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英语新闻|神舟十四号三名航天员顺利出舱The three astronauts on the Shenzhou XIV mission returned to Earth on Sunday evening after a six-month mission that completed the in-orbit assembly of the Tiangong space station. 12月4日晚,神舟十四号三名航天员在完成为期六个月的任务后返回地球,期间他们完成了天宫空间站的在轨组装。A reentry capsule carrying the crew - Senior Colonel Chen Dong, the mission commander, Senior Colonel Liu Yang and Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe - touched down on Earth at the Dongfeng Landing Site in northwestern China's Gobi Desert at 8:09 pm after flying nine hours in a re-entry trajectory.在返回轨道上飞行了9个小时后,北京时间2022年12月4日20时09分,载有航天员陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲的返回舱在东风着陆场成功着陆。This has become the first time that Chinese astronauts have returned to Earth at night.这是中国宇航员首次在夜间返回地球。Ground recovery personnel soon opened the hatch of the capsule and then conducted preliminary examination on the astronauts conditions.现场医学监督和医学保障人员在返回舱舱门打开后,对航天员健康状况进行初步检查。The crew members told them that they "are feeling very good".三位航天员均报告“感觉良好”。After preparatory work, ground personnel carried out the astronauts one by one to place them onto chairs in front of the capsule.准备工作完成后,地面人员将航天员一个接一个地抬到太空舱前的椅子上。A lot of equipment used in the recovery operation had been added with additional cold-proof layers to resist against the chilly temperatures in the landing region, as low as minus 14 degrees Celsius.回收任务中使用的许多设备都添加了额外的防寒层,以抵御着陆地区低至零下14摄氏度的气温。In their chairs, the astronauts shared their feelings with a group of domestic reporters, saying they are proud of the motherland and the country's space programs.航天员们坐在椅子上与一群国内记者分享他们的感受,称他们为祖国感到骄傲,为国家的太空计划感到骄傲。Then they were moved into special care vehicles to take health checks.随后,他们被转移到医监医保车中进行健康检查。Carrying Chen's team, the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft undocked from the Tiangong station at 11:01 am on Sunday.12月4日11时01分,载有陈冬团队的神舟十四号飞船与天宫空间站成功分离。On Friday evening, the Shenzhou XIV team handed over the control of the Tiangong station to the Shenzhou XV crew.12月2日晚,神舟十四号的三名航天员将天宫空间站的控制权移交给了神舟十五号机组人员。Chen's crew is the third group of visitors to the Chinese station, one of the largest pieces of infrastructure mankind has ever deployed in Earth's orbit. The trio was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gobi Desert on June 5 and arrived at Tiangong later that day.神舟十四乘组是第三批到访中国空间站的航天员,天宫站是人类在地球轨道上部署的最大的基础设施之一。三名航天员于2022年6月5日从位于西北戈壁沙漠的酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,当天晚些时候抵达天宫站。During the crew's flight, they monitored the arrival of the Wentian and Mengtian space lab modules, which completed the Tiangong's in-orbit assembly. They also carried out three spacewalks and gave a science lecture to Chinese students.神舟十四号飞行期间,乘组航天员迎接问天、梦天实验舱的到来,完成了天宫空间站的在轨组装工作。航天员们还进行了三次太空行走,并为中国学生做了一次科学讲座。After the departure of Shenzhou XIV, the Tiangong station currently consists of the Tianhe core module, the Wentian and Mengtian lab modules, the Shenzhou XV spacecraft and the Tianzhou 5 cargo ship.神舟十四号升空后,天宫站目前由天和核心舱、问天实验舱、梦天实验舱、神舟十五号飞船和天舟五号货运飞船组成。The station is now manned by the Shenzhou XV mission crew — Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu, who arrived on Wednesday.天宫空间站现由11月30日抵达的神舟十五号飞行乘组三名航天员费俊龙、邓清明和张陆负责。hatch英 [hætʃ]  美 [hætʃ]n.舱口undock英 [ʌnˈdɒk]  美 [ʌnˈdɑːk]v.使(航天器)分离trio英 [ˈtriːəʊ]  美 [ˈtriːoʊ]n.  三人小组