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The Chinese mainland fully resumed normal travel with the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs) starting Monday, in what is expected to be a strong boost for the two regions' economic development.2月1日起,中国大陆开始全面恢复与港澳特别行政区的正常通行,将有力推动两个地区的经济发展。Starting Monday, the Lo Wu Control Point, the Lok Ma Chau/Huanggang Control Point and the Heung Yuen Wai/Liantang Control Point opened up, marking the full resumption of the functioning of all seven boundary control points between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.罗湖、落马洲/皇岗及香园围/莲塘口岸于2月1日正式开放,标志着深圳与香港之间的7个边境管制站全面恢复运作。Monday's first group of travelers included students, cyclists, and people traveling for business and family reunions.2月1日以来,首批旅客包括了学生、骑行爱好者、出差和回家团聚的人。At the Liantang Control Point, red welcome banners and flower bouquets added to the joyful atmosphere greeting commuters. Around 6:30 am, cross-boundary students and their parents, who were about to leave for Hong Kong for the new semester, were already queued up for departure.在莲塘口岸,红色欢迎横幅和花束使迎接旅客的欢乐气氛更加浓厚。上午6时30分左右,即将启程赴港新学期的跨境学子和家长已经排起了长队。Pan Qiaojuan, who lives in Shenzhen's Luohu district, arrived early with her son for the long-awaited trip. "I've been looking forward to this moment. Today, my son will go back to his middle school in Hong Kong and we will also visit his grandparents there. We haven't seen one another for a long time."家住深圳罗湖区的潘乔娟带着儿子早早赶到,开始了期待已久的旅行。“我一直期待着这一刻。今天,我的儿子将回到他在香港的中学,我们也会去看望他的祖父母。我们已经很久没有见面了。”Group tours between the mainland and the two SARs also resumed on Monday.内地与两地的跟团游也于周一恢复。Two tourist groups left Guangzhou, Guangdong province, for Hong Kong by high speed train, while another two groups took special coaches to Macao for sightseeing on Monday morning.2月1日上午,两批旅游团从广东广州出发,乘坐高铁前往香港,另有两批旅游团乘坐专车前往澳门观光。The four tourists groups, comprising more than 100 tourists, are the first batch of Chinese mainland residents to travel to the two SARs in three years, indicating the comprehensive recovery of the group travel business from the mainland to Hong Kong and Macao starting on Monday.这四组100余人的旅游团,是三年来首批赴港澳旅游的内地居民,标标志着内地赴港澳团队游业务从周一开始全面恢复。According to Zhao Wenzhi, president of GZL International Travel Service, mainland residents' confidence to tour Hong Kong and Macao has grown after the country optimized its COVID-19 measures and both Guangdong and Hong Kong governments agreed to simplify exit-entry procedures for residents to go across the border for sightseeing.广之旅国际旅行社总裁赵文志表示,在国家优化新冠病毒防控措施以及广东和香港政府同意简化居民跨境旅游出入境手续后,内地居民赴港澳旅游的信心有所增强。Zhao believed the peak of Hong Kong and Macao tours would be during the upcoming Qingming Festival holiday in April and the Labor Day holiday.赵文志认为,港澳游的高峰期将出现在不久之后的清明节和劳动节假期期间。Statistics from Zhao's company indicate that more than 1,000 Guangzhou residents will visit Hong Kong and Macao by train, bus, plane and ferry in the coming week.据广之旅国际旅行社统计,接下来的一周将有1000多名广州市民乘坐火车、汽车、飞机和轮渡前往港澳。Wen Qian, vice-president of the travel service, said her company has carefully studied and organized special Hong Kong and Macao tour routes to attract tourists.旅行社副总裁温前表示,公司仔细研究并组织了别出心裁的港澳旅游线路来吸引游客。She promised the company would provide even better services to the tourists who travel Hong Kong and Macao in the months to come.她承诺,在接下来的几个月里,公司会为港澳旅客提供更优质的服务。To welcome the tourists, all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao have organized rich and varied courtesies to the first group of tourists from the mainland.为迎接游客,港澳各界为首批内地游客组织了丰富多彩的招待活动。Tan Yingting, a tourist from Guangzhou, said she was happy to visit Hong Kong again after three years.来自广州的游客谭颖婷说道,她很高兴时隔三年再次来到香港。In addition to visiting Disneyland and major scenic spots, she will enjoy delicious food in Hong Kong. Another tourist, surnamed Lin, said he visits Hong Kong mainly for shopping, as he has not toured it for more than three years because of COVID-19.除了参观迪士尼乐园和主要景点外,她还将在香港享受美食。另一名林姓游客表示,他来香港主要是为了购物,因为新冠疫情,他已经三年多没有来香港旅游了。Resume英 [rɪˈzjuːm]    美 [rɪˈzuːm]v.恢复Commuter英[kəˈmjuːtə(r)]美[kəˈmjuːtər]n.通勤者Courtesy英 [ˈkɜːtəsi]    美 [ˈkɜːrtəsi]n. 礼貌