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Former US president Donald Trump said in a social media post that he was shot in his right ear at today's campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的竞选集会上右耳中弹。He writes on his Truth Social site that he, “knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!”他在自创应用程序Truth Social上写道“(我)立即意识到出事了,因为我听到了嗖嗖的枪声,并立即感觉到子弹穿过了皮肤……流了很多血,这时我才意识到发生了什么。愿上帝保佑美国!”The shooting occurred shortly after Trump started speaking onstage. He had blood on the side of his head and pumped his fist as US Secret Service agents took him to a nearby vehicle.枪击事件发生在特朗普上台讲话后不久,美国特勤局特工将其护送上车时,特朗普头部一侧有血,挥舞着拳头。The Secret Service confirmed in a post on X that Trump is "safe," and his campaign said he is "fine," adding that he was "being checked out at a local medical facility."特勤局在社交媒体平台X上的一篇文章中证实,特朗普目前一切安好,竞选团队表示其情况良好:“(特朗普)正在当地医疗机构接受检查”。One spectator from the rally is dead, and two are critically injured. The shooter is dead. The shots were fired from outside the venue's security perimeter established by the Secret Service, three senior law enforcement sources said.竞选集会中有1名观众死亡,2人重伤。枪手目前已死亡。三名高级执法官员称子弹是从特勤局所划定的安全边界外发射的。US President Joe Biden, who is in Delaware for the weekend, has been briefed on the situation, reports said.报道称,7月13至14日在特拉华州的美国总统拜登已经听取了有关情况的简报。Biden spoke about the shooting, calling it "sick," and condemned political violence. He said he hopes to speak with Trump tonight. When asked by a reporter if it was an assassination attempt, Biden said, "I have an opinion, but I don't have all the facts."拜登谈到了枪击事件,称其为“恶心(sick)”,并谴责政治暴力。他希望晚些能与特朗普交谈。当记者问道是否将此次袭击定义为“对前总统的暗杀企图”时,他表示:“我已经有了观点,但还没有任何事实。”The incident occurred only two days before the Republican National Convention, scheduled to kick off in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Monday, during which Trump is expected to be formally nominated as the party's presidential candidate for the Nov 5 election.美东时间7月13日的枪击事件发生两天后,特朗普将出席7月15日在威斯康星州密尔沃基举行的共和党全国代表大会,届时将被正式提名为11月5日美国总统大选的共和党总统候选人。US Secret Servicen.美国特勤局Republican National Conventionn.共和党全国代表大会