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Typhoons Saola and Haikui have caused floods and geological disasters in southern and eastern provinces that have been on high alert as authorities further suspended railway transportation and schools.受台风“苏拉”和“海葵”的影响,中国南部和东部省份遭遇洪水和地质灾害,这些省份已处于高度戒备状态,当地政府进一步采取了铁路停运和停课措施。Saola made landfall on Saturday in Guangdong province and Haikui was forecast to make a second landfall in coastal areas near the border of Guangdong and Fujian provinces on Tuesday, after it landed in Taiwan on Sunday.台风“苏拉”于9月2日在广东登陆,台风“海葵”于9月3日登陆台湾后,预计将于9月5日在广东和福建边境附近的沿海地区第二次登陆。The combined effects of the typhoons wreaked havoc on the southern regions of China, the National Meteorological Center said.中央气象中心表示,受台风综合影响,中国南部地区受灾严重。Guangdong and Fujian have been hit heaviest by the typhoons.其中,广东和福建受台风影响最严重。From Monday to Tuesday, all schools in Xiamen, Fujian province will be suspended due to the impact brought by Typhoon Haikui, the city's education bureau said.福建省厦门市教育局表示,受台风“海葵”影响,从9月4日到9月5日,厦门全市所有学校将停课。On Sunday, the education bureau of Chaozhou city in Guangdong issued a notice that primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, nurseries and training institutions will suspend classes from Monday. Students who attend boarding schools will return after the rainstorm warning is lifted.9月3日,广东省潮州市教育局发布通知,潮州全市中小学、幼儿园、托儿所、培训机构等9月4日起停课,原计划返校的寄宿制学校在暴雨预警解除后返校。The Shanghai bureau of China Railway has suspended the operation of 47 passenger trains passing through Hangzhou in Zhejiang and Shenzhen in Guangdong starting from Monday.中国铁路上海局集团有限公司从9月4日起对途经杭深线47趟旅客列车采取停运措施。Starting from Sunday, affected by Typhoon Haikui, Guangdong Railway Group was expected to suspend 391 trains, local media reported, adding that from Wednesday, the province will be affected by heavy rain until this weekend.据当地媒体报道,受台风“海葵”影响,从9月3日开始,广铁集团预计停运列车391列。从9月6日起直到本周末,广东省将出现暴雨。Affected by Typhoon Saola, the city of Luoding in Guangdong province experienced heavy rainfall on the weekend that flooded houses up to their second floors. Cars and trees were washed away by floodwaters, and firefighters used lifeboats to evacuate trapped people, Beijing News reported on Sunday.《新京报》9月3日报道称,受台风“苏拉”影响,广东省罗定市上周末遭遇强降雨,水淹至房屋二楼,汽车和树木被洪水冲走,消防员用救生艇转移被困人员。By Saturday, 925,000 people had been evacuated in Guangdong province and floods had damaged 573 hectares of crops, local authorities said.当地政府表示,截至9月2日,广东省已疏散92.5万人,受洪水影响,农作物受灾面积约573公顷。Affected by Typhoon Haikui, it is expected that on Tuesday there will be heavy rain in central and southern Fujian. The heavy precipitation areas overlap the previous ones and the center warned of secondary disasters such as flash floods, landslides and debris flows. It is expected that from Monday to Thursday, heavy rain will continue in eastern and southern Fujian and eastern Guangdong.根据中央气象台预报,受台风“海葵”影响,预计9月5日福建中部和南部将出现强降水,强降水落区与前期高度重合,预警称,强降水可能发生山洪、山体滑坡和泥石流等次生灾害。中央气象台预计,9月4日至7日,福建东部和南部、广东东部等地将出现持续强降水。The center said that during this season it is not uncommon for multiple typhoons to exist together. According to statistics, from 2000 to last year, there were 62 coexistences of three typhoons in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, with the most happening in August.中央气象台表示,在这个季节,多个台风“共舞”的现象并不少见。据统计,2000年至2022年,西北太平洋和南海共出现62次三个台风共存的情况,其中8月份最多。The center said on Sunday that in the next 10 days, there will be one typhoon in the South China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean. September is still in the typhoon season and the power of autumn typhoons cannot be underestimated. The center has advised people in coastal areas to stay tuned to forecasts and early warning information.中央气象台9月3日表示,在未来10天内,南中国海和西太平洋还将有台风。9月仍处于台风季节,秋季台风的威力不容小觑。中央气象台建议沿海地区的人们继续关注天气预报和预警信息。Typhoon英 /taɪˈfuːn/美 /taɪˈfuːn/n. 台风Trial英 /ˈtraɪəl/美 /ˈtraɪəl/n.试验;磨炼;