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英语新闻|香港与内地高铁恢复运营!A total of 10,000 daily tickets for high-speed trains between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong went on sale at noon on Thursday, with tickets for days in the run-up to the Chinese New Year quickly snapped up hours after.中国大陆和香港之间的高铁每日总计10,000张车票于周四中午开始销售,春节前几天的车票在几小时后迅速抢购一空。Hong Kong and the mainland will resume their high-speed train services on Sunday, with tickets each way capped at 5,000 per day.香港和内地将于周日恢复高铁服务,每天单程车票上限为5000张。The number of high-speed train tickets is in addition to the 60,000 daily quota currently set for HK residents traveling to the mainland.高铁车票的数量是在目前为香港居民前往内地设定的每日60,000人之外的。Passengers in Hong Kong can purchase high-speed train tickets to stations in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Guangzhou, all in Guangdong province, via the 12306 website and mobile application — the national railway ticketing system — or from designated travel agencies, the MTR, the city's high-speed railway operator, announced on Thursday.香港高铁运营商港铁周四宣布,香港乘客可以通过12306网站和手机应用程序(全国铁路售票系统),或指定旅行社购买前往广东省深圳、东莞和广州车站的高铁车票。China Railway Guangzhou Group said that it will arrange an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains every day running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to Hong Kong's West Kowloon Station.中铁广州集团表示,平均每天安排38.5对高铁列车从广州站和深圳站开往香港西九龙站。Initially, West Kowloon Station will provide trains to Shenzhen's Futian, Shenzhen North and Guangzhou South and Guangzhou East stations.初期,西九龙站将提供前往深圳福田站、深圳北站、广州南站和广州东站的列车。In a news briefing on Thursday morning, Secretary for Transport and Logistics Lam Sai-hung said that the resumption of the high-speed rail service is attractive to travelers because it has been suspended for three years due to the pandemic, and that there are already many attractions near West Kowloon terminus, such as M+ and the Hong Kong Palace Museum.运输及物流业司司长林世雄在周四上午的新闻发布会上表示,恢复高铁服务对旅客具有吸引力,因为高铁已因新冠而暂停了三年,并且西九龙总站附近已有很多景点,例如M+和香港故宫文化博物馆。No prior bookings for checkpoint services are required for passengers boarding high-speed trains departing from or entering the city, Lam added. The West Kowloon Station checkpoint will operate from 6:30 am to 11:30 pm every day, as it did before closing due to the pandemic.林补充说,乘坐高铁进出香港的乘客无需提前预订检查站服务。西九龙站检查站的运作时间为每日早上六时三十分至晚上十一时三十分,与因疫情关闭前一样。High-speed train tickets will be sold on a real-name basis and passengers can board trains with their identification documents. Cross-border train passengers are required to produce a negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test taken within 48 hours of traveling across the border.高铁实行实名制售票,旅客凭身份证乘车。跨境火车乘客必须在出境后48小时内进行新冠核酸检测阴性。The MTR said passengers boarding the trains should wear a mask throughout the journey, and that alcohol-based hand rubs and sprays are not permitted on trains.港铁表示,搭乘列车的乘客应全程佩戴口罩,并且不允许在列车上使用含酒精的洗手液和喷雾剂。More cross-border traffic is gradually returning to normal. Ferry services between Hong Kong and Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port will resume from Sunday, with a 66-percent discount on the first day, according to Zhuhai Jiuzhou Harbor Passenger Transport Services.更多的跨境交通正在逐渐恢复正常。据珠海九洲港客运服务公司称,香港和珠海九洲港之间的渡轮服务将于周日恢复,第一天将有66%的折扣。The company will have four ferry trips between Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port and Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal between Jan 15 to 21, the eve of Chinese New Year. It will be extended to seven ferry trips on Jan 22, with four more ferries between the port and China Ferry Terminal in Hong Kong.1月15日至21日农历新年前夕,该公司将在珠海九洲港和港澳客运码头之间进行四次轮渡。1月22日,渡轮班次将增加至7班,港口与香港中国客运码头之间将增加4班渡轮。No prior booking is necessary for the ferry services, according to the company's spokesperson.据该公司发言人称,渡轮服务无需提前预订。Asked when cross-boundary bus services will resume, Lam said that the government would first need to consult with relevant mainland authorities after reviewing the resumption of high-speed rail services, adding that there was no timetable for resuming those bus services at present.当被问及跨境巴士服务何时恢复时,林郑月娥表示,在恢复高铁服务后,政府首先需要与内地有关当局协商,并补充说,目前没有恢复巴士服务的时间表。On Jan 8, Hong Kong reopened four checkpoints connecting with the mainland. In the initial stage, 60,000 people are allowed to travel each way between Hong Kong and the mainland through the checkpoints in operation every day.1月8日,香港重新开放四个与内地相连的口岸。起步阶段,每天可通过运作中的口岸往来香港与内地单程6万人次。They are not subject to quarantine measures, but they must provide a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 48 hours prior to traveling. They also need to have made a prior booking through designated websites if they opt to pass through the three land ports.他们不受检疫措施的约束,但他们必须提供在旅行前48小时内进行的新冠阴性检测结果。如果他们选择通过这三个陆路口岸,还需要通过指定网站提前预订。Spray英[spreɪ];美[spreɪ]n. 喷雾;液体的喷洒Ferry 英[ˈferi];美[ˈferi]n. 渡船;摆渡Snap 英[snæp];美[snæp]v. (使喀嚓)断裂,绷断