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A sandstorm from Mongolia swept through parts of China on Monday, spreading from far north Heilongjiang province to as far south as Shanghai.4月10日,一场来自蒙古的沙尘暴席卷了中国多个省份,从北部的黑龙江省向南一直蔓延到上海市。Despite blowing through a wide area, the storm was weaker in terms of range and intensity than the last sandstorm in late March — the strongest so far this year — according to the National Meteorological Center.尽管多地受该场沙尘暴影响,但据国家气象中心数据显示,该场沙尘暴的范围与强度均不及3月底的最后一场沙尘暴,那是今年迄今最强的沙尘暴。The bout of dusty weather that affected about a dozen provincial-level regions is forecast to last until Tuesday.这场影响十几个省份的沙尘天气预计持续到4月11日。The Inner Mongolia autonomous region bore the brunt of the weather. Other areas affected included the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and some northern and western provinces.内蒙古自治区在此次沙尘天气中首当其冲,包括新疆维吾尔自治区在内,北部和西部的一些省份也受到影响。The NMC renewed a blue alert for sandstorms nationwide, the lowest in the four-tier weather warning system, on Monday. The alert began on Saturday.4月10日,国家气象中心继续发布自8日始的全国范围内沙尘暴蓝色预警,这是四级天气预警系统中级别最低的警报。On Monday in Beijing, the minimum visibility was between 1 and 4 kilometers, according to the capital's meteorological service.据北京气象局数据显示,4月10日,北京最低能见度在1至4公里之间。The level of PM10 — inhalable particles with diameters of 10 micrometers or less — reached a concentration of more than 200 micrograms per cubic meter on Monday afternoon, according to the Beijing Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center.据北京生态环境监测中心数据显示,在4月10日下午,PM10的浓度达到了每立方米200多微克。On days when air quality is good, the PM10 level usually remains below 150 micrograms per cubic meter.在空气质量良好的日子里,PM10的浓度通常保持在每立方米150微克以下。The sandstorm will weaken starting from Tuesday, according to the NMC.国家气象中心表示,沙尘暴将从4月11日开始减弱。Zhang Linna, chief forecaster at Beijing Meteorological Service, told China Youth Daily that strong winds blowing over sand and soil particles in deserts create the conditions for sand and dust storms.北京市气象台首席预报员张琳娜向《中国青年报》记者表示,沙漠中裹挟沙子和土壤颗粒的强风为沙尘暴的产生创造了条件。Strong wind transports the sand and dust, so as the wind dwindles the dusty weather will weaken, she was quoted as saying.她说,强风会运输沙尘,所以沙尘天气会随着风力减弱而减弱。Winds blowing over deserts carry the particles up and then transport them east and south, she said.张琳娜说,吹过沙漠的风把沙土颗粒扬起来,然后向东边和南边带去。"The main causes(not cause) of sandy and dusty weather are the combination of little precipitation, high temperature and windy weather in spring," Zhang said.张琳娜说:“春季的少降水、高温度和大风天气是造成沙尘天气的主要原因。”It is more likely for dusty weather to occur if vegetation has not yet turned green, which leads to the soil surface being exposed to wind, she added.她补充道,如果植被尚未变绿、土壤表面暴露在外,则更有可能出现沙尘天气,Since the beginning of March, China has experienced five rounds of "dusty weather", which is more than in normal years, according to the NMC.据国家气象中心数据显示,自3月初以来,中国已经经历了五轮“沙尘天气”,多于正常年份。Last spring, northern China had eight rounds of dusty weather. From 2000 to 2021, there were 10.7 rounds of dusty weather annually on average, according to the 2022 China Climate Bulletin.去年春天,中国北方经历8轮沙尘天气。据2022年度《中国气候公报》显示,从2000年到2021年,平均每年有10.7轮沙尘天气。Meteorological英[ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪkl] 美[ˌmiːtiərəˈlɑːdʒɪkl]adj.气象的Precipitation英[prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn]美[prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn]n.降雨