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A centuries-old example of Chinese urban planning and architecture has received global recognition.我国中国历代古都中轴线的集大成者和建筑典范获得了全球认可。  The 46th session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi, India, announced on Saturday that the Beijing Central Axis — "A Building Ensemble Exhibiting the Ideal Order of the Chinese Capital" — has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, becoming China's 59th World Heritage Site.7月27日,在印度首都新德里举行的联合国教科文组织第46届世界遗产大会上,我国申报的“北京中轴线——中国理想都城秩序的杰作”被正式列入《世界遗产名录》,截至目前,我国世界遗产数量达到59项。 The Central Axis in Beijing is an ensemble of palaces, public buildings and gardens that governs the overall layout of the old city area of the Chinese capital.北京中轴线是由宫殿、公共建筑和园林组成的综合体,管理着老北京的整体布局。  Stretching 7.8 kilometers north to south through the heart of Beijing, the newly inscribed World Heritage Site comprises 15 components. At the northern end of the axis are the Bell Tower and Drum Tower. It then runs south through Wanning Bridge, Jingshan Hill, the Forbidden City, the Upright Gate, the Tian'anmen Gate, the Outer Jinshui Bridges, the Tian'anmen Square Complex, the Zhengyangmen Gate, the Southern Section Road Archaeological Sites, before terminating at the Yongdingmen Gate at the southern end. The Imperial Ancestral Temple, the Altar of Land and Grain, the Temple of Heaven, and the Altar of the God of Agriculture are located on the east and west sides of the Axis.北京中轴线北起钟鼓楼,南至永定门,全长7.8公里,包含15处遗产构成要素。轴线的北端是钟楼和鼓楼。从这里出发,径直向南,可依次穿越万宁桥、景山、故宫、端门、天安门、外金水桥、天安门广场及建筑群、正阳门、中轴线南段道路遗存,直至永定门。全程7.8公里的中轴线两侧,闻名世界的文物古建鳞次栉比,蔚为大观。 The complex comprises imperial palaces and gardens, imperial sacrificial buildings, ancient city management facilities, national ceremonial and public buildings and remains of the original central axis roads.该建筑群包括皇宫和园林、皇家祭祀建筑、古城管理设施、国家仪式和公共建筑,以及中轴线道路遗迹。  "It is an important symbol that embodies prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization, highlighting Beijing's exceptional status among the famous ancient capitals of the world," Li Qun, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, said in an interview with China Global Television Network on Saturday in New Delhi.  "It has had a profound impact on the history of urban planning and construction worldwide and serves as a Chinese case for the preservation and sustainable protection of ancient capitals," Li added.7月27日,国家文物局局长李群在新德里接受中国国际电视台采访时说:“这是一个重要的象征,体现了中华文明的突出特征,突显了北京在世界著名古都中的特殊地位。北京中轴线对世界城市规划和建设产生了深远的影响,是中国保护古都的典范。”  Construction of the Central Axis began in the 13th century and was completed in the 16th century. It has undergone constant refinement over the past centuries and continues to influence Beijing's urban development to this day.北京中轴线的建设始于13世纪,16世纪成型。在过去七个世纪中,它不断得到完善,至今仍在影响着北京的城市发展。The World Heritage Committee acknowledged that the Central Axis in Beijing meets the World Heritage List selectioncriteria No 3 and No 4: It bears unique or exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization that is living or has disappeared, and is an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape that illustrates significant stage or stages in human history.世界遗产委员会承认,北京中轴线符合《世界遗产名录》评选标准的第3、4条:能为一种已消逝的文明或文化传统提供一种独特的至少是特殊的见证;可作为一种建筑或建筑群或景观的杰出范例,展示出人类历史上一个(或几个)重要阶段;  Ernesto Ottone, UNESCO's assistant director-general for culture, speaking at a celebratory event in New Delhi later on Saturday, said that Beijing's intricate urban planning draws inspiration from Confucian philosophy with a history spanning thousands of years and which flourishes even today. The preservation and design of urban heritage are not only about protecting the past but also about constructing a better future, he added.7月27日晚,联合国教科文组织文化助理总干事埃内斯托·奥托内(Ernesto Ottone)在新德里发表讲话时说,北京错综复杂的城市规划从数千年的儒家哲学中汲取灵感。城市遗产的保护和设计不仅是为了保护过去,更是为了建设一个更美好的未来。  According to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, the Central Axis in Beijing provides exceptional material testimony to the philosophy of "neutrality and harmony" prized in Chinese tradition. It is an outstanding example representing the mature stage of the urban central axis of Chinese capitals, and also the best-preserved capital central axis in China.中华人民共和国国家文物局表示,北京中轴线为中国传统中所珍视的“中和”哲学提供了非凡的物质证明。它是中国首都城市中轴线成熟阶段的杰出代表,也是中国保存最完好的首都中轴线。 " (The Beijing Central Axis) is the product of some of the best urban planning in history," said Christa Reicher, a professor at RWTH Aachen University in Germany and a UNESCO chair for cultural heritage and urbanism, in an interview with Xinhua. "It is regarded as the 'spine of the city's culture' and a magnet for tourists from all over the world."德国亚琛工业大学教授、联合国教科文组织文化遗产和城市规划教席克里斯塔·莱歇尔(Christa Reicher)在接受新华社采访时表示:“(北京中轴线)是历史上最好的城市规划的产物,被视为‘城市文化的脊梁’,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。” Lyu Zhou, director of the National Heritage Center at Tsinghua University, said that this paradigm of city planning can be traced back to Kaogongji (Book of Diverse Crafts), a section of the Confucian classic Rites of Zhou that was compiled more than 2,000 years ago. The milestone work outlines the rituals and order in the planning of a capital city.清华大学国家遗产中心主任吕舟表示,这种城市规划范例可以追溯到公元前221年之前编写的《考工记》,该书概述了首都规划中的礼仪和秩序。  The Forbidden City and the markets at the Bell Tower and Drum Tower area correspond to the book's account of "court in the front, market in the back". The tome speaks of "an ancestral temple on the left, an altar of land and grain on the right", which is reproduced in the Imperial Ancestral Temple and the Altar of Land and Grain, located symmetrically on the east and west sides of the Central Axis.书中的记载包括“前朝后市”,对应于紫禁城和钟鼓楼地区的市场,以及“左祖右社”,指的是位于中轴线东西两侧的太庙和社稷坛。  "It is a carrier of traditional Chinese concepts and beliefs, constructing a symbol for national order and witnessing the formation of the Chinese cultural tradition of inclusion and diversity," Lyu said.吕舟说:“北京中轴线是中国传统观念和信仰的载体,构建了国家秩序的象征,并见证了包容和多元的中国文化传统的形成。”Between 2020 and 2023, an action plan for comprehensive protection of the axis was put into practice. Various efforts including renovation of historical buildings, related archaeological research, improvement of the environment, and activities to encourage wide participation of the public in this process followed.我国2020年至2023年通过《北京中轴线保护管理规划(2022年—2035年)》(以下简称《规划》),随后,我国开展了各种措施,包括历史建筑的翻新、相关考古研究、环境改善及鼓励公众广泛参与相关活动。  "Through this process, the historical pattern and historical charm of the Central Axis in Beijing are gradually being restored and vividly reproduced, with continuous improvement in the living environment and urban landscape along the axis," said Chu Jianhao, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Office for Conservation and Management of Beijing Central Axis.北京中轴线申遗保护工作办公室专职副主任褚建好说:“申遗过程中,北京市以中轴线申遗保护为抓手带动老城整体保护,带动重点文物、历史建筑腾退,强化文物保护和周边环境整治。”  "The inscription marks a new starting point. China will adhere to the World Heritage Convention, and continue making efforts to protect and restore heritage buildings, mitigate the impact of natural disasters, encourage public participation, strategically guide tourism development, and improve the capabilities of property interpretation and presentation," Li from the National Cultural Heritage Administration vowed at the session in New Delhi on Saturday.李群表示,申遗成功是新的起点,中国将切实履行《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》,在文物建筑保护修缮、应对自然灾害影响、鼓励社区居民参与、科学引导旅游发展、提高阐释展示能力等方面持续发力,确保“北京中轴线”得到妥善保护传承。"China will continue to coordinate the management and protection of World Heritage Sites, strengthen exchange and cooperation with international organizations and other signatory countries… and contribute to promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning and building a community with a shared future for mankind," he added.未来,中国将继续统筹做好世界文化遗产保护管理工作,进一步加强与国际组织和各缔约国的交流合作,借助亚洲文化遗产保护联盟平台,为推动文明交流互鉴、构建人类命运共同体贡献力量。  Various activities to celebrate the inscription of the Central Axis on the UNESCO World Heritage List were held across Beijing over the weekend.7月27日至28日,北京各区举行了多项活动,庆祝北京中轴线被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。UNESCOn.联合国教科文组织