。The United States has accused the DPRK of providing Russia with arms as the latter is conducting its special military operation in Ukraine. Both Moscow and Pyongyang denied such claims.美国指责朝鲜在俄罗斯在乌克兰开展特别军事行动时向其提供武器。俄罗斯政府和朝鲜政府都否认了这种说法。The latest visit also sparked Western concerns about a potential arms deal between the two countries, Western media reported.据西方媒体报道,朝鲜最近的访问也引发了西方对两国之间潜在武器交易的担忧。State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the US will monitor the meeting closely.美国国务院发言人马修·米勒表示,美国将密切关注此次会晤。"Arms discussions between Russia and the DPRK are expected to continue during Kim Jong-un's trip to Russia," said White House National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson.白宫国家安全委员会发言人阿德里安娜·沃森说:“在金正恩访问俄罗斯期间,俄罗斯和朝鲜之间的武器讨论预计将继续进行。”In Seoul, the Republic of Korea's Defense Ministry spokesman Jeon Ha-kyu also said on Tuesday that his ministry is closely monitoring whether Pyongyang and Moscow will proceed with negotiations on an arms deal and technology transfer.在首尔,韩国国防部发言人全河奎12日也表示,国防部正在密切关注平壤和莫斯科是否会继续就武器交易和技术转让进行谈判。At the Vladivostok forum on Tuesday, Putin spoke about economic development in Russia's Far East, but did not mention Kim in the first hour of the forum's plenary session. Earlier, he told forum moderators that Russia was developing weapons based on "new physical principles" but did not give details.在12日举行的符拉迪沃斯托克论坛上,普京谈到了俄罗斯远东地区的经济发展,但在论坛全体会议的第一个小时中没有提到金正恩。早些时候,他告诉论坛主持人,俄罗斯正在开发基于“新物理原理”的武器,但没有透露细节。The Russian leader made the remarks as Reuters reported that the US administration is close to approving the shipment of longrange missiles packed with cluster bombs to Ukraine.路透社报道称,美国政府即将批准向乌克兰运送装有集束炸弹的远程导弹,而俄罗斯领导人正是在这一消息公布后发表上述讲话的。After seeing the success of cluster munitions delivered in 155mm artillery rounds in recent months, the US is considering shipping either or both Army Tactical Missile Systems that can fly up to 300 km, or Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System missiles with a 70-km range packed with cluster bombs, three US officials said, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,三位美国官员表示,在最近几个月看到用155毫米炮弹投送集束弹药取得成功后,美国正在考虑向乌克兰运送可飞行300公里的陆军战术导弹系统或射程为70公里的装有集束炸弹的制导多管火箭系统导弹。If approved, either option would be available for rapid shipment to Kyiv. The White House declined to comment on the Reuters report.如果获得批准,这两种导弹都可以迅速运往基辅。白宫拒绝对路透社的报道发表评论。Meanwhile, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba discussed with his visiting German counterpart, Annalena Baerbock, the prospects of the supplies of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.与此同时,乌克兰外交部11日表示,乌克兰外长德米特罗·库莱巴与到访的德国外长安娜莱娜·贝尔博克讨论了向乌克兰供应“金牛座”巡航导弹的前景。The Taurus missile is an air-launched missile that has an operational range of about 500 km.“金牛座”导弹是一种空射导弹,作战射程约500公里。Ukraine stands ready to fulfill all the tasks needed to speed up the process of getting the Taurus missiles, he said.他说,乌克兰随时准备完成所有必要的任务,以加快获得“金牛座”导弹的进程。At their talks, Baerbock said Germany would provide an additional 20 million euros ($21.4 million) in humanitarian aid to Ukraine.贝尔博克在会谈中表示,德国将向乌克兰额外提供2000万欧元(2140万美元)的人道主义援助。Baerbock arrived in Kyiv earlier in the day on her fourth visit since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.贝尔博克当天早些时候抵达基辅,这是她自俄乌冲突爆发以来的第四次访问。Full-fledged英/ˌfʊl ˈfledʒd/ 美/ˌfʊl ˈfledʒd/adj.全面发展的Negotiation英/nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn/ 美/nɪˌɡoʊʃiˈeɪʃ(ə)n/n.谈判,协商