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英语新闻|推特员工“自带卫生纸”上班?马斯克:是有半天这样…Some of Twitter's remaining employees have reportedly begun bringing their own toilet paper to the office as Elon Musk implements sweeping cost-cutting measures at the company.最近,推特老板马斯克挖空了心思省钱。据外媒报道,马斯克在推特公司实施全面成本削减措施,包括解雇部分保洁人员,这导致推特员工被迫自己带卫生纸上班。Musk's scramble to save money included a move to abruptly fire janitors who worked at the company’s San Francisco headquarters. The cuts came after the janitors had gone on strike for more pay.《纽约邮报》12月30日的报道称,为了节省开支,马斯克12月突然解雇了该公司旧金山总部的一些保洁人员,这些保洁人员是在为加薪而罢工后被解雇的。Elon Musk, whose company has missed rent payments on the San Francisco office, has closed four of its floors and moved all staff onto two floors.另据英国《独立报》报道,推特还因未能完全支付该公司在旧金山办公室的租金,关闭了四个楼层的办公区域,并将所有员工搬到了两个楼层办公。The absence of janitors has "left the office in disarray," with bathrooms that have "grown dirty" and persistent smells of "leftover takeout food and body odor," the New York Times reported, citing sources familiar with the matter.《纽约时报》12月29日援引知情人士消息说,由于没有保洁人员,推特公司的“办公室一片混乱”,卫生间变得“脏兮兮的”,“吃剩的外卖(的味道)和体味”挥之不去。The report said some employees are bringing in their own toilet paper because no janitors are on hand to replace supplies.报道称,由于没有保洁人员更换公司的厕纸,一些员工只好从家里自带卫生纸。Asked on Twitter if the story was true, Musk appeared to confirm it, writing: "BYOTP! Lol, it was true for half a day."12月31日,推特上有网友转发了这篇题为“在埃隆·马斯克裁掉保洁人员后推特员工用上了自己的厕纸”的《纽约邮报》报道,并发问: “这是真新闻还是假新闻?”,马斯克回复了这名网友称,“BYOTP! 哈哈,有半天是这样的。”Other budget-conscious moves included a decision by Musk to shut down one of Twitter’s data centers in Sacramento, Calif., despite reported concerns among some employees that it could hurt the site’s performance.《纽约邮报》补充道,马斯克其他精打细算的举措还包括,决定关闭推特在加州萨克拉门托的一个数据中心,尽管一些员工担心这可能会对推特的运作造成影响。New York Post, The Independent and The New York Times have reached out to Twitter for comment. The company has eliminated its communications department.《纽约邮报》和《独立报》以及《纽约时报》均表示已联系推特寻求回应,但推特公司已经解散了其传播部。Since taking over he has fired or laid off around 75 percent of the company’s staff, leaving it with “a little over 2000 people” he told a live forum on Twitter in December last year.马斯克去年12月底在推特上的一个直播论坛上表示,自上任以来,他已经解雇或裁员了约75%的公司员工,使公司只剩“2000多人”。Janitor英[ˈdʒænɪtə(r)];美[ ˈdʒænɪtər]n. 看门人Disarray英[ˌdɪsəˈreɪ];美[ ˌdɪsəˈreɪ]n. 混乱Scramble 英[ˈskræmb(ə)l];美[ˈskræmb(ə)l]v. 争抢;抢占;争夺