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Hong Kong actor Tony Leung Chiu-wai received the prestigious Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 80th Venice Film Festival on Saturday, making history as the first Chinese actor and third Chinese film celebrity to be presented with the coveted award.香港演员梁朝伟周六在第80届威尼斯电影节上获得了享有盛誉的终身成就“金狮奖”,成为历史上第一位获此殊荣的华人演员和第三位获此殊荣的华人电影名人。The news created a buzz in the film industry and across social media platforms as it reflected the global recognition for Hong Kong cinema and the city's talented professionals.这一消息在电影界和社交媒体平台上引起了轰动,因为它反映了全球对香港电影和香港才华横溢的专业人士的认可。Overwhelmed with emotion as he was given a prolonged standing ovation, the 61-year-old actor said he was grateful for having grown up in the special administrative region and having been nurtured by the local film industry, where his acting career began. He dedicated the award to the SAR's film industry and promised to share it with all those who helped him through his remarkable 41-year acting journey.这位61岁的演员在接受长时间起立鼓掌时感慨万千,他说自己在香港特别行政区长大,并在本地电影业的培养下开始了自己的演艺生涯,对此他心怀感激。他将此奖项献给特区的电影业,并承诺与所有在他41年演艺生涯中帮助过他的人分享。Leung also expressed his deep appreciation of his wife, Hong Kong actress Carina Lau Kar-ling, who was present during the ceremony.梁朝伟还向出席典礼的妻子、香港女演员刘嘉玲表达了深深的谢意。The lifetime award is an addition to the actor's already impressive collection of accolades. His movies, such as Days of Being Wild (1990) and In the Mood for Love (2000), have previously clinched the Golden Lion for Best Film at the Venice Film Festival.梁朝伟获得终身成就奖,为他已获得的众多荣誉锦上添花。他的电影,如《阿飞正传》(1990年)和《花样年华》(2000年),曾获得威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖。Renowned director Ang Lee delivered an emotional speech while presenting the actor with the lifetime award on Saturday. Lee described Leung as "a director's dream", praising the actor's remarkable ability to convey complex emotions through his eyes. "There is something in his eyes that's electrifying ... the soul that shines through them. He can say more in one look than many actors can with a full monologue," Lee said.9月2日,知名导演李安在为梁朝伟颁发终身成就奖时发表了激动人心的讲话。李安形容梁朝伟是“导演的梦幻人选”,称赞他通过眼神传达复杂情感的非凡能力。李安说:“他的眼神真的会震撼人心,我说的不仅是他的电眼或演技,从中看到的灵魂更是如此。他用一个眼神演出来的戏,比许多演员一整段台词更有力。”It is this depth and authenticity of his talent that sets Leung apart, transcending the boundaries of language and culture, Lee added.他补充道,正是这种深度和真实的才华让梁朝伟与众不同,超越了语言和文化的界限。Leung, who is known for a string of commercially successful blockbusters, will play a neuroscientist in the upcoming film Silent Friend, to be directed by Hungarian screenwriter Ildiko Enyedi. Shooting for the film starts in April.梁朝伟以一系列成功的商业大片而闻名,他将在匈牙利导演伊尔蒂科·茵叶蒂即将执导的电影《寂寞的朋友》中扮演一位神经学家。影片将于来年4月开拍。Silvester See, executive producer-director of AceHero Films & Entertainment, said that Leung introduced to Europe the Hong Kong-style independent cinema, which has influenced new generations in the region.AceHero Films & Entertainment的执行制片人兼导演Silvester See说,梁朝伟将港式独立电影引入欧洲,影响了该地区的新一代电影人。"Tony dedicated his life to Hong Kong television and films all the way since the 1980s," See said, adding that the actor has played a crucial role in motivating young people in the SAR to join cinema.梁朝伟自上世纪80年代以来一直致力于香港电视和电影事业,See说:“梁朝伟在激励特区年轻人投身电影事业方面发挥了至关重要的作用。”Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism Kevin Yeung Yun-hung had congratulated Leung in March, when the Golden Lion lifetime award was announced. He praised Leung's "exceptional acting skills", and said that international accolades won by Hong Kong's film celebrities cemented the SAR's position in world cinema.香港文化体育及旅游局局长杨润雄在今年3月公布金狮奖终身成就奖时曾向梁朝伟表示祝贺。他称赞梁朝伟“演技细腻精湛”,并表示香港影星获得的国际荣誉巩固了特区在世界电影界的地位。Yeung emphasized the SAR government's commitment, in partnership with the Hong Kong Film Development Council, to provide comprehensive support for and promote the continuous growth of the industry.杨润雄强调,特区政府将继续与香港电影发展局为业界提供多方面的支援,一起推动行业的持续发展。Lawmaker Benson Luk Hon-man, an advocate for Hong Kong's film and television culture, said that Leung's achievement underscores the local film industry's global appeal.立法会议员陆瀚民是香港影视文化的倡导者,他表示,梁朝伟的成就凸显了本地电影业的全球吸引力。Luk proposed setting up a performing arts training academy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to invite experienced instructors from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland to provide comprehensive training for local youths. It will foster increased collaboration between the SAR and the mainland in performing arts, he said.陆瀚民建议在粤港澳大湾区设立演艺培训学院,邀请香港和内地资深导师为本地青少年提供全面培训。他说,这将促进特区与内地在表演艺术方面加强合作。Coveted英/ˈkʌvətɪd/ 美/ˈkʌvətɪd/adj.垂涎的;梦寐以求的Accolade英/ˈækəleɪd/ 美/ˈækəleɪd/n.荣誉;荣誉称号授予仪式