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Netizens have rallied around BooksChina.com, one of the country's biggest online bookstores, which has been severely affected by heavy rain and flooding triggered by Typhoon Doksuri.受台风“杜苏芮”引发的暴雨和洪水的严重影响,中国最大的网上书店之一——中图网(BooksChina.com)得到网民的声援。In a statement issued on its website and multiple social media platforms, including WeChat and Sina Weibo, the bookseller said its warehouse in Zhuozhou, Hebei province, suffered the "most destructive impact" of flooding since the company was founded 25 years ago.该书商在其网站和多个社交媒体平台(包括微信和新浪微博)上发表声明称,其位于河北省涿州市的仓库遭受了该公司成立25年来遭遇的“最具毁灭性的损失和打击”。More than 4 million books, which accounted for roughly 80 percent of its inventory, have been damaged by floodwaters, the statement said.声明称,400多万册图书被洪水冲毁,约占其库存的80%。On Tuesday night, after the company sent out messages on social media saying that some of its employees were trapped on the fourth floor of the warehouse, netizens helped direct emergency responders to the location.8月1日晚,该公司在社交媒体上发布消息称其部分员工被困在仓库的四楼,网民们帮助引导应急人员前往该地点。Some social media users offered to buy damaged books, while others said they were willing to make donations to help BooksChina.com survive the ordeal.一些社交媒体用户表示愿意购买受损图书,还有一些人表示愿意捐款帮助中国图书网渡过难关。Hebei was battered by heavy rainfall for about 144 hours since July 27, when Typhoon Doksuri plowed into East China's Fujian province.自7月27日台风“杜苏芮”袭击福建省以来,河北遭受了约144小时的强降雨袭击。Zhuozhou received 355 millimeters of rainfall between 8 am on Saturday and 11 am on Tuesday, and over 130,000 people were affected, according to local authorities.据当地政府称,从7月29日8时至8月1日11时,涿州降雨量达355毫米,超过13万人受灾。Hebei serves as a logistics hub for many companies in Beijing, and nearly 100 publishing houses keep their books stocked in Zhuozhou.河北是北京众多公司的物流枢纽,近100家出版社在涿州备有图书仓库。At around 1:30 pm on Tuesday, employees working at the Books­China.com warehouse shifted some books from the first floor to higher floors, and stacked up sandbags at the entrance, according to Paper.cn.据澎湃新闻报道,8月1日下午1点半左右,在中图网仓库工作的员工将一些图书从一楼转移到较高楼层,并在入口处堆起沙袋。However, floodwaters inundated the first floor within an hour, and employees rushed to take shelter on the fourth floor. It all happened too quickly and they didn't have enough resources to relocate all the books, the employees said.然而,洪水在一小时内淹没了一楼,员工们急忙跑到四楼避难。员工们说,这一切发生得太快,他们没有足够的资源来转移所有书籍。At around 9 pm on Tuesday, the company sent out messages seeking help. By 9 am on Wednesday, rescuers found all employees who were trapped in the warehouse and evacuated them to safety.当日晚9点左右,公司发出了求助信息。次日上午9点,救援人员找到了所有被困在仓库中的员工,并将他们疏散到安全地带。Netizens, who helped organize the rescue, sent words of encouragement to the company. Many ordered more books, gift cards and other items to extend their support.帮助组织营救的网民向公司发出了鼓励的话语。许多人订购了更多的书籍、礼品卡和其他物品,以表达他们的支持。"I have bought many books on your website, some of which saved me. ... It is time for me to rescue you," said one Weibo user.“我在你们的网站上买了很多书,其中一些救了我......。现在是我拯救你们的时候了,”一位微博用户说。Another user wrote, "Those who survive big disasters are blessed with good fortune afterward."另一位用户写道,“大难不死,必有后福。”The company, which mentioned in a statement that the books at its Zhuo­zhou warehouse were almost its "entire stock", said it will not sell the damaged and contaminated books as it valued its readers' safety more.该公司在一份声明中提到,涿州仓库的图书几乎是其“全部库存”,并表示不会出售这些受损和受污染的图书,因为该公司更看重读者的安全。"We have lost many out-of-print books," the company said in another post. "Many of our previous online orders cannot be delivered. After the flood recedes, we will check how many books can still be sold."“我们损失了不可复制、不会加印的稀缺、绝版、老版书”,该公司在另一篇帖子中说。“仍无法保证目前在售图书都能正常配货。等洪灾过去,我们重整库房,重新调货。”Deeply moved by the kind gestures of social media users, the company said, "Your support gives us the confidence to overcome this difficult period."该公司被社交媒体用户的善举深深感动,它写道:“大家的支持,给了我们很大的信心渡过这次难关。”BooksChina.com needs three to four weeks to go over pending online orders, and will call or send text messages to clients whose orders cannot be delivered, the company said, adding that they will be refunded.中图网表示,“未发货、未处理的订单,请多给我们一些时间(预计3到4周),急需用书的读者可先取消订单。”并将致电或发送短信给无法交付订单的客户,并补充说他们将获得退款。Warehouse英/ˈweəhaʊs/ 美/ˈwerhaʊs/n.仓库,货栈,货仓Destructive英/dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ 美/dɪˈstrʌktɪv/adj.破坏性的,毁灭性的