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With the curtain yet to be raised on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Chinese culture has captivated Paris with the launch of the China House, which highlights for the world the country's rich history and modern achievements.在巴黎奥运会即将开幕之际,“中国之家”于7月24日在巴黎所罗门罗斯柴尔德公馆开门迎宾。Visitors to the China House can try some of the Olympic sports' earliest forms, such as pitch-pot, which tests participants' accuracy as much as modern archery by requiring them to throw arrows into a distant pot, and cuju, the ancient ball-kicking game that some consider to be a prototype of soccer.不少参观“中国之家”的游客能够在此尝试最早的奥林匹克运动,如投壶,即要求参与者将箭射入远处的壶中,从而考验参与者投掷的准确性;蹴鞠,古代一种踢球游戏,被认为是足球的原型。The China House, a pavilion set up at the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris, opened to visitors on Wednesday and has captured the attention of Parisians and others with plenty of galleries, exhibits, demonstration events and social-networking activities on the sidelines of the Summer Games.7月24日,“中国之家”正式向游客开放,吸引了不少巴黎游客和其他地区游客的注意,在本次巴黎奥运会期间,游客们可参观中国特色画廊、展区、智慧体育互动装置及和现代科技社交活动。China's profound history, tradition and culture in sports participation, dating back thousands of years, as well as sports exchanges between China and the Games' host, France, are among highlights of this year's pavilion.中国的体育方面有着深厚的历史、传统和文化,可追溯到几千年前。本次中国与法国在此次巴黎2024奥运会的体育交流,成为今年“中国之家”的亮点。The launch of the house, a routine effort by the Chinese Olympic Committee since the first "China hut" was set up during the 2004 Athens Olympics, will take advantage of Olympics exposure to promote Chinese culture and friendship with the rest of the world, according to the COC.据中国奥委会称,自2004年雅典奥运会期间创建第一个“北京小屋”以来,中国奥委会一直致力于将奥运会特色与推广中国文化和与世界各地友谊结合起来。"The China House has opened a window to our country's rich history, traditional sports culture, modern achievements and friendly exchanges with the whole world over the past 20 years," Yu Jianyong, a deputy secretary-general of the COC, said on Wednesday."This year in particular, we put a series of recent exchanges between China and France in the areas of sports and cultural development on display at the facility, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries and to hail the joint efforts between China and France to promote the Olympic Movement," said Yu. “‘中国之家’是展示中国体育发展成就和中华优秀体育文化的平台,也是促进中外友好交流、推动文明互鉴的桥梁。”国家体育总局体育器材装备中心主任、中国奥委会副秘书长于建勇说,“巴黎‘中国之家’将会和法国社会各界人士进行交流互动,并组织中法运动员在这里进行一系列活动,推动中法友谊继续迈进。”Visitors to the China House can watch a giant background screen featuring animated films that vividly depict activities by ancient Chinese such as boat diving, archery and wrestling.参观“中国之家”的游客可以在LED巨幕上观看中国特色的动画影片,生动地描绘了中国古代的体育活动,如划船、中国射道和角力(摔跤)。Exhibitions featuring artifacts, scroll painting and sculptures document the Chinese people's sports participation through the dynasties, while the country's prowess at modern Olympic Games is demonstrated with medals, trophies and commemorative pins.以文物、卷轴、壁画、和雕塑为特色的展区记录了中国古代人民参与体育运动的场景,奖牌、奖杯和纪念徽章则展示了中国在当代奥林匹克的实力。Some China House visitors who are featured in the exhibits couldn't hold back their emotions after reviewing and reliving their history-making moments.不少参观“中国之家”的游客参观者在回望中国的历史后难以抑制内心的情绪。"I've seen a lot of Chinese elements since arriving in Paris, and the sports and culture demonstration at the China House today took my breath away again," said Hui Ruoqi, a retired volleyball star who was a member of China's gold-medal women's team at 2016 Rio Olympics."I've met a lot of foreign visitors today asking me more of the stories behind the pictures on display. This has clearly shown an increasing interest around the world in the development of Chinese sports. ""Hopefully, the seeds of interest planted here will bring more foreigners to visit China and help them get to know China better," she said.前中国女子排球运动员、2016年里约奥运会女排冠军惠若琪说:“自从来到巴黎,我看到了很多中国的元素,今天在‘中国之家’看到体育和文化的展示再次让我叹为观止。今天我遇到了很多外国游客,他们向我询问一些图片背后的故事,这也代表着全世界对中国体育发展的兴趣日益浓厚。希望在这里播下的种子能吸引更多的外国人来中国旅游,帮助他们更好地了解中国。”