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The ninth World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Wednesday.11月9日,第九届世界互联网大会在浙江乌镇开幕。The world is going through tremendous changes, and some countries are doing all they can to speculate on that for their own narrow ends at the cost of creating divisions, suspicion and conflicts. In doing so, these countries deem cyberspace to be a new realm in which the law of the jungle should prevail.世界正经历巨大变化,而一些国家正竭尽全力借此进行投机,以制造分裂、猜疑和冲突为代价,达成自己的狭隘目的。这些国家把网络空间当作丛林法则主导的又一个领域。China, on the other hand, regards cyberspace as a realm for international cooperation and the internet as a means to advance the well-being of humankind. Thus it advocates that countries work together to tap the potential of the technology to the fullest.相反,中国将网络空间视为国际合作领域,将互联网视为促进人类福祉的手段。因此,中国主张各国共同努力,充分挖掘技术潜力。To facilitate this, China held the first World Internet Conference in Wuzhen in 2014. It has since become an annual event.为此,中国于2014年在乌镇召开了第一届世界互联网大会。此后,世界互联网大会成为一年一度的大会。In the congratulatory letter he sent the opening of this year's three-day event, President Xi Jinping pointed out that in the face of the opportunities and challenges brought by digitalization, the international community should step up dialogue and exchanges, deepen practical cooperation, and work together to make cyberspace more vibrant, fairer and more equitable, more open and inclusive, safer and more stable.在习近平总书记致今年大会的贺信中指出,面对数字化带来的机遇和挑战,国际社会应加强对话交流、深化务实合作,携手构建更加公平合理、开放包容、安全稳定、富有生机活力的网络空间。That is why China set up the WIC International Organization in July. Headquartered in Beijing it aims to deepen international exchanges and cooperation to promote the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace.这就是中国在7月成立世界互联网大会国际组织的原因。国际组织总部位于北京,旨在深化国际交流与合作,推动构建网络空间命运共同体。Those efforts should be supported by all countries that want cyberspace and information technology to serve the common interests of the world rather than the narrow ambitions of a few, so that the internet can contribute to the progress of human civilization, instead of accelerating its demise.所有希望网络空间和信息技术服务于世界共同利益而不是少数国家狭隘野心的国家应当支持这些努力,使互联网能够为人类文明的进步作出贡献,而非加速人类文明的灭亡。As Xi stressed, China is ready to work with other countries to embark on a global digital development path featuring shared digital resources, a vibrant digital economy, precise and efficient digital governance, thriving digital culture, strong digital security and mutually beneficial digital cooperation.正如习近平强调,中国愿同世界各国一道,携手走出一条数字资源共建共享、数字经济活力迸发、数字治理精准高效、数字文化繁荣发展、数字安全保障有力、数字合作互利共赢的全球数字发展道路。It has taken heavy costs — with the two world wars being cases in point — for humankind to come up with the current United Nations-centered multilateral world order and a series of norms governing international relations. We mustn't follow the same old disastrous road and repeat the same blunders in cyberspace.人类付出了沉重的代价——两次世界大战就是例子——才提出了当前以联合国为中心的多边世界秩序和一系列国际关系准则。我们不应重走灾难性的老路,在网络空间重复同样的错误。With the WIC, China has set the stage for all countries to come together with goodwill to draft the rules of behavior in cyberspace so it can be to the benefit of all.通过召开世界互联网大会,中国为各国共同以和平善意起草网络空间行为准则奠定了基础,从而造福于所有人民。Embark英 [ɪmˈbɑːk]  美 [ɪmˈbɑːrk]v. 开始Multilateral英 [ˌmʌltiˈlætərəl]  美 [ˌmʌltiˈlætərəl]adj. 多边的Blunder 英 [ˈblʌndə(r)]  美 [ˈblʌndər]v.犯愚蠢的错误