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英语新闻︱实时监测生命体征、精神压力,保证驾驶员的健康Beijing has taken measures to improve transport safetymanagement through the use of digital technology, giving drivers 1,800wristband sensors for the real-time monitoring of vital signs and mentalstress.北京正通过使用数字技术来更好地促进交通安全,比如为司机配发多体征情绪感知设备1800套,用以实时监测驾驶员生命体征和精神压力变化。Beijing Public Transport Group, the capital's main busoperator, recently equipped drivers — particularly those driving on highways oron long cross-provincial trips — with the monitors in an effort to raisesafety.最近,北京主要的公交运营商北京公共交通集团以高速路、跨省运营驾驶员为重点,配备了上述感知设备,以提高驾驶的安全性。 In cooperation with professional institutions, the grouphas tested more than 40,000 drivers for psychological suitability, with asecond round of driver compatibility testing alreadycompleted.该集团与专业机构合作,先期对4万余名运营驾驶员进行了心理适宜性测试。目前,已经完成第二轮驾驶员心理适宜性普测工作。With a population of over 21 million, Beijing's motorvehicle ownership, congestion and trafficintensity have all increased rapidly in recent years. As a result, accidentsinvolving buses, as well as the driving safety of drivers, have drawnincreasing attention.北京有2100多万人口,近年来机动车保有量快速增长,交通拥堵日益严重。涉及公共汽车的交通事故以及司机的驾驶安全状况也引起了越来越多的关注。"The emotion-sensing equipment is part of efforts toimprove driving safety, which demonstrates care for drivers," said WuRuidong, a news commentator. "By using science and technology to ensurepublic road safety, Beijing has set a good example for the rest of China."新闻评论员吴睿鸫表示:“情绪感知设备的应用体现了国家对提高驾驶安全性所做出的努力和对司机的关心。用科技保障公共道路安全,北京为中国其他地区树立了很好的榜样。” As early as 2018, the Transport Ministry required localtransport authorities to monitor the mental health and emotional management ofdrivers.早在2018年,交通运输部就已要求地方交通部门监测司机的心理健康和情绪管理情况。In June, the wristbands were given to drivers on someroutes in Tongzhou district and the central downtown areas.今年6月,通州区和中心城区部分路段的司机已开始佩戴这种手环。 The device resembles a watch, and monitors seven indexesincluding body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, bloodoxygen levels, exercise, blood pressure, sleep, as well as depression, anxietyand other emotional states.这款设备类似于手表,可以进行7种体征监测,包括体温、心率、呼吸频率、血氧、运动、血压、睡眠,还可以监测抑郁、焦虑等情绪状态。"All that data can be updated and also sent to thecommand center," said Yang Bin, manager of the group's safety and servicedepartment.北京公交集团安服部经理杨斌称,“这些监测数据,可以实时同步到配套的个人APP、管理版APP以及指挥大屏。” BPTG has assigned 700 staff to safety managementpositions.为了监督安全行车,公交集团配备了700余名专职行车安全管理人员。In addition, digital technology is also being promoted bythe company to improve vehicle safety and create better safety mechanisms.此外,公交集团也在推广数字技术,以提高车辆安全性,并创建更好的安全管理机制。 The group plans to install technical protection systemsin some of its vehicles this year, including 5,000 recognition systems tomonitor abnormal driver behavior and 2,000 safety warning systems.今年,公交集团计划为部分运营车辆加装技防系统,其中,安装驾驶员异常行为识别系统5000套,安装主动安全预警系统2000套。Both those systems are now included in the standardconfiguration of new vehicles. By the end of this year, 8,000 of the group'svehicles will be equipped with safety warning systems, 35 percent of its fleetand 6,500 vehicles will be equipped with abnormal behavior recognition systems,28 percent of its fleet, according to BPTG.这两种系统现在都是新车的标准配置。预计今年年底,公交集团安装主动安全预警系统的车辆将达到8000台,占车辆总数的35%,安装驾驶员异常行为识别系统车辆将达到6500台,占车辆总数的28%。Wang Hao, a 65-year-old former bus driver, said that toavoid mental fatigue is critical to reducing road accidents, decreasinginjuries and ensuring safety.65岁的前公交车司机王浩表示,避免精神疲劳对减少交通事故和伤害、确保行车安全至关重要。 "The new measures are good for both drivers andpassengers, and mark a progression for the transportation system throughadvanced technology."“这些新措施对司机和乘客都有好处,同时也标志着先进技术对于交通系统的革新。”记者:杜娟compatibility英[kəmˌpætəˈbɪləti];美[kəmˌpætəˈbɪlətɪ]n.并存,相容;兼容性congestion英[kənˈdʒestʃən];美[kənˈdʒestʃən]n.拥挤,堵车respiratory英[rəˈspɪrətri];美[ˈrespərətɔːri]adj.呼吸的