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The unofficial nature of the latest meeting between Chinese and United States senior diplomats points to the serious damage that Washington has brought to its ties with Beijing and the dire need to repair the great shortage of mutual trust, observers said.观察人士说,中美高级外交官最近一次会晤的非正式性质表明,华盛顿对中美关系造成了严重损害,迫切需要修复严重缺乏互信的问题。They made the observation as senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi met in "an unofficial engagement" with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the request of the US side on the sidelines of the 59th Munich Security Conference on Saturday.2月18日,中国高级外交官王毅在出席第59届慕尼黑安全会议期间,应美方请求,同美国国务卿布林肯进行了“非正式接触”。Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, made explicit "China's solemn position on the so-called airship incident", according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry.根据外交部的一份声明,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅明确阐述了“中方对所谓飞艇事件的严正立场”。He asked the US to "change course (and) acknowledge and repair the damage that its excessive use of force caused to China-US relations".他要求美方“改弦更张,正视并解决滥用武力给中美关系造成的损害”。Earlier this month, the US military shot down a Chinese unmanned airship that was spotted in US airspace, triggering Beijing's strong protests.本月早些时候,美军击落了一艘在美国领空发现的中国无人驾驶飞艇,引发中方强烈抗议。China reiterated that the civilian unmanned airship, due to the Westerlies — prevailing winds from the west — and limited self-steering capability, deviated from its planned course and entered US airspace.中方重申,这是一艘民用无人飞艇,受超强西风带影响,加之自身控制能力有限,偏离了预定轨道,进入了美国领空。Before and following the shooting down of the airship, some senior US officials and politicians hyped the airship and China's so-called "threat" to the US.在飞艇被击落前后,美国一些高官和政客炒作飞艇和中国对美国的所谓“威胁”。An unnamed Foreign Ministry spokesperson quoted Wang on Sunday as saying at the talks with Blinken that "the US is in no position to smear China. What the US needs to do is demonstrate sincerity and face up to and resolve the damage that its abuse of force has done to China-US relations".2月19日,一位不愿透露姓名的外交部发言人援引王毅在与布林肯会谈时的话说,“美国没有资格抹黑中国。美方需要做的是拿出诚意,正视和解决其滥用武力给中美关系造成的损害。”Wang said that "if the US continues to dramatize, hype up or escalate the situation, China will surely respond by doing what is necessary", and "all consequences arising thereof shall be borne by the US side", according to the spokesperson.王毅表示,“如果美方执意借题发挥、炒作升级、扩大事态,中方必将奉陪到底,一切后果将由美方承担。”Wu Xinbo, dean of Fudan University's Institute of International Studies, noted that since the meeting between President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia, in November, the two governments' working teams from diplomacy, security, treasury and trade departments have embarked on dialogue to further implement the consensus reached by the two leaders.复旦大学国际问题研究所所长吴心伯指出,自去年11月习近平主席和美国总统拜登在印度尼西亚巴厘岛会晤以来,两国政府就外交、安全、财政和贸易等部门的工作开始进行对话,从而进一步落实两国领导人达成的共识。"Yet on the other side, Washington has not slowed down its pace in stepping up suppression against China, including in sectors such as leading science and technology. To be fair, the Biden administration's China policy is still double-faced," Wu said.吴心伯说:“然而另一方面,美方并没有放慢对中国的压制步伐,包括在领先的科学技术等领域。平心而论,拜登政府的对华政策仍然是两面派。”Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday that the US had released high-altitude balloons that illegally flew into China's airspace "more than 10 times without the approval of relevant Chinese authorities "since May, and China had handled the balloons "in a calm and professional manner".2月15日,中国外交部发言人王文斌表示,自2022年5月以来,美国“未经中方有关部门批准,至少10多次非法飞越中国领空”,中方“以冷静和专业的方式”处理了这些气球。When answering questions at a China session of the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, Wang Yi said the airship incident is "a political farce", and an underlying factor behind Washington's hyping up of the airship's accidental entry is "the US' wrong perception and strategic misjudgment of China".2月18日,王毅在慕尼黑安全会议中国分会场回答问题时表示,飞艇事件是“一场政治闹剧”,华盛顿炒作飞艇意外进入的另一个潜在因素是“美国对中国的错误认知和战略误判”。"A lot of balloons are flying over the Earth every day. Does the US want to shoot them all down? Such an action is no proof of the US' power, but the exact opposite," he said.王毅还表示:“地球上空每天都飘着很多气球,难道美国都要打下来吗?这种做法不能证明美国的强大,而是恰恰相反。”At the Saturday conference, Wang urged Washington to "stop doing such absurd things out of domestic political needs" and to "show sincerity and correct its mistakes".在2月18日的会议上,王毅敦促美国“不要再出于国内政治需要,在对外打交道过程中做出这种荒唐的事情”,“拿出诚意,改正错误”。SuXiaohui, an associate research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies, said, "High-level communications between Beijing and Washington have encountered serious obstacles due to the US domestic political atmosphere, the trade of barbs between the Democrats and Republicans, and anti-China sentiment in the country. 中国国际问题研究院国际战略研究所副所长苏晓晖说:“由于美国国内的政治氛围,民主党和共和党之间的交易,以及国内的反华情绪,北京和华盛顿之间的高层沟通遇到了严重的障碍。"For Beijing, it is still open to collaboration. It looks to stabilize the ties with the US through dialogues and put the relations back on track. Still, it takes two to tango, and Washington should work toward the same goal," Su added.苏晓晖补充道:“对于北京来说,它仍然对合作持开放态度。中方希望通过对话稳定中美关系,推动中美关系重回正轨。然而,一个巴掌拍不响,美方应该朝着同一个目标努力。”Policy researchers and media around the world have voiced grave concerns about rising China-US tensions over the airship, the Taiwan question and US restrictions on trade and semiconductor technologies related to China.围绕飞艇事件、台湾问题以及美国对华贸易和半导体技术限制,中美关系日益紧张,世界各地的政策研究人员和媒体对其表示严重关切。In Munich, Wang criticized the US CHIPS and Science Act as the use of one country's power to suppress Chinese companies, and said it disrupts the stability of global industrial and supply chains.在慕尼黑,王毅批评美国的《芯片和科学法案》是利用一国之力压制中国企业,并表示这破坏了全球产业链和供应链的稳定。The act is"100 percent unilateral and self-serving and it 100 percent violates the rules of the World Trade Organization", he said. "The US is standing against the free trade that it has been advocating."王毅说,这一行为“百分之百是单方面的、自私自利的,百分之百违反了世界贸易组织的规则”。“美国正在反对它一直倡导的自由贸易。”Speaking on overall China-US ties, Wang said that China's policy toward the US is based on clear and transparent principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, yet "the US sees China as the gravest geopolitical challenge and strategic competitor".在谈到中美关系时,王毅表示中国对美政策是基于相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的明确透明原则基础上的,但“美国视中国为最严重的地缘政治挑战和战略竞争对手”。Saying that China has never been afraid of competition despite all the US talking about competing with China, Wang urged the US to view China's development in a fair and objective way, pursue a positive and pragmatic China policy, and work together with China to bring China-US relations back on track.王毅表示,尽管美国一直在说要与中国竞争,但中国从来不害怕竞争。他敦促美方公正客观地看待中国的发展,奉行积极务实的对华政策,与中方共同努力,推动中美关系重回正轨。Also at the conference, Wang announced that China will soon release a concept paper on the Global Security Initiative, which was proposed by President Xi last year.王毅还在会上宣布,中国将于近期发表“全球安全倡议”概念文件,这是习近平主席去年提出的倡议。It will provide more systematic thinking and more feasible initiatives to address global security challenges, and China welcomes the active participation of all countries, Wang said.中方欢迎各国积极参与,这将为应对全球安全挑战提供更系统的思考和更可行的措施。Semiconductor英 [ˌsemikənˈdʌktə(r)]   美  [ˈsemikəndʌktər]n. 半导体Initiative英 [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]   美  [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n. 措施