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United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's just-concluded visit to China showed that the world's two largest economies are beefing up in-depth, candid communication to settle differences, but more efforts are needed to yield a significant breakthrough in easing bilateral economic tensions, according to political advisers and experts.7月6日至9日,美国财政部部长珍妮特·耶伦访华。此次访华表明,中美双方正在加强深入、坦诚的沟通,以解决分歧,但是政治顾问和专家表示,要在缓解双边经济紧张局势方面取得重大突破,还需要付出更多努力。Highlighting that the US crackdown on China's tech industry could slow global economic recovery, they said Washington must give up its zero-sum mindset and respond to Beijing's key concerns, if any substantive progress is to be made.政治顾问和专家强调,美国对中国科技行业的打压可能会减缓全球经济复苏的进程,如果要取得任何实质性进展,美方必须放弃零和思维,回应中方的关键关切。Yellen ended her four-day visit to Beijing on Sunday. During her visit, she met with high-ranking officials including Vice-Premier He Lifeng.7月9日,耶伦结束了为期四天的访华之旅。在访华期间,耶伦会见了包括国务院副总理何立峰在内的高级官员。During the meeting, the vice-premier expressed concerns over US sanctions against China. 在会谈中,何立峰表达了对美方对华制裁限制措施的关切。He said the overstretching of national security does no good for normal economic and trade exchanges, Xinhua News Agency reported on Saturday.据新华社8日报道,何立峰表示,泛化国家安全不利于正常经贸往来。The talks were constructive, and the two sides agreed to strengthen communication and cooperation on addressing global challenges and maintain exchanges and interactions, according to Xinhua.据新华社报道,本次会谈具有建设性,两国同意加强沟通与合作,应对全球挑战,保持交流与互动。Finance Minister Liu Kun also met with Yellen on Saturday to exchange views on topics such as the global macroeconomic situation and the fiscal policies of the two countries.7月8日,中国财政部部长刘昆会见耶伦,双方就全球宏观经济形势和两国财政政策等话题交换了意见。Liao Min, deputy head of the Office of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs, said that during Yellen's visit, the Chinese and US economic and trade teams held candid, long meetings, and the two sides agreed to maintain communication.中央财经委员会办公室副主任廖岷表示,此次美财政部部长耶伦访华期间,中美经贸团队举行了长时间坦诚会谈,双方同意保持沟通。Zhang Tengjun, deputy director of the Department for American Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, said Yellen's candid and practical exchanges with Chinese officials are conducive to bringing the bilateral ties back to a healthy track.中国国际问题研究院美国研究所副所长张腾军表示,耶伦与中国坦诚务实的交流有助于两国关系重回健康轨道。"But it remains to be seen to what extent Yellen's visit can help allay the distrust between China and the US. The relationship cannot be repaired overnight, and more efforts are needed to tackle practical problems," Zhang said.张腾军指出:“耶伦访华能在多大程度上帮助缓解中美之间的不信任,还有待观察。两国关系不可能一蹴而就,需要更多的努力来解决实际问题。”Yellen's visit comes as China-US economic ties are plagued by broader geopolitical tensions and disputes in multiple areas, such as semiconductor technology, supply chains and debt problems.耶伦访华之际,中美经济关系正受到更广泛的地缘政治紧张局势和半导体技术、供应链和债务问题等多个领域争端的困扰。Wei Jianguo, former vice-minister of commerce, said that during the trip, Yellen emphasized that the US does not seek to decouple from China, which is in line with Washington's recent shift in rhetoric from "decoupling" to "de-risking" in key supply chains.中国国际经济交流中心副理事长、中国商务部原副部长魏建国表示,耶伦在访问期间强调,美国不寻求与中国脱钩,这与美国最近在关键供应链领域的言论从“脱钩”转向“去风险”是一致的。"But the two phrases, in essence, seem to be the same, judging from the recent practices of US coercing countries such as the Netherlands and Japan to impose stricter chip export controls on China," said Wei, who is vice-chairman of the China  魏建国说:“从最近美国强迫荷兰和日本等国家对中国实施更严格的芯片出口管制的做法来看,‘脱钩’到‘去风险’字面不同但是实质相同。”"Washington should never expect Beijing to cooperate with it in areas such as macroeconomic policies while it continues cracking down on China's high-tech industry. It must give up the zero-sum game mindset," he added.他补充:”美国永远不要在继续打击中国高科技产业的同时,期望中国在宏观经济等领域与美国合作。美方必须放弃零和游戏的思维方式。”Zhang Lianqi, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top political advisory body, said, "Apart from listening to what the US says, it is more important to see what it does."第十四届全国政协常委张连起表示:“除了听美国说什么,更重要的是看美国做什么。”According to Zhang, in order to make substantive progress in easing bilateral economic tensions, the US should respond to China's key concerns.张连起表示,为了在缓解双边经济紧张局势方面取得实质性进展,美方应该回应中方的主要关切。"Washington needs to adjust its strategy of pressuring allies to suppress China's semiconductor industry, eliminate extra tariffs imposed on Chinese products and establish a regular communication mechanism with Beijing," Zhang said.“美方需要调整向盟友施压以压制中国半导体产业的战略,取消对中国产品征收额外关税,并与中方建立定期的沟通机制”张连起说。"More efforts are also needed to reduce the risk of misunderstanding, and pave the way for future cooperation between the two countries in areas such as climate change and debt crisis," he added.张连起补充:“需要做出更多努力减少误解,为两国未来在气候变化和债务危机等领域的合作铺平道路。”The comments come as the world closely watches how China-US ties will move forward, as industrial decoupling between the two sides would pose a huge risk to global economic recovery.中美工业脱钩将给全球经济复苏带来巨大风险,世界正密切关注中美关系的发展。The International Monetary Fund estimated that economic decoupling could cost anything between a manageable 0.2 percent of world GDP and an alarming 7 percent.据国际货币基金组织估计,经济脱钩将导致全球GDP减少可控的0.2%至惊人的7%之间。"In general, technological decoupling is very expensive for not just Asia but also for the rest of the world," said Krishna Srinivasan, director of the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department.国际货币基金组织亚太部主任克里希纳·斯里尼瓦桑说:“总体而言,技术脱钩将让亚洲乃至全球其他地区付出高昂的代价。”Su Jian, director of the 13th Central Economic Committee of the China Democratic League, said: "To break the standoff, the key is for the US to stop abusing the concept of national security concerns, and let trade be trade. That is the prerequisite for more in-depth discussions."第十三届民盟中央经济委员会主任苏剑表示:“美国停止滥用国家安全关切的概念让贸易回归初心是打破僵局的关键,也是进行更深入讨论的先决条件。”Amid the current Chin a-US ties, as long as communication exists between the two sides, it is beneficial to the world, Su said, adding that "in fact, communication itself is a good result, and more high-level exchanges can be expected in the future".苏剑认为,在当前中美关系情况下,只要双方之间存在沟通就对世界有利,事实上,沟通本身就是一个好结果,未来可以期待更多中美之间的高层交流。Yao Yang, president of the National School of Development at Peking University, said at the Global Forum of Finance and Economics on Saturday in Beijing that last year, the trade volume between China and the US had already recovered to the level before 2018, despite a string of extra trade tariffs that Washington imposed on China.北京大学国家发展研究院院长姚洋8日在全球财经论坛上表示,尽管美国对中国征收了一系列额外的贸易关税,但是2022年中美贸易额已经恢复到2018年之前的水平。Now, China accounts for more than 14 percent of the world's trade volume, higher than the pre-COVID-19 level of 12 percent, Yao said.姚洋表示,目前中国贸易额占世界的14%以上,高于疫情前的12%。Economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University in New York, said a lot of the tension between the US and China arises from the US side.美国纽约哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心主任、经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯表示,美中之间的紧张关系很大程度上源于美方。Economics is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win cooperative game," he said.萨克斯指出:“经济学不是零和游戏,而是合作共赢的游戏。”Talk英 /tɔːk/美 /tɔːk/n. 对话Economic英 /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/美 /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk/adj. 经济的Effort英 /ˈefət/美 /ˈefərt/n. 努力Zero-sum英 /ˈziərəuˈsʌm/美 /'ziro'sʌm/adj. 零和的